Mind body connection

The Mind, Body, Spirit Connection There are three distinctive parts of being human. These three parts include the mind, the body and the spirit. Each part of you has a role, it has a function, and it has a purpose to play. The role that each part plays helps drive every decision you make and […]

How your brain decide, behave and interact?

What in the world are meta-programs? Meta-programs are mental shortcuts that direct your decisions, behaviors, actions and interactions with others. They are internal representations of your external experience of reality. They determine how your brain pays attention to things and what it pays attention to. It’s a form of pattern recognition, where your brain attempts […]

The 6 hats thinkers

The Managerial Blue Hat Thinker An effective problem solver has to have a means of managing and directing their thought process in a proactive way. Likewise, they must have a way of processing and guiding each of their thoughts in a neutral and unbiased manner that’s focused on improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the […]