Bad Habits=Bad life. How to get rid of unwanted habits

The Formation of a Habit We all have things that we habitually do throughout the day. These are things we’ve done time and again over the course of many weeks, months and years. They are the things that no longer require any conscious thought or attention. We do them because they are familiar, they feel […]

How to Overcome Frustration?

Are You Feeling Frustrated? Are you feeling frustrated? If you are then it probably means that your circumstances are not panning out as you had expected. You are being held back from what you want, and the solutions you are after seem just out of reach. You’re so close, yet still so far, and still […]

How to stop Guilt feelings and do for yourself?

Are you feeling guilty about something? Maybe you’re feeling guilty because you failed to live up to your personal expectations. Maybe it’s because you failed to live up to other people’s expectations of you. Maybe you did something hurtful to someone else, or maybe you embarrassed someone or wronged others in some way. Or maybe […]