Read 3 books together and remember them

A few months back, while trying to recall some information, I came to realise that I often only remember a hazy outline of the books I read. This really bothered me – as trivial as it may seem, I couldn’t accept that after investing countless hours reading, I could only remember an outline of a […]

7 Cs of communication

According to the 7 Cs, communication needs to be: Clear. Concise. Concrete. Correct. Coherent. Complete. Courteous. In this article, we look at each of the 7 Cs of Communication, and we’ll illustrate each element with both good and bad examples. 1. Clear When writing or speaking to someone, be clear about your goal or message. […]

Develop Self esteem

“ can you live with failure??’”  Have you ever considered how much time and energy you spend building walls and disguises? Do your family, friends, or even your spouse really know who you are — stripped down to your fears, your shame, your limitations? Can you even admit these things to yourself?         […]


4 simple ways to boost your energy Some days, do you feel like the Energizer Bunny with a weak battery? You start strong, but by midafternoon you can’t quite keep going and going. Fatigue afflicts everyone at one time or another. Assuming your doctor has ruled out serious medical causes, there are a few basic […]

Your balance affected by medication= Keep erect Posture!

  Medications make a difference — generally a positive one — in the lives of many people. Insulin keeps blood sugar under control, cholesterol-lowering drugs can reduce the chances of having a heart attack, and thyroid medication can restore a normal hormone level. These are but a few examples. At the same time, all drugs […]

Double your memory in 5 minutes

As you’re on your way to work, for a duration of 5 minutes…   at every 30 seconds you glance quickly at something passing by then look away… …and then try to remember what you saw as vividly as you can.   Do this simple exercise 5 minutes each day for the next 5 days […]

Best time of the day for best brain power

We fluctuate over the course of a day. Did you know that your brain obeys its own rhythm too? It’s based largely on your human clock, sleep pattern, exposure to light, and genetic makeup — and getting in a groove with its tempo can make you healthier, happier, and have more energy. You can burn […]

Rules for better life

1. Accept everything just the way it is Acceptance is the way to instant happiness so always try to apply acceptance into your life. If you aren’t accepting things then you simply resist it, resistance causes internal conflict and tends to lead to negative emotions or downward spirals. Often things we refuse to accept and […]

3 simple steps toward weight loss

  Do you dream of being the same size you were in high school or when you got married? That will take work if it means losing a lot of weight. Don’t rush. Setting small, realistic goals will get the scale moving in the right direction. Start by trying to lose 5% to 10% of […]

Borderline, Bipolar mood disorder or both

A full lecture in 2 parts presented by Dr. Adel Serag for Psychiatrists. Is it bipolar mood disorder or borderline personality or both? What are the different ways of differentiation and management     Lecture is given in 2 parts, discussing the illness monograph of a psychiatric patient with borderline traits and showed fully morbid […]

Bad Habits=Bad life. How to get rid of unwanted habits

The Formation of a Habit We all have things that we habitually do throughout the day. These are things we’ve done time and again over the course of many weeks, months and years. They are the things that no longer require any conscious thought or attention. We do them because they are familiar, they feel […]

Fight to relief your stress

Are You Feeling Stressed? All of us experience stress of one form or another throughout our lives. It’s often an uncomfortable and overwhelming feeling resulting from a lack of control we feel we have over our environment and/or circumstances. There’s just so much going on, there’s just so much to do, time is running out, […]

steps to stop panic attack

Important Information For Overcoming Panic Before describing some of the more effective panic prevention strategies, it’s important to discuss some of the issues that stand in the way of recovery. You need to be aware of these issues before you can expect your panic attacks to stop. Make sure you’re aware of the following: Hypersensitivity – […]

Career Success

How to Achieve Career Success Do you have high aspirations for your life? Do you dream about moving up the career ladder but don’t know what to do or how to begin? Or maybe you’re feeling a little overwhelmed because every time you take a step forward, you seem to be pushed two steps back. […]

Success , The road to succeed

The Pillars of Success There are many great books you could read about success and achievement. However, who really has the time to read all these books? Sometimes we get so caught up in reading and trying to learn and retain all this information that we forget about actually “doing” and taking the necessary actions […]

Fight against Panic attacks

Help! I’m Having a Panic Attack! Panic attacks are sudden uncontrollable bouts of fear that can be experienced at any time. They are brief surges of intense anxiety often enhanced by stress and worrisome thoughts. This anxiety can quickly get out of hand and turn into an uncontrollable panic attack. Within this state-of-mind we tend […]

Living with risks!What is Uncertain? Your plan of action

Here’s How to Embrace Uncertainty   Progress always involves risks. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first. — Frederick B. Wilcox — Therefore always ask yourself: Moving forward, how could I minimize the risks? How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing […]

5 Ways to Stay Present + Worry-Free

1. Pay attention to thoughts.   More than I should, I let my my mind wander away from the present. Thoughts can become so clear and certain that they seem like fact — even when they are about things that haven’t happened yet. When I realize what I’m thinking, and how now present-minded it is, […]

Mistakes after doing a mistake

1) Refuse to admit that mistakes had been done Some people are so egoistic that they will never accept the fact that they had made a mistake. For this type of people, mistakes are signs of weakness and being the egoist that they are, they will never admit to that. Another type of people who […]

Think Simply

Have you ever felt mentally blocked from finding a solution to a problem you are facing? Most of us have had this experience, and it can be quite frustrating. Writers call it writer’s block, and the rest of us call it stumped, stymied, confused, etc. Brainstorming is one effective tool for helping to remove the […]

Make More Control

How to Take More Control Like money or nuclear power, control can be used for good or evil. You can use it to harm, suppress or destroy lives. Or you can use it to help people, increase your income and improve the world around you. Negative, destructive control gives control a bad name. Yet positive, […]

Model succesful people

Psychological modeling is a form of copying or mirroring the behavior of another person. This can be done on a conscious level of awareness, however we often tend to do this at an unconscious level of awareness during our day-to-day interactions with others. There’s a theory which states that you will only be as successful […]

Negotiate Better

The Negotiator’s Mindset The mindset you bring into each and every negotiation is just as important as the techniques, tactics and tools you use throughout the negotiation process. For this reason we will break down the essential mindset that is required for effective negotiation. Later we will analyze the strategies and tools that will support […]

How your brain decide, behave and interact?

What in the world are meta-programs? Meta-programs are mental shortcuts that direct your decisions, behaviors, actions and interactions with others. They are internal representations of your external experience of reality. They determine how your brain pays attention to things and what it pays attention to. It’s a form of pattern recognition, where your brain attempts […]