Multiple Intelligences

1 What Are Multiple Intelligences?
A creative brain with gears
Image by Catherine MacBride/Moment/Getty Images
When you hear the word intelligence, the concept of IQ testing may immediately come to mind. Intelligence is often defined as our intellectual potential; something we are born with, something that can be measured and a capacity that is difficult to change. In recent years, however, other views of intelligence have emerged. One such conception is the theory of multiple intelligences proposed by Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner.

This theory suggests that traditional psychometric views of intelligence are too limited. Gardner first outlined his theory in his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, where he suggested that all people have different kinds of “intelligences.” Gardner proposed that there are eight intelligences, and has suggested the possible addition of a ninth known as “existentialist intelligence”.

In order to capture the full range of abilities and talents that people possess, Gardner suggests that people do not have just an intellectual capacity, but have many intelligences including musical, interpersonal, spatial-visual and linguistic intelligences.

While a person might be particularly strong in a specific area, such as musical intelligence, they most likely possess a range of abilities. For example, an individual might be strong in verbal, musical and naturalistic intelligence.

Gardner’s theory has come under criticism from both psychologists and educators. These critics argue that Gardner’s definition of intelligence is too broad, and that his eight different “intelligences” simply represent talents, personality traits and abilities. Gardner’s theory also suffers from a lack of supporting empirical research.

Despite this, the theory of multiple intelligences enjoys considerable popularity with educators. Many teachers utilize multiple intelligences in their teaching philosophy and work to integrate Gardner’s theory into the classroom.

Learn more about the multiple intelligences can help you better understand your own strengths. Continue reading to learn more about the major characteristics of each type of intelligence, and if you still aren’t sure, this quiz can help you figure it out!

2 Visual-Spatial Intelligence


People who are strong in visual-spatial intelligence are good a visualizing things. These individuals are often good with directions as well as maps, charts, videos and pictures.

Characteristics of Visual-Spatial Intelligence
Enjoy reading and writing
Good at putting puzzles together
Good at interpreting pictures, graphs and charts
Enjoys drawing, painting and the visual arts
Recognizes patterns easily
Potential Career Choices

3 Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence


People who are strong in linguistic-verbal intelligence are able to use words well, both when writing and speaking. These individuals are typically very good at writing stories, memorizing information and reading.

Characteristics of Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence
Good at remembering written and spoken information
Enjoys reading and writing
Good at debating or giving persuasive speeches
Able to explain things well
Often uses humor when telling stories
Potential Career Choices
Writer / Journalist

4 Logical – Mathematical Intelligence


People who are strong in logical-mathematical intelligence are good at reasoning, recognizing patterns and logically analyze problems. These individuals tend to think conceptually about numbers, relationships, and patterns.

Characteristics of Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Excellent problem-solving skills
Enjoys thinking about abstract ideas
Likes conducting scientific experiments
Good and solving complex computations
Potential Career Choices
Computer programmer
5 Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence


Those who have high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence are said to be good at body movement, performing actions and physical control. People who are strong in this area tend to have excellent hand-eye coordination and dexterity.

Characteristics of Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Good at dancing and sports
Enjoy creating things with their hands
Excellent physical coordination
Tends to remember by doing, rather than hearing or seeing
Potential Career Choices
6 Musical Intelligence


People who have strong musical intelligence are good and thinking in patterns, rhythms, and sounds. They have a strong appreciation for music and are often good at musical composition and performance.

Characteristics of Musical Intelligence
Enjoy singing and playing musical instruments
Recognizes musical patterns and tones easily
Good at remembering songs and melodies
Rich understanding of musical structure, rhythm and notes
Potential Career Choices
Music Teacher
7 Interpersonal Intelligence


Those who have strong interpersonal intelligence are good understanding and interacting with other people. These individuals are skilled at assessing the emotions, motivations, desires and intentions of those around them.

Characteristics of Interpersonal Intelligence
Good at communicating verbally
Skilled at nonverbal communication
See situations from different perspectives
Create positive relationships with others
Good at resolving conflict in groups
Potential Career Choices
Sales person
8 Intrapersonal Intelligence


Individuals who are strong in intrapersonal intelligence are good at being aware of their own emotional states, feelings, and motivations. They tend to enjoy self-reflection and analysis, including daydreaming, exploring relationships with others and assessing their personal strengths.

Characteristics of Intrapersonal Intelligence
Good at analyzing their strengths and weaknesses
Enjoys analyzing theories and ideas
Excellent self-awareness
Clearly understands the basis for their own motivations and feelings
Potential Career Choices
9 Naturalistic Intelligence


Naturalistic is the most recent addition to Gardner’s theory and has been met with more resistance than his original seven intelligences. According to Gardner, individuals who are high in this type of intelligence are more in tune with nature and are often interested in nurturing, exploring the environment and learning about other species. These individuals are said to be highly aware of even subtle changes to their environments.

Characteristics of Naturalistic Intelligence
Interested in subjects such as botany, biology, and zoology
Good at categorizing and cataloging information easily
May enjoy camping, gardening, hiking and exploring the outdoors
Doesn’t enjoy learning unfamiliar topics that have no connection to nature
Potential Career Choices

1 Gardner, H. (1983) Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books.

2 Gardner, H. (2004). A Multiplicity of Intelligences.

3 Gardner, H. (2001). The Three Faces of Intelligence.

4 Waterhouse, L. (2006a). Multiple Intelligences, the Mozart Effect, and Emotional Intelligence: A critical review. Educational Psychologist, 41(4), Fall 2006, pp. 207-225.

5 Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century. New York: Basic Books.brainf

Published by Dr.Adel Serag

Dr. Adel Serag is a senior consultant psychiatrist , working clinical psychiatry over 30 years.