مشكلة فتاه رهاب اجتماعي بالفصل

السلام عليكم دكتور ..عادل سراج انا فتاة في سنها 16.. اعاني من الرهاب الاجتماعي مند ازيد من 5سنوات.. في بداية الامر كنت ارتبك كثييييييرا عند تقديمي لعرض امام تلامدة القسم .. فيظطرب تنفسي و تزداد دقات قلبي و تصبح ساقاي ترتعدان بشكل غريب و يظهر الارتباك خاصة على مستوى صوتي .. فاضطر لانهاء العرض  باقصى […]

DSM 5 – Fully expalined -Task Force Members

  Darrel A. REGIER Darrel A. Regier, M.D., M.P.H. Director, APA Division of Research Executive Director, APIRE Vice-Chair, DSM-V Task Force American Psychiatric Association Virginia, USA Email: [email protected] Regier, M.D., M.P.H has served for the past ten years as Executive Director of the American Psychiatric Institute for Research and Education (APIRE), as well as Director, […]

ابنتي تخاف ولا تبتعد عني؟

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته دكتور انا عندي بنت عمرها 4 سنوات 8 اشهر تخاف كثير من الخروج وحدها ولا تذهب مع اختها للعب مع بنات الجيران لاتخرج للعب لا معي تخاف فقداني كثيرا حتى اني ادخلتها للروضه وكانت لاتجلس حتى اجلس ولا تكتب مع المعلمه حتى اكون بجانبها لاتحدث عند الغرباء وتخاف منهم تحدثت […]

How can you help your Bipolar friend?

1. Never give up hopeLooking back, the first 10 years of my more than two decades of dealing with bipolar disorder were a seemingly insurmountable struggle, but my loved ones never gave up hope. Despite a situation that often created frustration and hopelessness, they never doubted my recovery. Today, they continue to instill that same […]

Self Improvement: Presentation mistakes

  Avoid  Presentation Mistakes Most of us have experienced dull, irrelevant, or confusing presentations. But think back to the last really great presentation you saw – one that was informative, motivating, and inspiring. Wouldn’t you love to be able to present like that? This article looks at 10 of the most common mistakes that speakers […]

simple ways to boost your energy

Do you sometimes feel like the Energizer Bunny when his battery runs low? You might start the day strong, but by midafternoon, you can’t quite keep going and going. Fatigue afflicts everyone at one time or another. Assuming your doctor has ruled out serious medical causes, there are a few basic steps you can take […]

Develop Self esteem

“ can you live with failure??’”  Have you ever considered how much time and energy you spend building walls and disguises? Do your family, friends, or even your spouse really know who you are — stripped down to your fears, your shame, your limitations? Can you even admit these things to yourself?         […]

Best time of the day for best brain power

We fluctuate over the course of a day. Did you know that your brain obeys its own rhythm too? It’s based largely on your human clock, sleep pattern, exposure to light, and genetic makeup — and getting in a groove with its tempo can make you healthier, happier, and have more energy. You can burn […]

Maslow’s Self actualization theory= The human six needs

The Six Human Needs The Six Human Needs were originally introduced by Anthony Robbins. Tony had always been fascinated with human motivation and behavior. As a result he studied Neural Linguistic Programming, Cognitive Therapy, Gestalt Therapy and many other therapies of the time. However, even after all his research and the effort he put into […]

Fight to relief your stress

Are You Feeling Stressed? All of us experience stress of one form or another throughout our lives. It’s often an uncomfortable and overwhelming feeling resulting from a lack of control we feel we have over our environment and/or circumstances. There’s just so much going on, there’s just so much to do, time is running out, […]

Career Success

How to Achieve Career Success Do you have high aspirations for your life? Do you dream about moving up the career ladder but don’t know what to do or how to begin? Or maybe you’re feeling a little overwhelmed because every time you take a step forward, you seem to be pushed two steps back. […]

Success , The road to succeed

The Pillars of Success There are many great books you could read about success and achievement. However, who really has the time to read all these books? Sometimes we get so caught up in reading and trying to learn and retain all this information that we forget about actually “doing” and taking the necessary actions […]

Fight against Panic attacks

Help! I’m Having a Panic Attack! Panic attacks are sudden uncontrollable bouts of fear that can be experienced at any time. They are brief surges of intense anxiety often enhanced by stress and worrisome thoughts. This anxiety can quickly get out of hand and turn into an uncontrollable panic attack. Within this state-of-mind we tend […]

Handle difficult people

How to Handle Difficult People A bully at your work is difficult for you to face. He is demanding you do part of his job without pay or credit. How do you handle it? Your neighbors are constantly fighting. They wake you up in the middle of the night with their screams and curses. What […]

Personal Power

Personal Power Tip The greater your personal power, the greater your success. How can you increase your personal power “Power is contained in the ability to maintain a position in space. Maintain your position in space otherwise you will lose your power.” — Try this demonstration: Put a coin on your desk. Move it around with […]

How your brain decide, behave and interact?

What in the world are meta-programs? Meta-programs are mental shortcuts that direct your decisions, behaviors, actions and interactions with others. They are internal representations of your external experience of reality. They determine how your brain pays attention to things and what it pays attention to. It’s a form of pattern recognition, where your brain attempts […]

Hints On managing Obsessive symptoms in Schizophrenic Patient

Insight:   • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) with poor insight should be considered a severe form of OCD and not be mistaken for a primary psychotic disorder; a careful history is required to ascertain for insight in previous OCD exacerbations • OCD with poor insight may respond to treatment with an SSRI without the addition of […]

Simply to sleep better

10 tips that will make everybody sleep better   It’s estimated that an average 80 year old man sleeps 25 years, just under one third of his life. There is no satisfying answer to why the human organism needs to disconnect from reality during sleep, but one thing’s for sure: it’s one of the most […]

Practical Tips for Solving Your Problems More Easily

TRY TO   Accept the problem. This is the one you can  try to do first when I run into a problem and I use it almost every time. When you accept that the problem already exists and stop resisting then you also stop putting more energy into the problem and “feeding it”. Now it just […]

Ideas For Sale. How can You create more ideas

Creativity is a strange, elusive creature. Sometimes is flowing like a river. Sometimes it’s all dried up and nowhere to be found. Here are some thoughts and ideas that I like and have found useful to spark or improve my own creativity. Most of them are pretty obvious, like so much advice, but I have […]

Improve your Self-Concept

What is a Self-Concept? A self-concept is an understanding you have of yourself that’s based on your personal experiences, body image, the thoughts you have about yourself, and how you tend to label yourself in different situations. A self-concept can also be defined as an all encompassing awareness you had of yourself in the past; […]

Can you be Managerial Thinker

The Managerial Blue Hat Thinker An effective problem solver has to have a means of managing and directing their thought process in a proactive way. Likewise, they must have a way of processing and guiding each of their thoughts in a neutral and unbiased manner that’s focused on improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the […]