Avoid Procrastination

Avoid Becoming An All-Nighter

The idea of studying late night with your classmates might be tempting but you’ll likely to waste the time in futile chitchats or grapevines.

Also, your friend’s growth might put you off as opposed to inspiring you. Studying in a squad is a good idea when everybody has learned their lessons. After that, it only results in a criminal waste of time.

Choose What Works For You

Each student has their own style of learning. There are students who like to pull attention charts and there are some who use cheerful labels, while others prefer learning through audio and video content. Don’t follow what others claim to be in effect and rather you should use ‘trial and error’ technique to find out what works best for you.

For example, if you have a photographic memory that captures everything. It would likely to make sense if you read more and locate the most significant bits with your stationery (little stickers, markers). If you’re an auditory type of student, you should record the lectures earlier and attend them over and over again until you memorize the materials. Reading out loud is also an effective technique to memorize lessons.

Set The Deadlines

Working too much can miss the definite time restrictions (“I need to write 10 000 words by the next month”). It can be extremely unproductive as you won’t be able to trail your headway and will likely delay the work if you feel like you’re far overdue.

For maximum competence, you should separate your work into equivalent portions and prize yourself after every minor win For example; you can achieve it by viewing an episode of a favorite TV show. The trick here is to avoid biting more than you can swallow.

Rather you should approach your work truthfully. Also, don’t give yourself too much time as the less time you’ll have, the more dedicated you will be.

Work When You Are Alert

Most of us dislike awakening up early but culture and school have tricked us into thinking that this is the one method you can be real. Well, what if you start working at noon and complete in future, let’s say at 9 PM instead of being tired for the entire day and feeling fatigued by lunch? Listen to your body clock and notice when you yawn fewer. Don’t anguish yourself with Red Bulls and espressos, it’s better to sleep for a couple more hours and stay attentive for extended later that day.

Don’t Stress Too Much

Every time you feel nervous and de-motivated, try to be truthful and contemplate numerous situations of what will occur if you prosper/fail in this specific job. Will it be the end of the world for you if you don’t pass this tremendously complex figures test? Confidently it doesn’t mean that you should not care, but don’t pressure too abundant about the marks – ask any graduate what occurred after they unsuccessful an exam and you’ll probably hear…: “nothing really”.

Eat Healthy & Exercise

OK, this tip is as ancient as time – escaping sugary drinks and junk food can significantly increase your performance as your blood sugar ranks won’t jump like senseless. Go for fish, nuts, whole grains and berries. And no, that flapjack from a library vending machine isn’t the finest option – it has more sugar than a Snickers bar!

Published by Dr.Adel Serag

Dr. Adel Serag is a senior consultant psychiatrist , working clinical psychiatry over 30 years.