We all are guilty of it at some point in our lives…We compare ourselves to others and gauge where we are, based on what we observe others to be doing.

And let’s face it…

Comparing ourselves to others, idealizing their best qualities while underestimating our own… is a self-sabotaging habit, which only hurts us in the end.

What you should instead focus on is continually learning, improving, growing, and moving towards the highest possible version of yourself.

Living with fulfillment, abundance and joy is not about piecing together images from other people’s lives, but creating our own best life.

So the next time you find yourself comparing your life to someone else’s, practice these 5 steps:

Step 1: Be aware – Remember that your thoughts are under your control, so the first step is to become aware when you start comparing yourself to other people.

Take a moment to be conscious and ask yourself why you feel that way. Usually when you feel jealous or inferior, it’s actually something that you’re unhappy with inside yourself. When you address why you feel that way, you’ll be in a much better place to overcome it.

Step 2: Practice gratitude – Instead of focusing on what others have that you don’t, focus on what you DO have and be grateful for it. Gratitude is so important and one of the fastest ways to shift yourself into a positive vibration.

Step 3: Focus on your strengths – Each of us have unique strengths and talents, so stop discrediting them! Next time you start thinking about someone else’s successes, take a second and remember what you do well and be proud of yourself.

Step 4: Accept imperfection – No one is perfect. If you don’t learn to accept your imperfections, you’ll drive yourself crazy 🙂 The less time you spend zeroing in on your tiny ‘imperfection’, the less time it’s there. The only reason you can always see it is because you’re always looking for it.

Step 5: Concentrate on your own journey – Your life experiences are different to anyone else’s. You are unique and so is your journey. Take time to decide what truly makes YOU happy and what YOU want to accomplish, not what you think you should do or what others are doing.

Remember, comparing yourself to others is nothing more than a bad habit, and one that you can break!

So the next time you find your mind wandering to how others look, what they’re doing or how successful they are…

Try out these 5 steps to shift your mind back to all of the amazing things about yourself and your life 🙂

Published by Dr.Adel Serag

Dr. Adel Serag is a senior consultant psychiatrist , working clinical psychiatry over 30 years.

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