Evolution of the brain: Psychiatrist and Mind

Professor Ahmed Okasha, gives a full lecture about psychiatry, mind and the brain. Evolution of the human brain from psychiatric point of view. Lecture is mostly in arabic for everyone working in the field of psychiatry, psychology , medicine and anthropology as well. It is a global view , comparative , analyzing and critical thinking. […]

Visualization and imagination will work with you!

WHAT IS VISUALIZATION? In laymen’s terms, it means recreating all the images, sounds and feelings in your mind surrounding an activity in order to practice in a perfect environment. It may sound hard, but let me prove to you that you can do it. Take a couple of minutes to close your eyes and imagine […]

Double your memory in 5 minutes

As you’re on your way to work, for a duration of 5 minutes…   at every 30 seconds you glance quickly at something passing by then look away… …and then try to remember what you saw as vividly as you can.   Do this simple exercise 5 minutes each day for the next 5 days […]

Best time of the day for best brain power

We fluctuate over the course of a day. Did you know that your brain obeys its own rhythm too? It’s based largely on your human clock, sleep pattern, exposure to light, and genetic makeup — and getting in a groove with its tempo can make you healthier, happier, and have more energy. You can burn […]

صديق العمر في غيبوبة ..! إصابات المخ … الحادث و العلاج والعواقب النفسية

      تعرض ولدي أو أخي  أو ربما صديق عمري لحادث عنيف انقلبت به السيارة و  ها هو يصيح و يتلفت و يهيج علينا و لا أحد يعرف كيف يمكن تهدئته  يعرف بعضنا أحيانا ويستجيب لصوت أمه ثم يغفو ثم يعاود الهياج و الصياح .. يلقي بأشياء حوله لا نستطيع السيطرة عليه لعمل الأشعة […]