Improve your study skills

Nobody said that raising an adolescent was easy, and schooling one is even more of a challenge! Parents are taking on a lot of school responsibility, and let’s face it — things are different than they used to be. How are parents supposed to know how to handle the homework load without some guidance? Take […]

Improving Your Memory , Again and again

Retaining information is closely linked to academic success since exams are designed to determine what you’ve retained from classroom lectures and personal study. Remembering what you’ve studied is also important when you enter the workforce after college. Utilizing these strategies will help you improve memory retention: Make the information meaningful Students often struggle retaining information […]

تنظيم الوقت -خطوات رائعة ﻻدارة و قتك

الوقت ينفرط من بين أيدينا و اللحظة التي تضيع لن تعود أبدا فلا تتأخر و كفى ما ضيعنا من وقت   اعرف ما تريد وحدد هدفك الان وأكتب ما تريد ان تفعل ثم قسم الاولويات فيما تفعل ركز على أهدافك و ليس  نشاطاتك و أهم نشاط و عمل مهم  يحقق هدفك ضع على اﻷقل رؤية […]