Improve your study skills

Nobody said that raising an adolescent was easy, and schooling one is even more of a challenge! Parents are taking on a lot of school responsibility, and let’s face it — things are different than they used to be. How are parents supposed to know how to handle the homework load without some guidance? Take […]

Ten Rules of Bad Studying

1. Passive rereading— sitting passively and running your eyes back over a page. Unless you can prove that the material is moving into your brain by recalling the main ideas without looking at the page, rereading is a waste of time.   2. Letting highlights overwhelm you.  Highlighting your text can fool your mind into thinking you are putting […]

Double your memory in 5 minutes

As you’re on your way to work, for a duration of 5 minutes…   at every 30 seconds you glance quickly at something passing by then look away… …and then try to remember what you saw as vividly as you can.   Do this simple exercise 5 minutes each day for the next 5 days […]

Success , The road to succeed

The Pillars of Success There are many great books you could read about success and achievement. However, who really has the time to read all these books? Sometimes we get so caught up in reading and trying to learn and retain all this information that we forget about actually “doing” and taking the necessary actions […]

Energize Yourself, Art of self Motivation

1. Make a deal with yourself. Good for overcoming procrastination and getting things done. You can make the deal small or large. You simple tell yourself something like: When I’m done with this chapter/these reports I can take a walk in the park and enjoy an ice-cream.   2. Act like it. If you don’t feel motivated […]

Silly question is silly Answer, How to ask better questions?

Benefits and Purpose of Inspired Questions Our questions could very well be the most powerful, motivating and equally de-motivating factors influencing our daily decisions and actions. In fact their influence over our lives is so profound that our entire thought process is completely and consistently absorbed and overwhelmed with the habit of asking and answering […]

حتى لا تحيا تعيسا من العمل ..اكتشف ما تريد ان تعمل؟

اكتشاف ماذا تريد ان تفعل و تعمل هام جدا بعد اكتشاف من انت ومن تكون فلآن انت تعرف نفسك و مواطن الثقة و القدرة الكامنة داخلك والآن الخطوة التي لا تقل أهمية     ماذا تريد أن تفعل بقدراتك و ميزاتك؟   حتى يحدث توازن في حياتك فيجب ان يكون مستقبلك ممزوجا بها والا ستعيش […]

كيف تزيد من تركيزك وتقاوم التشتت

كم من مرة جلست الى مكتبك قي محاولة للتركيز واناء متأخرات من اﻷعمال أيا ما كان لديك و أي ما كنت طالب أو موظف أو رجل أعمال لكنك  تجد التشتت يداهمك و ذهنك غير صافي و ينقضي الوقت ولا تستطيع التركيز وبعدها تصاب بالاحباط على ما ضاع من وقت واﻷعمال المتأخرة تتراكم سأحاول مساعدتك على […]

Improve Your Memory and Recall

Chunking One way to make it easier to remember several pieces of information is to put it into chunks. For example, instead of trying to remember these numbers: 2,7,5,3,8,7,9,3,2,6,5,8,9, & 5, try to remember this instead: 2753, 8793, 2658 and 95. Your brain can retain more information if you group it in this way than […]

The Unbreakable link – Dermatopsychiatry- Dr. Adel Serag

      4 issues have been discussed in this short lecture, dermatillomania, trichotillomania, trichophagia, and pschoactive drug rash Lecture was presented, in April, 2012 , saudia arabia, jeddah  

أسرار في فنون الاستذكار

الاستذكار الجيد يجب ان يكون منذ أليوم الأول في العام الدراسي ويجب أن تعرف ما المفروض عليك عمله ولا تنتظر من أحد ان يوجهك أو يسألك فلن يحمل كتبك غيرك و لن يحمل تفوقك غيرك كيف تذاكر…. عليك أن تعود من المدرسة مدركا لما عليك القيام به وتتذكر تماما ما تعلمته في الحصة الأولى و […]


SPEED LEARNING The goals of this course: Fast learning + increased ability to comprehend + increased remembering + minimizing the consumed time. Skills: 1) Survey 2) Skim reading 3) Purpose questions What? Who? When? Where? Why and how? this is to focus your concentration while you are surveying the subject. 3) Speculating to set up […]