حديث التليفون أصول و فنون

اتيكيت حديث التليفون حوار التليفون القصد منه هو تقليل تكاليف المواصلات و اختصار زمن الوصول للفرد و المقابلات العامة وأداء المقصود بايجاز و لو كان في ذلك تحية أو تهنئة أو استفسار وهي أيضا مهارة و كل كلمة تترك أثرا اما ايجابيا أو سلبيا على الطرفين راعي هذه الآداب     عند الحوار توقف عن […]

Improve your Self-Concept

What is a Self-Concept? A self-concept is an understanding you have of yourself that’s based on your personal experiences, body image, the thoughts you have about yourself, and how you tend to label yourself in different situations. A self-concept can also be defined as an all encompassing awareness you had of yourself in the past; […]

Be calm, even under pressure!

A State of Calmness There’s a lot going on in this world. In fact, there’s probably a lot going on in your life at the moment. So much to do, so little time, and just too much uncertainty. You probably feel as though you are constantly fighting against the odds while trying to make your […]