strengthen your core

These simple items can help you

You needn’t spend a cent on fancy equipment to get a good workout. A standing core workout and floor core workout rely on body weight alone. With the help of some simple equipment, you can diversify and ramp up your workouts

. To start, consider buying only what you need for the specific workout you’d like to do.

If you have a gym membership, use the facility’s equipment. Here is a description of all of the equipment used in the six workouts designed by Harvard experts and found in our report Core Excerises.

  • Chair.

  • dining-chairs
  • Choose a sturdy chair that won’t tip over easily. A plain wooden dining chair without arms or heavy padding works well.

  • Mat.

  • YogaMat yoga-mat-rolled-cropped
  • Use a nonslip, well-padded mat. Yoga mats are readily available. A thick carpet or towels will do in a pinch.

  • Yoga strap.

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  • Yoga-Straps-Photos



  • This is a non-elastic cotton or nylon strap of six feet or longer that helps you position your body properly during certain stretches, or while doing the easier variation of a stretch. Choose a strap with a D-ring or buckle fastener on one end. This allows you to put a loop around a foot or leg and then grasp the other end of the strap.




  • Medicine balls.

  • MedBalls Weight Balls woman-crunches-swiss-ball
  • Similar in size to a soccer ball or basketball, medicine balls come in different weights. Some have a handle on top. A 4-pound to 6-pound medicine ball is a good start for most people.

  • Bosu.

  • squat2 squat bosu-dynamic-plank
  • A Bosu Balance Trainer is essentially half a stability ball mounted on a heavy rubber platform that holds the ball firmly in place.

Published by Dr.Adel Serag

Dr. Adel Serag is a senior consultant psychiatrist , working clinical psychiatry over 30 years.