للتوحد قصة منسية
منذ ما يقرب 50 سنة و على وجه التحديد في عام 1943 .. كان هناك طبيب أطفال أمريكي نابه اسمه ليو كانر يعمل في مستشفى جونز هوبكينز كتب مقال يصف 11 حالة لأطفال مرضى يعيشون مع أنفسهم في عالم خاص بهم على حد تعبيره – لا […]
Read Moreمنذ ما يقرب 50 سنة و على وجه التحديد في عام 1943 .. كان هناك طبيب أطفال أمريكي نابه اسمه ليو كانر يعمل في مستشفى جونز هوبكينز كتب مقال يصف 11 حالة لأطفال مرضى يعيشون مع أنفسهم في عالم خاص بهم على حد تعبيره – لا […]
Read MoreCaring for a person with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease presents a range of challenges. Spouses, family members, and friends must deal with feelings of loss as the person they know seems to slip away. Supporting a loved one with basic activities of daily living can be […]
Read MoreDid you know that 42% of US children ages 0 to 8 have their own mobile device? Essentially all homes had a mobile device, up from half in 2011. Ninety-five percent of homes had a smartphone, 78% had a tablet, and, as I said before, 42% of […]
Read MoreLately, I’ve been checking the number of steps I take each day. It’s not hard to do. My phone tracks it without me even asking it to. It also tracks the number of flights of stairs I’ve climbed and the number of miles I covered. […]
Read MoreWhat Is Speed Reading? Speed reading is the process of rapidly recognizing and absorbing phrases or sentences on a page all at once, rather than identifying individual words. The amount of information that we process seems to be growing by the day, whether it’s emails, reports, […]
Read MoreAttitudes about sexuality and aging Fantasies can help rev up your sex life. Myths, on the other hand, can stop desire dead in its tracks. Such myths aren’t the legends from classical history. They’re the stories we tell ourselves and each other to support the notion […]
Read MoreThe bladder workout: Tame incontinence without surgery An overactive bladder (also known as urge incontinence) causes a sudden urge to urinate, even when your bladder isn’t full. For some people, it’s simply a nuisance. For others, the urge can’t be controlled, which leads not only to […]
Read MoreIt does not adequately inform psychiatric practitioners about the many clinical and biologic features shared across the various diagnostic categories. It does not do justice to the galloping advances in the neurobiology of psychiatric brain disorders and the wealth of potential biomarkers that will eventually endow […]
Read Moreloqman index[1]
Read MoreStay ahead of foot problems by inspecting your feet regularly, keeping them flexible, and wearing the right shoes. Feet are the unsung heroes of mobility, and it’s crucial to keep them healthy. Even minor problems with your feet — such as an ingrown toenail or a […]
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