هل نقص فيتامين ب12 هو السبب؟

كل ما تقدم بك العمر تقل قدرة جسمك  على امتصاص فيتامين ب 12  أو تبطأ أو تتناقص – و لكنه ليس تقدم العمر وحده أيضا عدم تناول اللحوم الصحية تناول بعض الأدوية مثل عقار الجلوكوفاج  و عقاقير الحموضة و مختلف حبوب المعدة جراحات المعدة بكل أشكالها الريجيم كل هذه سيدخلك في مشاعر مختلفة و أعراض مرضية […]

Distracted by Multitasking? Try Mindfulness

Sean’s coworkers used to be impressed with how he could scan through sales data and compose an email message while talking on the phone about an ad campaign with someone from marketing. They wondered if multitasking could help them get more work done. Then, they noticed Sean didn’t hit his performance goals. Are multitasking pros […]

Understanding the Law of Opposites

The Law of Opposites states that the path to success requires going against the norm. It requires doing the unpopular, the unreasonable, and the unorthodox. Moreover, it requires being the exception to the rule and not following standard and accepted practices, traditions, and rituals. The Law of Opposites suggests that the only way you will […]