آلام الظهر و غضروف الفقرات القطنية
تعالى نكتب العلاج اتعود تشد القامة و تكون وقفتك مشدودة والمشي كمان صح .. مفرود اتعود تشيل صح اتعود تجلس صح في الجلسات الطويلة ارجع للوراء ..كالطائرة و العمل احترس من السقوط ممكن […]
Read Moreتعالى نكتب العلاج اتعود تشد القامة و تكون وقفتك مشدودة والمشي كمان صح .. مفرود اتعود تشيل صح اتعود تجلس صح في الجلسات الطويلة ارجع للوراء ..كالطائرة و العمل احترس من السقوط ممكن […]
Read Moreكثير منا يشكو من آلام الظهر و يسمع انه من الفقرات القطنية و الغضاريف .. فما هي
Read MoreJust weight control can save you from stroke , new studies confirm. How to do this, here are simple steps you can adopt. Move more. Exercise is one obvious way to burn off calories. But another approach is to increase your everyday activity wherever you […]
Read More.. انتشر الشات في بيوتنا جميعا و أصبح بابا يصعب غلقة فهو وسيلة تواصل لم يكن يحلم بها الجيل السابق و لا يتخيلها الجيل الحالي ويمكنها أيضا ان تكون نهرا من الخير الغير مسبوق في تاريخ البشر و..لكن هو مصدر ازعاج بين أفراد الاسرة الواحدة .. […]
Read MoreWhat is it? The concept of “Personalization” can easily be understood from taking a closer look at some of the existing digital technologies that all of us use. For instance, from the browser that you use to roam the Internet, to the email and messaging systems […]
Read MoreHere are some guidelines to follow when straight calorie counting is impractical.Counting calories is one of the most reliable ways to maintain or lose weight. But it’s not always easy to do when you’re out and about or pressed for time — and there are plenty […]
Read MoreYour Complicated brain Because you do have a much more complicated brain than a simple reward and punishment system, there is no simple answer to what will actually motivate you. Everyone is different, and will be motivated by different things. However, there are some general, scientifically […]
Read MoreMuscle pain.Aching or sore neck and shoulder muscles may occur in response to overexertion or prolonged physical or emotional stress. The neck muscles may develop hard knots that are tender to the touch, sometimes called trigger points. Muscle spasm.This is a sudden, powerful tightening of neck […]
Read MoreDo you sometimes feel like the Energizer Bunny when his battery runs low? You might start the day strong, but by midafternoon, you can’t quite keep going and going. Fatigue afflicts everyone at one time or another. Assuming your doctor has ruled out serious medical causes, […]
Read More1. Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight affects your feet by putting greater force on them with each step. It can also increase your risk of having a condition like arthritis in the feet and worsen pain from other foot problems. Being overweight can also harm […]
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