This is the secret behind this book, with the goal of trying to encode the material in your mind and retrieve it by pictures illustrations as well as simplified words.
You will find this book sometimes humorous other times funny and most of the time palatable. You can read it while you are in bus, in train or even in bed. For more joy and pleasure while you are reading psychology you can have at least one text book from those refrenced here. It is suitable for undergraduate medical students . And even for post graduate it can give a great aid for prompt recalling of topic.
Enjoy your time and quick guideline to psychology.
Basic Brain structures
Psycho-sensory areas in the cerbral cortex
Reticular formation
s a network of nerve fibers extending from the brain stem to the cerebrum.
It is involved in the arousal and activation
Limbic system
Is the cingulate gyrus, amygdala, hippocampus,orbitofrontal gyrus hypothalamus (Memory stores) and mamillary bodies .
It is involved in emotional and motivational reaction.