20 Things To Remember About Forgetting

Even though it’s used all day and night, we are usually not aware of our memory’s processes until they fail. Yet remembering and forgetting are crucial phenomena underlying learning. Here are some key facts about the forgetting process that relate to learning and instruction.

The Basics

  1. Forgetting is the inability to recall or recognize information that we think should reside in long-term memory. Recall refers to reproducing or reconstructing a memory without a specific external cue; recognition refers to identifying something you learned previously based on external cues.

  2. There is a debate as to what causes forgetting. Some researchers think that old memories that have not been recalled for a long time slowly decay (or disassociate from the network) over time. The prominent theory at this time, however, is that we forget due to interference or a failure of having the proper retrieval cues.

  3. Recalling a memory changes it. The act of reconstructing a memory makes it relatively stronger than other memories and may modify its contents.

  4. Memory failure can be caused at any of the three stages of processing: encoding (registering in long-term memory), consolidation (deep processing and stabilization), or during retreival.

  5. It is thought that long-term memories are stored as parts of schema or cognitive structures. One reason we may modify memories is to keep them consistent with our schema. This may be the reason people are known to give inaccurate accounts of events.

Reasons for Forgetting


  1. Some instances of forgetting are probably caused by not processing information in the first place. If we don’t pay attention to information or an event, then we fail to register it.

  2. At times we may attend to the information, but it doesn’t get encoded in long-term memory because it lacks connection to anything else we know. Therefore, we don’t understand it.

  3. Many instances of forgetting probably happen because retrieval cues are not connecting to the appropriate schema, even though the information is stored. Highly networked memories should be easier to retrieve.

  4. Consolidation of memories involves deep processing and associating information in a meaningful way with a network of learned information. Memories that are not consolidated are less stable.

 Types of Interference



  1. Interference is a critical factor in forgetting. Retrieving a memory probably involves pattern completion. In this theory, the cue (such as a question) activates the associated schema to complete the pattern. Interference of one type or another can lead to failure of retrieving the correct information.

  2. Retroactive interference (RI) occurs when newly learned information impedes the recall of something you previously learned. For example, if you are learning Spanish, you may not recall how to pronounce a word in French. The rules of Spanish pronunciation are interfering with this.

  3. We don’t yet know whether retroactive interference is due to the interference of competing stimuli or whether a person is actually unlearning the forgotten material.

  4. Proactive interference occurs when past memories inhibit one’s ability to retain new information. For example, you may have trouble remembering a new password because you used your previous password for years.

  5. The more similar new information is to previous knowledge, the more likely it is that interference will occur. The converse is also true.

Learning and Forgetting


  1. Forgetting happens most rapidly soon after learning something and then tapers off with the passage of time.

  2. Content that does not make sense to a person is typically forgotten first.

  3. Because reading is a more focused activity than listening (and perhaps for other reasons as well), most people are more likely to forget what is heard than what is read.

  4. Although we may forget the exact words of something we just read, we can remember the meaning of it.

Advantages of Forgetting


  1. The fact that unremarkable events are forgotten is probably a matter of survival. Forgetting trivia helps us to function throughout the day. The standard example to demonstrate this advantage is that if you remembered every parking spot you’ve ever had, how would you remember where your car is at the moment?

  2. Fairly recent research showed that forgetting may make more brain power available for other tasks. In one study, the cortex of subjects who did not have competing memories when asked to recall information did less work than those who had competing memories.


What can learning specialists conclude from the science of forgetting?

  • For a memory to persist, the information must be attended to, deeply processed, and connected in a meaningful way with existing knowledge.

  • When it’s known that the learner’s knowledge base could compete with newly acquired information, allow the learner time to discriminate between the two types of content.

  • Practicing the retrieval of information can facilitate retention because reconstructing memories alters them and makes them “stronger.”

  • Don’t expect learners to remember trivial information. It won’t be remembered after the test.







20 Things To Remember About Forgetting

Avoid teaching your kids!

1. It’s OK to disrespect your body.

Do you abuse your body by overeating or going on crash diets? 

Say cruel things about your appearance, when you look in the mirror?

Your child is learning how to value his or her body by watching your example.

What kind of example do you want to set?


2. Relationships with electronic devices matter more than human relationships.


Do you sleep with your smartphone practically tucked under your pillow? Flip through emails on your iPad when your partner is telling a story at the dinner table?

If so, then you’re teaching your kids that intimate involvement with an electronic screen is more important than people sharing quality time with each other.


3. Dessert is a reward for being “good.”





Ever say something like this to your child? “If you’re a good girl at Grandma’s, you can have a cookie when we get home.”

Many well-intentioned parents bribe kids with food. It’s tempting to offer a treat as a reward for good behavior. It’s an easy, quick way to get kids to cooperate … at least, for a little while.

But it’s a dangerous lesson to teach — one that can result in unhealthy eating patterns that are tough to change later, as an adult.



4. It’s OK to cheat … as long as you don’t get caught.



Here’s an example:

“Oops, the waiter forgot to charge us for your meal. Guess we’re getting a free dinner, tonight! Come on, let’s go. Hurry!”

If you teach your kid that cheating is OK (as long as you don’t get caught) you’re doing your kid a tremendous disservice. Your kid is far more likely to cheat on a test, violate the law, or be unfaithful to a partner later in life. Because you’ve taught them that there aren’t any consequences … as long as you cover your tracks.


5. It’s OK to flake out.


Do you tell people that you’ll call them and then you don’t?

Do you say that you’ll finish something by a certain time, and then flake out?

When you consistently break your word, you’re teaching your child that personal integrity doesn’t mean much, and reliability isn’t important.


6. Sex can be used as a bargaining chip.


Do you withhold sex from your partner as a “punishment?” Or lay on tons of affection once he (or she) has done what you want?

Your kid might be too young to understand exactly what’s going on, but he or she will pick up on the underlying message: Sex can be used to control people and get what I want.

7. Other people’s needs and desires are more important than your own.


Do you hold back on sharing who you really are? Do you keep quiet, instead of asking for what you truly want?

It’s natural to want to be liked and accepted. But when you don’t follow your heart, you’re sending the message to your kid that what you truly desire doesn’t matter.

When it comes to your child’s future happiness and satisfaction, that’s one of the most dangerous lessons of all.…

If you’re reading this and feeling guilty because you’ve done things that you shouldn’t have, don’t be hard on yourself! (Punishing yourself for making a mistake — that’s yet another lesson that you don’t want to teach your kids!)

Instead, make a commitment to become more aware of how you behave, and celebrate the important changes that you’re going to make. Your kid learns from you, every day. From your words and actions. From your presence and absence. From the way you treat yourself and others.

You can choose to change the lesson plan … starting now.






ديل كارنيجي: دع القلق وابدأ الحياة









Dale Harbison Carnegie

1922; November 24, 1888 – November 1, 1955) was an American writer and lecturer and the developer of famous courses in self improvement



public speaking, and interpersonal skills.



Born into poverty on a farm in Missouri,

he was the author of How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936),

a massive bestseller that remains popular today.

He also wrote How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (1948),

Lincoln the Unknown (1932), and several other books.




عرض الكتاب باللغة العربية

stop worrying

stop worring

الكلام وحده لا يكفي.. سوزان بيج

ان هذا الكتاب يقدم رؤية شاملة لامر مثير للعجب الا و هو ” الشراكة الزوجية و الروحية

 8 أفعال لطيفة ستغير من حياتك الزوجية


انه يقدم مجموعة من المعلومات و التجارب و الاستشارات و الافعال التي يجب على الازواج ان يتعلموها و يطبقوها من اجل بناء علاقات ودية متنامية, و خلق مزيد من الحب و التناغم في حياتهم.

زد من حبك لشريك روحك و غير من نفسك اولا قبل ان تطلب التغيير من شريك حياتك.

حقق التوازن بين العطاء و الاخذ في علاقتك الاسرية.



تتناول سوزان بيدج موضوع العلاقات في كتابها “الكلام وحده لا يكفي” بطريقة تختلف كثيراً عن باقي الكتب،

وتعزو الكاتبه هذا الاختلاف إلى أنها بنت أفكارها من خلال دراستها للعلاقات الناجحة حولها؛ بخلاف المختصين الآخرين في هذا المجال الذين يقدمون النصائح من خلال علاجهم واطلاعهم على العلاقات السيئة.

وجدت في هذا الكتاب طريقة مبتكرة لتحسين علاقتنا ليس فقط بشريك الحياة، بل بجميع من حولنا،

وتكمن الفكرة في تعزيز الجانب الروحي لدى الفرد.

تقترح بيدج القيام بـ 8 تصرفات لطيفة لتحسين علاقتنا بالآخرين بدلاً من مناقشة مشكلاتنا العالقة أو محاولة التواصل التقليدي معهم.

وتدعونا بيدج كذلك إلى التركيز على الجانب الروحي وتنميته بدلاً من التركيزعلى الطرف الآخر.

إن التركيز على الجانب الروحي والقيام بهذه الأفعال اللطيفة سيجعل منا اشخاص أقوىاء،

وسينمي فينا القيادة، ويدربنا على بذل الحب من أحل الحب فقط، والترفع عن الطلب من الآخرين أن يتغيروا؛ الأمر الذي يشعرهم بالنبذ وعدم الاحترام.

الأفعال اللطيفة الثمانية هي كالتالي:

حسن النية

heart in hand

يجب أن نحسن الظن في الآخرين وخاصة عند مواقف التوتر.فالهم هو أن نتعامل مع الآخرين بلطف حتى لو كنا على حق. لو أننا استحضرنا الهذف الحقيقي من علاقتنا مع هؤلاء الناس سيكون هو الحب والعاطفة، لا من على حق ومن أكثرسيطرة.وحسن النية لن يكون في صالح الطرف الآخرفقط بل في صالح الشخص نفسه حيث سيشعر بالنبل والتمتع بالعطاء تجاه شخص يحبه.

التوقف عن حل المشاكل

تعامل مع المشاكل بطريقة مختلفة. توقف ولو لمرة عن حل المشاكل والتركيز عليها وركز على السعادة واعمل على “خلقها”. قم معمل لطيف لادخال السعادة على شريك حياتك وتعميق الحب بينكما بغض النظر عن المشاكل العالقة. فالمشاكل مثل الجروح؛ لا يجب العبث بها بل يجب خلق بيئة مناسبة لها لتشفى. مرة أخرى لا يهم من على حق، حتى لو كنت على حق فهذا لن يحل المشكلة ابداً. ابذل الحب وستشفى الجروح.

تصرف كما لو أن

تصرف خلاف ما تملي عليك مشاعرك الحقيقية تجاه بعض المشكلات الدائمة في الحياة. اتخاذ نفس الموقف الحاد السلبي تجاه نفس المشاكل لن يغير شيء. فإذا كنت مثلاً منزعج من تأخر الطرف الآخر كل مرة، وتصرفت بانزعاج وتوترت علاقتكم لأيام، ثم تأخر مرة أخرى وقمت بنفس الشيء سيدخلك ذلك في دائرة لا تنتهي. غير تصرفك وتقبل الآخرين كما هم واشغل نفسك بدلاً من ذلك. من المحتمل بعد ذلك أن يتغير الطرف الآخر، فإمكانية تغير الناس تزداد في جو من الحب والدعم وليس في جو من الانتقاد والغضب، والاماكنية الثانية هي تغيرك أنت. لا تسمح لمشاعرك أن تملي عليك سلوكك واختار التعامل بلطف مع الآخرين حتى عندما لا ترغب بذلك.

ضبط النفس

لكي تصل إلى مستوى من ضبط النفس في علاقتك مع الآخرين عليك بتجنب التعليقات السلبية مثل انتقاد الآخرين وإلقاء الأوامر فهذه الأمور تفقد العلاقة حيويتها. وإذا شعرت بالرغبة بانتقاد الآخرين تذكر محاسنهم وتذكر بأن علاقتكم أهم بكثير من هذا الموقف الفردي.وكذلك تجنب المواقف الدفاعية اذا انتقدك أحدهم، فهي تؤدي إلى تباعد الطرفين بدلاً من تقاربهما، واستخدم عبارات مثل أنت على حق أو شكراً على الملاحظة أو سأحاول أن أكون أفضل.وأخيراً تجنب الشجار والجدال الذي يطفئ وهج العلاقة ويسبب الكراهية ولا يأتي بأي نتيجة.

التوازن بين العطاء والأخذ

الجميل في هذا الكتاب هو النظرة المختلفة للعلاقات بحيث تكون أنت القائد دائماً ولا تنتظر الطرف الآخر لتقوم بما تريده للعلاقة. وعندما وصلت إلى هذا الجزء من الكتاب اعتقدت أن الكاتبة ستدعونا مثل الآخرين إلى التوقف عن العطاء كلما وجدنا أن الطرف الآخر لا يقدم أي شيء بالمقابل. لكني تفاجأت بأن طرفي معادلة الأخذ والعطاء بالنسبة للكاتبة هما شخص واحد وهو أنت! أنت تأخذ وتعطي ولا تنتظر من الطرف الآخر شيء. تعطي الآخر وتأخذ لنفسك مقدار ما تعطي.ستهتمين بالأطفال، لكنك ستأخذين يوماً للخروج مع صديقاتك. ستطبخين وجبتين في اليوم، لكنك ستدعين المدبرة تقوم بأعمال المنزل الأخرى، وهكذا.مقابل كل عمل تقوم به للآخرين يجب أن يكون هناك أمر تقوم به لنفسك. دلل نفسك ولا تنتظر من الطرف الآخر أن يقوم بذلك.

تصرف بمفردك

يحب أن يراك شريك حياتك تتحمل مسؤلية ومستقل بذاتك. إذا أردت شيء في حياتك فافعله ولا تنتظر الآخرين. أنت وحدك تعلم ما تريده بالضبط.


تقبل صفات الآخرين الشخصية وركز على مزاياهم بدلاً من محاولة تغيرهم، فالتغيير غالباً ما يحدث في بيئة حب أكثر من بيئة فيها الكثير من التصادم والشعور بالنقص. كذلك تقبل ذاتك الآن وليس بعد تحقيق كل أحلامك



جرب أن تتعاطف مع من يخطأ في حقك وايجاد الأعذار له أو تفهم موقفع بدلاً من أن تلومه وتغضب منه. فاللوم والغضب كالسم الذي سيؤذيك ويعميك عن عمل أي شيء قد يحل المشكلة

Susan Page (born February 12, 1951) is an American journalist and the current Washington Bureau Chief for USA Today.


She has won several awards for her work, including the Merriman Smith Memorial Award, the Aldo Beckman Memorial Award, the Gerald R. Ford Prize for Distinguished Reporting on the Presidency (twice) and the Sigma Delta Chi Distinguished Service Award for Washington Correspondence (shared). She appears frequently on cable news networks as an analyst and often guest-hosts The Diane Rehm Show, which is syndicated on National Public Radio. She was the first woman to serve as music chairman of the Gridiron Club show and is the 2011 president of the club, the oldest association of journalists in Washington. She was president of the White House Correspondents Association in 2000. Rumors had suggested that Page was a long-shot candidate to replace Tim Russert as host of Meet the Press, but David Gregory was selected to host the program.

She is married to Carl Leubsdorf, longtime Washington Bureau Chief for The Dallas Morning News, and they have two sons. She is a 1973 graduate of Northwestern University‘s Medill School of Journalism, where she was editor-in-chief of the Daily Northwestern, and has a master’s degree from Columbia University.

Why Talking So Often Fails

My relationship books have been popular precisely because they shatter the deeply entrenched relationships advice that (you’ve heard this so often before), “Communication is the most important relationship skill.” Good communication is a great thing! However, it is NOT the best way to solve a relationship problem because

  • Discussion requires the cooperation of both partners, often a huge barrier even to getting started.
  • Relationship problem-solving skills are high-level skills and many people don’t do them very well, even after reading all the best relationship books.
  • If one partner is better at discussion skills than the other, this means you are starting out on an uneven playing field. Your attempts at “processing” may actually create new problems and not solve the original relationship problem at all. How often have you tried to talk about your issues with your partner and ended up feeling worse!
  • The true “hidden agenda” behind most “communication” is, “We could solve this relationship problem if you would change (listen to me, be more cooperative, spend more time with the family, be less controlling, . . . fill in the blank!) But your partner will never be able to change fundamental personality traits! Besides, asking your partner to change does not honor the precious person you love, or the person your partner is struggling to become. Your partner will thrive with your love and support, and will shrivel up if you keep giving the message, “You aren’t quite good enough the way you are.” (That’s the most important relationships advice anyone can give you!)

An Example Of Spiritual Partnership At Work

Here’s a quick example from one of my relationship books that shows how my Loving Actions can solve a relationship problem.

Bill and Karen had exhausted their efforts to solve her frustration about his controlling attitude around money. They had talked, communicated, dialogued, made “I” statements, and repeated back what they heard each other say—for years. They both felt defeated and hopeless. Then Karen began to use a completely new kind of tactic by becoming what I call a “Spiritual Partner.” She gave up the idea that she could somehow solve this relationship problem (Loving Action # 2), and focused instead on creating a harmonious atmosphere in their home. She began to Practice Restraint (Loving Action #4) by not talking about money or Bill’s controlling attitude at all. She showed a Spirit of Goodwill (Loving Action #1) by saving money in several quite visible ways and sharing this with Bill. She Acted on her Own (Loving Action # 6) by finding imaginative ways to meet her own needs without upsetting Bill. Karen single-handedly “disappeared” this old relationship problem! Bill was still controlling about money, but the issue was not a “problem” for the family any more. And Karen, far from feeling she had “given in” or “had to do all the work,” felt an enormous amount of personal power and a sense of accomplishment and relief. She didn’t “solve” the problem. Instead, by developing a larger consciousness and applying spiritual principles, she helped her family “outgrow” it. The family became a happy, harmonious place to live—which, after all, was their primary goal!whytalking_lcol


Psychiatric documentation: Soap is not working?

Soap for follow up notes documentation doesn’t work with psychiatric demands. Promise is working better, do you find it useful?!!!











Promise_Better psychiatric documentation


/Promise_Better-psychiatric-documentation.pdf”>Promise_Better psychiatric documentation








Better psychiatric documentation: From SOAP to PROMISE
Because documentation is an important part of medical practice,
numerous tools have been
developed to help physicians
across all specialties, including the best
known acronym
, which stands for
Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan.
note has been used in mental health settings,
although this format may fall short for
psychiatrists because objective tests are not diagnostic. Also, there’s no clear guidance to document specific
information, such as behavioral risk asses
The acronym
Problems, Resolved, Outcomes, Medications, Instructions, Safety, and
may be better suited for psychiatric documentation.
provides an easy
remember method to document specific information that
might be overlooked in a less detailed format, such as normal findings, adherence and tolerability to
medications, outcome ratings, and risk assessment.
ISE note
provides an easy
remember method to document specific information that might be
are described as ongoing symptoms, signs, and stressors.
indicates improvement and normal findings.
measures include patient or
clinician rating scales.
documents the effectiveness and tolerability of current and past medications.
are directives given; the rationale
benefit analysis
can be documented in this section as
describes a behavio
ral risk assessment, including demographic, historical, clinical, and
environmental risk and protective factors regarding suicidal or homicidal behavior.
describes the verbal or written material shared with the patient.

Psychotherapists can use the same template. For them the
would stand for
Methods of
practiced in the session.
For an example of the
note used in practice, see the
Example of a patient’s PROMISE note
Ongoing depressive symptoms: low mood, negative thinking, low interest level;
patient has no insurance, pays out of pocket
Mild improvement in motivation noted; sleeping and concentration both OK;
continues to work full
time; spends time with parents
Clinical Global Impression
Severity Scale score: 4; PHQ
9 depression rating
scale score: 12/27, indicating moderat
e depression (score 1 month ago was
15/27; 20% reduction)
Current treatment: citalopram, 20 mg/d, nortriptyline, 50 mg/d
Prior medications: bupropion, citalopram, clomipramine, fluoxetine, MAOIs,
sertraline, and venlafaxine. Patient’s adhe
rence to medication is good
Tolerability issues: sweating, constipation, dry mouth
Increase both medications (20% improvement noted; recommend increase in
nortriptyline; patient requests increase in citalopram). Ongoing moderate
depression; initial side effects may subside
Identified risk or protective factors for suicidal, a
ggressive, or homicidal
behavior: chronic depression without remission
No current SI, HI, SIB, hopelessness, anxiety, agitation, insomnia, substance use,
psychosis, or interpersonal aggression. No access to weapons. No history of
suicide attempts. Good sup
ports. Risk assessment: low
What is the main problem? Chronic unremitting depression, some mild side
eg, dry mouth, constipation
What can the patient do about it? Optimize meds; exercise (30 minutes of
fast walking per day); increase fiber in diet
Why is it important to do this? Achieve remission (PHQ
9 score: <4);
improve tolerability
HI: homicidal ideation; MAOIs: monoamine
oxidase inhibitors; PHQ
9: 9
Question Patient
Health Questionnaire; SI: suicidal ideation; SIB: self
injurious behavior
Dr. Adel Serag

An Advanced EEG course :Long term monitoring EEG

Dr. Warren Blume

Dr. Warren Blume has been appointed as a Member of the Order of Canada for his long and distinguished service to Canadian citizens who suffer from epilepsy. The award recognizes his lifelong dedication to improving the lives of people with epilepsy, especially in the underserved areas of Ontario, service that was also recently recognized with the Kiffin Penry Award from the American Epilepsy Society.

Dr. Blume is Professor of Neurology Emeritus at the University of Western Ontario in London, where he began his career in 1972. In 1977 he helped establish the first epilepsy program in Ontario and the second in Canada. He is known around the world for his atlases in electroencephalography, which have contributed greatly to the training of several generations of electroencephalographers and epileptologists as well as for his numerous publications that have provided new insights into the clinical pathophysiology of epilepsy. He was one of the founding members of the Canadian League Against Epilepsy and was a leader in creating the EEG certification examination in Canada

The Order of Canada was established in 1967, Canada’s centennial year by Queen Elizabeth II. It is the centerpiece of Canada’s honors system and is one of the country’s highest civilian awards. Election as a Member recognizes a lifetime of outstanding achievement, dedication to the community and service to the nation.

Advanced EEG course for Neuropsychiatrists : By Dr. Warren Blume

Dr. Warren Blume Elected to Order of Canada
Dr. Warren Blume

Dr. Warren Blume has been appointed as a Member of the Order of Canada for his long and distinguished service to Canadian citizens who suffer from epilepsy. The award recognizes his lifelong dedication to improving the lives of people with epilepsy, especially in the underserved areas of Ontario, service that was also recently recognized with the Kiffin Penry Award from the American Epilepsy Society.


Dr. Blume is Professor of Neurology Emeritus at the University of Western Ontario in London, where he began his career in 1972. In 1977 he helped establish the first epilepsy program in Ontario and the second in Canada. He is known around the world for his atlases in electroencephalography, which have contributed greatly to the training of several generations of electroencephalographers and epileptologists as well as for his numerous publications that have provided new insights into the clinical pathophysiology of epilepsy. He was one of the founding members of the Canadian League Against Epilepsy and was a leader in creating the EEG certification examination in Canada

The Order of Canada was established in 1967, Canada’s centennial year by Queen Elizabeth II. It is the centerpiece of Canada’s honors system and is one of the country’s highest civilian awards. Election as a Member recognizes a lifetime of outstanding achievement, dedication to the community and service to the nation.

?الزوجة العذراء … التشنج المهبلي كيف العلاج و الخلاص







حضرت العيادة النفسية و مترددة القصة باختصار متزوجة … نعم 7 سنوات متزوجة و ليس لدى أطفال

فأنا ما زلت عذراء!!!

زوجي أحبه و أحترمة و اتمنى ان اسعده بأي طريقة و لكن مجرد ما يقترب منى أجد نفسي متوافقة معه في أي أحضان أو قبلات و أي مداعبات خارجية


و لكن اذا اقترب أو حاول الاقتراب من مهبلي و حاول الايلاج لا أدري ماذا يحدث معي تخشب كامل في عضلات الافخاد تشنج في عضلات الحوض و المهبل الم و صراخ و عويل تتجمع لدي قوة غريبة في يداي و سيقاني بحيث أستطيع دفعه و نهره ..أتألم او بالادق أخاف من التألم و زوجي المسكين يحاول ارضائي و يخاف ان يسبب لي الألم ويرعاني و تعود على طريقتي و عشنا مع بعض 7 سنوات و ما زلت عذراء!!

من يساعدني العيادة النفسية ام مكان آخر>>>

Unhappy couple

Are you emotionally mature: Signs of emotional maturity

People don’t always enter therapy with personal growth as their primary goal, but they almost always leave believing they’re a better human being. In several years of helping people improve their self-awareness, self-efficacy and self-esteem, here are nine commonalities I notice become more evident as my clients grow:

1. You notice and verbalize (with composure) when you’re wrong.

It’s far easier to get defensive and deny responsibility, or become overwhelmed with shame for our act of imperfection or ignorance. Being able to acknowledge when we’re in the wrong takes humility, self-compassion and courage.

2. You’re aware of your biases.

We all have innate biases and prejudices. It’s impossible not to: we’re socialized into a stereotyping world. So what’s important is learning to cultivate an active awareness of these biases and prejudices, and examine how they might influence our decisions and actions. Ask yourself where you might be practicing discrimination (subtly or unsubtly), and how you can begin to counter these ingrained behaviors.

3. You acknowledge your privilege and use it wisely.

I’m a white, able-bodied, heterosexual, educated, employed, English-speaking, fully-cognitive, physically and emotionally healthy Canadian of child-bearing age living in a safe neighborhood. Other than being born female, I’m pretty freaking privileged. I know this. I acknowledge that many things in life come more easily to me than someone who’s bearing multiple levels of oppression.

Sure, I sometimes use my privilege in ways that don’t actively help our society. But I also try to take advantage of it, to do what I perceive will make the world a better place — such as educating others, or empowering and amplifying the voices of those whose perspectives are dismissed due to oppression. Ignoring that privilege and oppression exist is a passive way of reinforcing it. Knowing how and when to stand behind those whom society tells us to dismiss often comes alongside self-betterment.

4. You’ve created a space between feeling and reacting.

Through practicing mindfulness, we can increase the amount of time between feeling a particular emotion and reacting to it. We gain a sense of spaciousness with regard to how we observe our emotions — rather than clinging to our feelings immediately and reacting instinctively, we learn how to first observe, and then react more carefully and productively.

5. You knowingly allow yourself to be vulnerable and allow difficult feelings in.

Perfectionism tells us to stay in a box where we feel comfortable, certain and in control. It tells us to manipulate our environments so we never feel vulnerable, needy or uncertain. It keeps us safe from our fears of failing, embarrassing ourselves or getting rejected. And sadly, many of us miss out on a lot of life because of this. So if you’ve felt uncomfortable feelings lately, and acknowledged them, you’re growing in the right direction, even if your perfectionistic impulses are telling you otherwise.

6. You’re compassionate to yourself and others.

Judgment is at the heart of hate. It is what fuels unhealthy relationships with ourselves and others. If you’ve learned or are learning how to be more compassionate, not just to others but also to yourself, you’re moving closer to enlightenment.

7. You know when, who, and how to ask for help.

Clients often emphasize how they want to “be independent” and “not rely on anyone.” And yet they’ve come to therapy, which in itself is a (usually wise) act of asking for help. Knowing when to reach out isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of courage and resourcefulness.

8. You know when to quit and when to persevere.

I once did a Vipassana retreat that involved 10 days of no talking, reading, writing, music, exercise or eye contact — and very little sleeping. Had it not been for my ego, I would have left after day five — day two, even. For the most part, I didn’t find the practice serving and was not enjoying myself. Looking back, I know it was the fear of being perceived as a “quitter” that kept me there. Oftentimes, we let our ego drive our behavior and the outcome is destructive. Knowing when to go into Child’s Pose, to close your computer for the day, or to end a relationship are all signs of healthy boundaries and emotional intelligence.

9. You’ve realized the more you know, the less you know, and you’re OK with it.

Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki says, “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities; in the expert’s mind there are few.” Those of us who believe we know everything have not much room for possibility and knowledge. This is why the idea of enlightenment is such a paradox: the closer toward this elusive concept we move, the more elusive we realize it truly is. Yet being able to rest in the discomfort of uncertainty is where growth becomes truly evident.

Some of these “signs” might resonate for you. Some might show you where you could be more intentional in your practice of self-inquiry. Regardless of where you are in your journey, remember we’re all imperfect and we all have moments of mindlessness and ignorance. Ultimately, it’s being able to notice, acknowledge and reflect upon those moments that lends to personal growth. Have compassion for yourself in the process. We’re all in this together.



Habits of emotional balanced people!

Here are five habits that will bring you blissful emotional balance:

1. Instead of reacting, they respond.


A reaction is a hot, in-the-moment burst of emotion that’s usually driven by our ego (so we’re more likely to react when we’re disconnected from ourselves). It might last just a split second before our intuition kicks in and offers some perspective, or it might take over to a point that we act on it. When we feel crappy after dealing with a situation or person, that’s a sign we’ve reacted rather than responded. Responding will leave you feeling like you handled things with integrity and respect.

2. They honor the reality of their emotions.


When we’re in the here and now, it’s much easier to cope with emotions and see them as just that: emotions. If we get caught up future or past tripping, emotions and situations can take on new (and untrue) meanings as they become attached to stories.

For example, imagine you’re turned down for a job. Naturally you’re disappointed. If you’re not present with that emotion and experience it in the moment the mind delves back into your past for all the other times you’ve felt that way. Now you feel like a failure and start to carry a feeling of unworthiness into every other interview. When we stay present, we’re empowered to start fresh every moment and we can see every situation with perspective.

3. They look inward and have true compassion for their authentic selves.



Make a big list of all the things that make you feel great, and do at least one thing on it every day. Big or small, it doesn’t matter! Doing something that makes us feel amazing is an act of self-love — it’s that simple! This small effort reduces stress levels and makes us feel capable and confident.

Rather than waiting for other people or circumstances to make us feel good, practicing self love is all about empowering ourselves to feel how we want to feel, all the time.

4. They insist on movement.



When we’re feeling down, stressed or anxious, one of the best ways to get out of our head and reconnected with ourselves is movement — especially free movement. It’s very rare we move our bodies in a way that is totally free! Put on some music and give it a go whenever you feel like you’re in a bit of a funk. It will feel weird at first so make a feel-good playlist of songs that you just can help but boogie to. Make movement (of any kind) part of your daily ritual of looking after your emotional well-being.

5. They don’t treat gratitude as a bonus; they make it a requirement.



Practicing gratitude is super supportive for our emotional wellness because it shifts our focus to the good in our lives, and trains up to look for the positives in every situation. It gives us appreciation for all that we have instead of getting caught up with what’s lacking. To cultivate gratitude, try sharing three things you’re grateful for each day with your partner, family or housemates during dinner or before bed. You can also write a gratitude list in your journal or make a gratitude jar to put slips of paper with things you’re grateful for on them into it every day.

Looking after our emotional wellness helps us get the very most out of life. When we feel emotionally balanced, we feel more centered and connected to our intuition. We become more productive, better at making decisions, more present, and the very best version of ourselves.






4 simple ways to boost your energy

Do you sometimes feel like the Energizer Bunny when his battery runs low? You might start the day strong, but by mid afternoon, you can’t quite keep going and going.

Fatigue afflicts everyone at one time or another. Assuming your doctor has ruled out serious medical causes, there are a few basic steps you can take to “recharge your batteries.”

1. Pace yourself.


If you’re a go-getter, you probably like to keep going — but don’t risk overtaxing yourself. You can pace yourself and still get things done. For example, instead of burning through all your “battery life” in two hours, spread it out among morning tasks, afternoon tasks, and evening activities — with rest and meals in between.

2. Take a walk or a nap.




There’s nothing more satisfying than a short power nap when you’re pooped out. However, if you have trouble sleeping at night, know that napping can make insomnia worse. If that’s the case for you, get moving instead. Get up and walk around the block, or just get up and move around. If you are not an insomniac, though, enjoy that 20- to 30-minute power nap.


3. Skip most supplements.




You may have heard about energy-boosting or “anti-aging” supplements. There is no evidence they work.

  • DHEA.
  • There is no evidence that DHEA offers any real benefits, and the side effects remain a question mark. You especially shouldn’t be buying it from ads in the back of a magazine, because you don’t know what’s in it.
  • Iron.
  • Iron only improves energy if you are clearly deficient, which a doctor can check with a blood test. Unless you are low in iron, you don’t need to take it — and getting too much iron can be harmful.
  • B vitamins.
  • It is true that B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12) help the body convert food into the form of energy that cells can burn, but taking more B vitamins doesn’t supercharge your cells. That’s a myth.

4. Fuel up wisely.




A sugary roll from the bakery delivers plenty of calories, but your body tends to metabolize them faster, and then you can end up with sinking blood sugar and fatigue. You’ll maintain a steadier energy level by eating lean protein and unrefined carbohydrates. Try low-fat yogurt with a sprinkling of nuts, raisins, and honey. Your body will take in the carb-fiber-protein mix more gradually. Don’t skip meals, either. Your body needs a certain number of calories to get through the day’s work. It’s better to space your meals out so your body gets the nourishment it needs all through the day.

Multi-Sensory Learning

Explorations with Multi-Sensory Learning


In a previous post we discussed the seven intelligences of accelerated learning. Although this was quite a comprehensive analysis of how one should approach learning, it however did leave out some important steps that will help you enhance your study time.

Today we will focus on how to accelerate your learning ability using three primary sensory methods of learning. In addition to this we will look at specific strategies and tactics that you can utilize immediately to enhance your understanding of information. Along the way we will also briefly touch upon how to utilize effective questioning methods in order to accelerate your learning potential to even deeper and more profound levels.

Some of the study tools and methods discussed within this post do crossover with the seven intelligences of accelerated learning, however I will attempt to present them in a new light and from a slightly different perspective. I am hopeful that by the end you will have a very thorough grasp and understanding of this material and you will be able to utilize it to dramatically improve your personal study habits and skills in surprising ways.

Learning through the Senses


Most of us go through our academic years without fully utilizing our potential as intelligent and creative human beings.

We are all gifted with the ability to learn and absorb new pieces of information in so many surprising ways. However, most of us never fully realize this, and therefore struggle with ineffective methods of learning that lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

If you have ever struggled to find the creative spark that would propel you towards new learnings and understandings, then it could mean that your approach to learning has been somewhat ineffective, and has lead you down the path of frustration and procrastination.

Within this section you will discover that the doors to learning are always wide open and accessible. There is a means and ways to learn any type of information or subject as long as you are aware, and utilize effective multi-sensory learning strategies that will help you to accelerate your learning potential.

The Process of Remembering



How we choose to think at any given moment in time is as important as the learning strategies we choose to use.

Learning studies have consistently shown us that when we approach learning from a creative perspective that involves more then one of our sensory organs, that we can profoundly enhance our retention and recall of information.

Now, I’m not sure of the accuracy of these statistics, however studies have shown that we remember 20% of what you read, 30% of what you hear, 40% of what you see, 50% of what you say, and 60% of what you do. Of course this will somewhat vary from person-to-person depending on their sensory learning preferences, however based on personal experience with learning, it seems to be pretty accurate.

What these results are actually telling us, is that the more we interact with the information we are learning, the greater amount of information we will retain and hold onto over an extended period of time.

Reading is on the bottom of this list as it requires little involvement. However, doing is at the top of the list with a 60% retention rate because it is a multi-sensory activity that utilizes many sensory cues in order to stimulate the brain in creative ways.

If we were to incorporate all of these methods (reading, listening, seeing, saying and doing) into the learning process, then you may surprisingly find that your retention levels rise above 90%.

Types of Learners



We have five physical senses and a mysterious 6th sense that can also be utilized for learning.

Your sense of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste are critical when it comes to improving your methods of learning. Each sensory cue within itself can dramatically enhance your learning experience, and provide you with extra support that will improve your memory and recall of information.

Science has shown us time and again that we never actually forget anything that comes through our five sensory organs. These memories are intrinsically ingrained into our psyche at a deep unconscious level. In fact, this is why under hypnosis many people find that sensory memories lying dormant for decades suddenly come to the forefront as through they just occurred yesterday. These types of memories are often very vivid because they are being experienced in multi-sensory ways, meaning that the person with the memory can see, hear, feel, taste and smell the experience from a wide variety of perspectives. And within this lies the key to your success as an accelerated learner.

For the purpose of this discussion, we will take a look at the three most utilized senses that will help to improve your study skills. However, please keep in mind that you will naturally have a preference for one sensory learning method over the others. Identify which one it is and approach your learning by focusing on this sensory organ to begin with. Only once you have a good understanding and grasp of the topic area should you vary up your approach and begin focusing on alternate methods that incorporate the other two primary sensory organs.

Here is a brief description of the three main sensory cues to get you started:

Visual Learners


These types of learners enjoy using their eyes to learn and remember pieces of information. They are very visually-oriented individuals, thinking in pictures, colors, and shapes. They enjoy visualizing and using their imaginations to think about and recall the information they are learning. Are you a visual learner? If you are, then you will appreciate the magic of visual thinking.

Auditory Learners



These types of learners enjoy using their ears to learn and remember pieces of information. They are very listening-oriented individuals, thinking in sounds, music, and tones. They enjoy listening to audio recordings and utilizing their voice to recall the information they are learning. Are you an auditory learner?

Physical/Kinesthetic Learners



These types of learners enjoy using their feelings to learn and remember pieces of information. They are very physically-oriented individuals, thinking in shades of emotion and through physical movement and involvement. They enjoy contemplating and role playing aspects of the information they are learning. Are you a physical kinesthetic learner?

Advanced Multi-Sensory Study Tactics

Advanced multi-sensory learning is very much a creative journey where you naturally identify your strengths and weaknesses that will assist you with selecting the learning methods and strategies that will best suit your personality and learning style.

Within this section we will delve into the intricate specifics and details of the multi-sensory learning study process. The techniques and strategies presented here will provide you with a variety of approaches you can take when learning your study materials.

Keep in mind that every method will not be ideal to your learning strategy, however it is important to think flexibly and approach every subject and topic you are learning with an open frame-of-mind — tackling every piece of material in a new way, while incorporating as many of your learning sensory organs as possible.

Please be sure to think outside the box as you are reading these strategies. Each of them are presented from my personal angle and perspective, and they can easily be adjusted and tweaked to suit your personal preferences and learning style.

Make Your Information Memorable


In order to get the most out of your multi-sensory study time, it is absolutely critical that you follow a few simple guidelines that will help you to expand your focus, awareness and memory of the information you are learning.

Here is a brief overview of each of these guidelines as they pertain to the three primary sensory learning styles:

Visual Suggestions



When learning through a visual means and while incorporating visual learning strategies it is important to ensure that your visual learning experience is bright, close, colorful and funny.

As visual learners we naturally remember and recall information easily that is designed in a memorable and vividly imaginative way.

As you are working through the visual learning strategies presented within this post, make sure that you incorporate brightness, closeness, color and humor into your study regime. This will not only improve each of the study strategies you have chosen to pursue, but will also dramatically enhance your memory and recall of information.

As a final thought, while you are working through the visual study strategies, ask yourself the following questions:

How can I make this information brighter so that it stands out more readily in my mind?

How can I bring this information closer so that I am completely engrossed within its influence?

How can I add more color in ways that will further enhance my memory and recall?

How can I create and build humor into this information, thusly making it standout in my minds-eye?

Auditory Suggestions

The silhouette, wavy line, and arrow of a profile of a person,

When learning through an auditory means and while incorporating auditory learning strategies it is important to ensure that your auditory learning experience is funny, loud, and unique.

As auditory learners we naturally remember and recall information easily that comes across in a memorable and vividly unique way.

As you are working through the auditory learning strategies presented within this post, make sure that you incorporate volume, uniqueness of sound, and humor into your study regime. This will not only improve each of the study strategies you have chosen to pursue, but will also dramatically enhance your memory and recall of information.

As a final thought, while you are working through the auditory study strategies, ask yourself the following questions:

How can I add humorous sound effects, music and voices to the information that I am learning in order to remember it more readily?

In what creative way can I increase the tone and volume of this strategy in such a fashion that will enhance my memory and recall of this information?

How can I make the sound effects, music and voices unique in such a way that it automatically enhances my thinking and awareness?

Physical Suggestions



When learning through a physical means and while incorporating kinesthetic learning strategies it is important to ensure that your physical learning experience has unique feelings associated with it, and is of a high emotional intensity.

As physical/kinesthetic learners we naturally remember and recall information easily that comes across in a memorable and vividly unique way.

As you are working through the physical learning strategies presented within this post, make sure that you get all your emotions involved within the process, and that you seek-out unique and memorable feelings that will expand your thinking and awareness. This will not only improve each of the study strategies you have chosen to pursue, but will also dramatically enhance your memory and recall of information.

As a final thought, while you are working through the physical study strategies, ask yourself the following questions:

How can I add a greater amount of emotional intensity into my study time?

How can I enhance the positive emotional tension of this learning strategy in such a way that will allow me to better remember the information I am studying?

What kind of unique experience and feeling can I draw from this strategy that will further enhance my memory and recall?

Physical Sensory Learning Strategies

The strategies presented here will help you to zero-in and enhance your physical/kinesthetic learning ability.

If this is your favored learning approach, then you should concentrate 70% of your study efforts utilizing the strategies presented here. The other 30% should be spent on incorporating some of the strategies contained within the other two sensory learning modes.

Walking for Improved Memory and Recall

As a physical learner, you naturally favor movement over sitting or standing while you are learning. In order to use this to your advantage you must effectively incorporate some form of movement throughout your study regime. Walking while you are reading your notes is a good place to start. This naturally helps you to zone-out all outside distractions and focus in on the material you are studying. However, you must take care to make your movements steady, moderately paced and repetitive.

You will learn quite effectively while slow walking, however your learning curve will drop dramatically the moment you begin to increase your pace. You must find a comfort zone, where your breath is comfortable and is perfectly aligned to the rhythm of your body and the movements you are making.

If you are reading aloud, make sure that this is also done within a rhythmic pattern that is consistent with your movements. Our bodies are naturally drawn to rhythm on a subconscious level. This is why it is paramount that you create a comfortable walking/moving rhythm for an extended period of time while you are studying. Over time, this movement will naturally become anchored to your psyche in such a way that it will automatically trigger your body and mind to enter a deep and profound learning state that will allow you to recall information in rapid succession.

Other movements that may also be helpful include spinning slowly on a chair, rocking back and forth on your seat, or gently jumping up and down on a trampoline. In the end it doesn’t matter what method you use, as long as it is consistent, rhythmic and naturally moves you into a deeply profound learning state.

Be Dramatic in Your Approach

As a physical learner, you will learn far more rapidly if you approach your studies in a dramatic humorous fashion.

You should essentially see yourself as a slapstick comedian piecing the information you are learning in a memorable and unique way that will naturally stimulate your mind and enhance your learning ability. Use dramatic actions to act out the information you are studying, utilize props and other tools to further enhance the realism of your dramatic performances, and also consider recruiting a partner who can support you within these roles.

Your imagination is your only limitation, and your acting skills are absolutely irrelevant when it comes to winning your first Academy award. ;)

Role Play the Topic Under Study

Role playing what you are studying in ways that focuses you on teaching, debating or discussing the topic with others is an ideal way to learn.

As a physical learner you become very emotionally involved in the everyday actions you take and decisions you make. As such, it is of primary importance that you incorporate these same feelings and emotions into your study regime. For instance, getting into a heated emotional discussion with someone about the topic you are studying, will help enhance and expand important concepts within your mind.

Teaching another person about the topic you are studying will assist you with gaining new insights and understandings from a perspective you may never have considered. In this situation you will be forced to physically explain concepts and ideas in such a way that will help a novice fully grasp the topic under question.

Finally, debating your topic with someone will present you with emotional as well as logical challenges that may stimulate new avenues of thinking in unexpected directions.

No matter which of these methods you choose, it is important that you incorporate a little bit of drama, and completely lose yourself within the experience you have created.

Utilize a Study Partner

All the above physical learner study skills can be enhanced and improved upon by hiring the services of a study partner who is able to bring out raw emotional feelings and experiences from within your heart.

Hire someone to help you lose yourself completely within the topic you are studying, and their time will pay dividends with your academic achievements.

Auditory Sensory Learning Strategies

The strategies presented here will help you to zero-in and enhance your auditory learning ability.

If this is your favored learning approach, then you should concentrate 70% of your study efforts using the strategies presented here. The other 30% should be spent on incorporating some of the strategies contained within the other two sensory learning modes.

The Musical Method for Perfect Recall

As an auditory learner, your primary form of learning comes through your ears, and therefore rhythm becomes a critical component of your learning strategy.

If you are able to find a rhythm and stick to it for an extended period of time, you will enter what is known as your learning zone where every piece of information is meticulously cataloged for quick and easy recall when you need it most. Learning becomes effortless and easy within this zone, however in order to get into this zone you must first find your rhythm.

Because you are an auditory learner, the best sense of rhythm is found within music. The right type of music with the ideal pitch, tone, volume and beat, will automatically trigger this deep and profound state of learning.

Now, in order to determine this ideal piece of music, you must pay attention to the everyday sounds that help you to zone-out of reality and into a state of being that transcends the physical world. If you a true auditory learner, then you probably know what I mean. Once you have found this piece of music or rhythm, then it is your duty from that moment on to utilize it as a background study tool while you are learning.

As a final thought, whatever piece of information you choose to learn must be processed and communicated within this specific rhythm. This means that if you are reading something aloud, you must find ways to articulate yourself within the rhythm of the music you have chosen for your studies.

Music without any words is probably the best alternative. Or a repetitive song in another language may also do the trick. The key is to lose yourself within the rhythm and beat of the melody.

In the future, as you continue to progress with this method, you will find that every time you hear this song or melody it will naturally and instantly trigger you into a deep learning state — just like infants who are entranced by the sound of their mother’s heart. Rhythm is the key.

Speak Up and Remember

As an auditory learner, you remember and recall information best when it is spoken rather then when it is read or visualized. As such, you must always incorporate your voice into your learning regime. This could simply mean reading your notes aloud, paraphrasing what you have learned into a microphone, or simply talking to yourself about the subject material you are studying.

As you talk to yourself, actually stimulate a conversation between your curious mind and logical mind. Your curious mind will be asking all the most insightful and thought provoking questions about the material you are studying aloud for all to hear.

Once the questions have been posed, your logical mind will do its very best to answer these questions in the most logical and intellectually Analytical way. However, your curious mind is always very curious, and so the questions never letup and the conversation just keeps moving deeper and deeper into the topic under question. It’s somewhat like Bart Simpson sitting in the back seat of his family car, continuously asking Homer Simpson “Are we there yet… Are we there yet?” Now, even though Homer lost his patience after only a few questions, your logical mind must always be within it’s zone — thinking of as many creative and thought provoking answers that will hopefully one day, quieten your curious mind’s unending curiosity. :)

Have fun with this approach, and you will gain a plethora of new insights and understandings that you may never expected.

Digital Recordings for the Digital Mind

Since you are already expressing your thoughts aloud, it just naturally makes sense to digitally capture your voice and listen to it at a later time.

As an auditory learner you will find great benefit listening to your own voice. It’s very much like your subconscious mind talking back to you and helping you to understand the subject your are studying in great depth and detail. However, don’t just record your voice, actually go about the process in a creative way. For instance, record your voice over the rhythmic music that you identified above.

Another example is to record your voice in a way that will lull you into a deep meditative resting trance. This is best achieved when you utilize a background beat and a low tone and pitch.

Slowing down the pace of your recording slightly, may also help integrate the information you are trying to learn at a deeper and more profound level. The key here again is to be creative and to thoroughly know and understand your rhythm and natural habitual tendencies of learning.

Also bear in mind that you could use different types of recordings that you listen to throughout your day while on the bus, in the car, riding a bike, taking a shower, or just as you nod off to sleep.

The different recordings you create should effectively mimic the rhythm and energy levels that you will naturally be feeling throughout that specific part of your day while you are listening to the recording. Initially this might seem like a lot of work, however, once you have established how you will be going about things, it will naturally all fall into place. Again use your imagination, and have fun with this process.

Karaoke Your Way to Accelerated Learning

This is all about creating rhymes and jingles to a melody and beat that is familiar and pleasant to your ears.

Actually go out and purchase your favorite songs in their karaoke versions. Prepare your most important notes in advance (these are the notes that are critical to your understanding of the subject materials) and have them ready to read in front of you as you begin playing the karaoke music.

As the music progresses along, make adjustments and align your notes (the words you read) in such a way that will naturally blend in with the rhythm, verses, chorus and beat of the karaoke song you have chosen. Yes, I actually mean taking your study notes and inserting them into the chorus, verses and bridge components of the karaoke melody.

Once you have finished, simply take your study notes and stand in front of a mirror and perform your song and dance with the new lyrics that you have just created. Go ahead, have some fun… don’t be bashful, there’s probably no one watching. ;)

This could well be one of the most effective and powerful auditory learning methods for accelerating your learning potential. It works extremely effectively because yet again you are bringing the notes you are studying into a familiar rhythm that is naturally appreciated and deeply ingrained within your psyche. Later, when it comes to writing up your examinations, see if you can stop yourself from singing your way to the top of your class. ;)

Visual Sensory Learning Strategies


If this is your favored learning approach, then you should concentrate 70% of your study efforts utilizing the strategies presented here. The other 30% should be spent on incorporating some of the strategies contained within the other two sensory learning modes.

Post-IT for Improved Memory and Recall

As a visual learner, you look for every visual cue you can find in order to help you remember key pieces of information. A great method to do this throughout the day is to utilize post-it notes.

Purchase a variety of colored markers and write out key important notes (with associating and visually stimulating pictures) that will standout in your mind. Once your notes have been created, simply stick them up everywhere!

Stick them up next to your computer, on the refrigerator, kitchen table, bathroom mirror, next to your bed, around your shower, in your car, and anywhere else that you can think of that will keep important visual cues at the forefront of your mind at all times.

This is a very simple strategy, however, for key important pieces of information it could well be one of the most effective techniques you use to improve your memory and recall of information.

Visualize Yourself Using Information

The imagination of a visual learner is one of their greatest assets. Your imagination holds the key to unbelievable insights, understandings and reflections that could very well make a significant difference to your outcomes.

Spend time each and every day physically visualizing in pictures the topic you have been studying.

There is a means and way to turn every topic into a profound visual experience in your mind’s-eye, you must however be open to the possibilities and utilize your creativity effectively to bring these images to life.

While visualizing these scenarios in your mind, make sure that they are big, funny, colorful and bright in ways that will assist you with better memory recall. Moreover, adding dramatic and memorable movement to your visualizations will further enhance the learning process.

Please remember, not to allow your imagination to limit the possibilities here. Boring and dull images in your mind will simply not be remembered as clearly as exciting, fun and colorful images will.

Think about how you can perform this visualization in a creative and effective way that will leave a lasting impression on your mind. Maybe you could turn everything into your favorite cartoon or movie? Or you could use famous actors and characters to perform in your visual experience. You could even have animals and trees acting out all the parts of this visual journey, or simply put yourself into a fantasy world where anything goes. They key again is to make it memorable, entertaining and fun.

Create Mental Storyboards

This is closely tied into the process of visualization, however it involves creating mental storyboards within your mind as you make progress through the learning process.

Think of a mental storyboard as very much like something that writers create for a movie or television series before it is filmed. For them the process involves drawing how they imagine each scene of a movie unfolding in a comic-book type of format. This works quite effectively as it puts the bigger picture into perspective and also opens new insights and understandings about how the story should unfold.

For the purpose of accelerating your learning, mental storyboards will assist you with creating an ongoing picture-story-book within your mind about the information you are studying in such a way that will help you to more thoroughly understand the topic under study.

Begin by reading a paragraph, page or a topic one section at a time. At the end of this section, close your eyes for a moment and create a snapshot picture of the topic that is vivid and memorable. Make this picture bright, colorful and all encompassing. Focus on the image for a few moments, and then store it away in your mind.

To assist your memory further with this process, simply jot down a rough sketch of the mental picture on a piece of paper and use it as a bookmark for that page of the textbook. The next time you move through your notes you will come across this picture and it will bring back a flood of memories about the page or topic under question.

Again, it is very important to use a free-flexing imagination that will allow you to think creatively about the topic you are studying.

Create Intertwining Flow Charts and Mind Maps

As a visual learner you very much enjoy thinking in interconnecting systems and processes. You naturally enjoy seeing associations and connections between different objects, which helps you to better understand the material you are studying.

Utilize flow charts and mind maps in order to connect different aspects of a topic together in creative ways that make sense in your mind.

When I read a topic and try and create a mind map from this information, I don’t often follow the topic structure presented within the text. Instead, I create my own connections bringing together seemingly unrelated pieces of information into a cohesive format that makes sense to me. As a result I wouldn’t suggest that you stick to the structure of the topics or subject you are studying. Create your own headings, sub-headings, major and minor points, interconnecting them together in ways that will enhance your understanding about this topic.

Create Flashy Pocket Cards

Similar to post-it notes, it is handy to utilize pocket cards as reminder tools that will help you to keep the most important points at the forefront of your mind at all times. Whenever you get a moment of time to spare, you can always refer to them, and therefore keep your mind and attention on the pieces of information that are most important to you.

Create Diagrams and Pictures of the Material

If you are artistically inclined (or not), then this may very well be the most effective study strategy that will help you to accelerate your learning potential.

Take out your colored pencils, crayons, pens, highlighters and makers, and draw quick sketches of the material you are learning. You are effectively creating a physical storyboard of each topic (not a mental storyboard as previously discussed). Again, be creative with your approach and utilize themes, characters, cartoon heroes, or simple stick figures. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as it sticks and ingrains itself into your psyche.

Finally, in order to further expand your understanding and awareness of the material you are studying, it may be helpful to recreate the diagrams, pictures, cartoons and graphs presented within the book in your own unique way.

Read like a Child in a Playful and Creative Way

Finally, visual learners will find it helpful to interact with their reading material in a childlike manner.

Do you remember the days when you were young and you drew pretty little pictures, shapes, and lines on your bedroom wall? Well, this is somewhat the same method you should be using to learn new pieces of information.

The next time you sit down to read a book, create a process and method of remembering that you will utilize from that moment onward. Simply develop a process and system for your scribbles, underlines, highlights, colors, symbols, arrows and line linkages.

Everything must have a consistent reason and purpose for being that defines the way you learn and study.

Initially it might take a little time to develop the process that you will use, as you must decide how and under what specific conditions you will utilize each of these written methods. However as you gain experience it will become one of your primary tools that will help to accelerate your learning potential.

Logical Study Suggestions

Here are some additional study tools and strategies that were left out of the seven intelligences of accelerated learning:

Learn in Logical Steps

This is pretty much the way that most of us are taught to learn, and it is in fact a very effective means of learning new pieces of information that you may not be too familiar with.

Essentially we must all begin the learning process by taking simple and proactive logical steps through the topic we are studying.

Learn out of Sequence

Once you become more or less familiar with a subject, you will be ready to begin learning out of sequence. In fact, learning out of sequence is incredibly important when it comes to your examinations.

During examinations you will find that you are being confronted with the same topics in a strange ordered sequence that just doesn’t make any sense. If you do not adapt quickly to this right-hookthen you will suffer the consequences and go down for the count. As such you must prepare yourself for the unexpected by learning the material you are studying out of its regular sequence and order. This can be achieved by reading the material back-to-front, by dipping in and out of chapters, and by simply reordering your notes in such a way that it creates momentary confusion.

The important point here is that you must not allow your brain to become comfortable with a standard pattern of learning the information you are studying. Instead stimulate and challenge your brain in unexpected ways by studying out of sequence. It will most sincerely thank you when the time comes to do your examinations.

In many ways, it is much like an athlete training for a competition. They won’t only train one way, but rather will put their body through a variety of workouts to ensure that they are ready for anything that comes their way when the day of the competition or event is upon them.

As a final thought, you could separate your notes onto individual flash cards that can be shuffled before beginning the learning process.

Focus on Small Chunks of Information

It is easy to become overwhelmed very quickly with topics that are at first difficult to grasp or understand. In such cases think about your topic as a large chunk of information. This large chunk is made up of smaller chunks, and those smaller chunks are composed of even smaller chunks and so forth. Take time to break your topic down to the smallest possible chunks you can manage. Once this has been successfully achieved, simply isolate each chunk into easy, intermediate, and difficult to remember categories.

Begin by first tackling the chunks that are within your easy category. Take them apart and piece them back together utilizing any of the sensory study skills you have been introduced to within this post. Once completed, do the same for the intermediate chunks. And finally, tackle the difficult chunks in the same fashion.

You may very well find that by having tackled each of the prior chunks successfully that you will now have enough knowledge, understanding and experience to also tackle the difficult chunks with relative ease.

Learning is a process, however it must be a process that you control, and not allow it to control you.

Summarize What You Know About the Topic

This is a very simple and a very much overlooked learning strategy.

After learning a topic segment, simply take some time to either summarize your topic on paper, role play it, or record it. Identifying what you now know about the topic, will dramatically enhance your long-term memory and recall of the information under study.

Please do not forget about this process as it is of primary importance if you seek to accelerate your learning potential.

Learning through Effective Questioning

Knowing how to ask effective, solution focused and stimulating questions will propel your knowledge and understanding about any subject into the stratosphere.

Effective questioning strategies are important in order to enhance and advance any aspect of your life, including your learning potential.

Within this section you will discover how simple and carefully thought through questions can literally open the doors to new learnings, profound understandings, insights and experiences that can dramatically accelerate your learning potential and knowledge about any subject area.

The questions you utilize are a natural compliment to your multi-sensory learning strategies as they provide you with solution-focused methods that will open your mind to the possibilities and help you to further expand your thinking and awareness about the information you are studying.

The Purpose of Effective Questioning

Asking effective questions focused on solutions naturally helps to stimulate confidence, improves thinking ability, encourages curiosity, and enhances the learning process in unimaginable ways.

Without questions, you have absolutely no hope of becoming an effective learner.

Questions are the keys that will open doors of knowledge and understanding that would normally be hidden from your view. Take them seriously, ask them religiously, and you will soar to the heights of academic greatness.

Questions Separate the Genius from the Masses

Yes, this indeed is true. In fact it could be the most important key fundamental ability that separates a highly intelligent person or student from the rest.

By asking the right kinds of questions, you will naturally stimulate the brain to think in unique and creative ways that will expand the possibilities and move you beyond fixed-beliefs that riddle the mind and limit its potential.

Many beliefs that we hold within our psyche are simply there because we fail to pose the questions that will break us free of their stranglehold over us. The same applies to learning.

If ever you are stuck and unable to break through an obstacle along your path towards successfully learning a subject or topic, then simply take a timeout, separate yourself from your study environment and on a piece of paper jot down as many insightful and thought-provoking questions you can think of that will expand your thinking and awareness about the topic you are studying.

These questions must be stated positively and focused on solution oriented thinking that will help you to find answers to the learning roadblocks that you are currently facing.

If while undertaking this exercise, you find that you become stuck on a specific question, then simply take out another piece of paper and begin asking questions about that question.

Over time, as you become more proficient, you may miraculously find that your intelligence has suddenly skyrocketed as you seem to be coming up with answers, insights and new ideas without having to breakaway from your studies in order to write out these questions.

Try this strategy, and you may be pleasantly surprised how effective it can be in accelerating your learning potential.

Key Questions that will Get you Started

You should ideally create a list of questions and keep them beside you at all times throughout the study process. This list of questions must be very generic, and should focus on areas that will expand your thinking about the topic and subject you are studying.

Ideally you should have a list of problem solving questions, creative thinking questions, and critically thinking questions that you can refer to at a moments notice to help you break through learning slumps.

To get you started here are a few questions that will stimulate your thinking as well as your levels of motivation:

How can I apply this information?

In what specific way can this information be best applied into my life?

How can I put this information into my own words?

How must I think about this material in a creative and solution focused manner?

How can I utilize this information within this very moment?

How do all these pieces fit together when looking at the bigger picture?

Pose Thought Provoking Questions

To put closure on this topic, consider asking questions that naturally focus you on only the key and important points of the topic you are studying.

Ask questions that help you to validate the material.

Ask questions that assist you with thinking outside the box by looking at possible assumptions and insights that you might not have noticed before.

Ask questions that help move and motivate you to learn at deeper and more profound levels.

Utilize Curiosity Throughout Your Studies

Finally, I just want to point out how important it is that you utilize these questioning strategies throughout your study regime. This actually means asking specific generic and topic related questions before you begin studying, during your studies and even after you have completed your studies.

The questions that follow your studies are expansive learning questions that will help you to gain new insights and understanding into the personal learning process. You can utilize the answers you obtain from these questions to further accelerate and improve your study methods and skills in the future.

Final Thoughts

Our sensory experiences are magnificent things that we must cultivate and utilize to further our academic success at school, in business and throughout our lives. They are tools we have been gifted with that naturally connect to our thinking brain to help expand our awareness and understanding about the world and the information we are studying.

I hope you enjoyed this post. If you have any further learning strategies and tactics that have worked for you, then please feel free to jot your thoughts down within the comments section below.



Accelerated learning

A “must have” skill for the 21st Century




Accelerated learning is a method of learning that helps you organize, arrange and assimilate information at rapid speeds.

Ever since the creation of the printing press, it’s hard to argue with the fact, that most of the information we are exposed to on a daily basis is presented to us in the written word.

With the ever increasing influence and expansion of web multimedia services, the written word is somewhat losing a little ground, however it is still the most prevalent and popular way of presenting information in the modern era. Although it can be argued that it is also the number #1 culprit of the societal epidemic known to us as information overload. This epidemic is sweeping the world and putting extensive pressure on information gatherers who are doing their very best to try and make sense of the world.

Given this, it is critical that we learn to collect, absorb and completely assimilate the written word in a way that will save us time, energy and also our sanity. ;)

Today we will delve into the intricate details of reading and break down the speed reading process, including a step-by-step explanation on how to utilize a combination of speed reading and complimentary study skills to obtain a thorough and comprehensive understanding of an entire textbook. We will also take a closer look at a subconscious process of Photo Reading, which can enhance your learning and understanding of information at a profoundly deeper unconscious level of awareness. And finally, we will present you with some examination, study tips and strategies that incorporate the Photo and Speed Reading accelerated learning principles.

Reading Facts, Stats, Methods and Benefits


From a very young age, we are conditioned and trained to assimilate the written word in a variety of different ways.

The vast majority of us are first taught the methods of pronunciation one letter of the alphabet at a time. Next, we are introduced to short words and instructed to pronounce each letter of the word as an individual character before verbalizing the word as a whole.

As we grow older, and gain more experience with reading, we naturally progress to larger words and learn to verbalize them in whole chunks, which essentially enhances and improves our speed of reading. However for the vast majority of the population, this is where our reading progression essentially stops in its tracks, and this sets up a lifelong pattern of inefficient reading habits that present us with ineffective strategies for assimilating large amounts of information into our psyche.

Key Reading Facts and Stats

Here are some interesting statistics about reading:

  • The average reader only reads 150 words per minute (wpm).
  • Only 5% of readers read more than 400 wpm.
  • Most of us can only assimilate what we hear when it is presented at 250 wpm.
  • Most of us can assimilate what we see at 2,000 to 10,000 wpm.
  • 4% to 11% of the text you read carries 80% of the meaning.

Two Methods of Accelerated Reading

Throughout this post we will be discussing two specific methods of accelerated reading that will help you to improve your assimilation, comprehension and understanding of the information you are studying.

Here is a quick look at the two principles of Photo Reading and Speed Reading.

Speed Reading Principles

Speed reading involves the process of skimming, chunking, identifying and filtering specific pieces of information in order to accelerate learning.

You skim over information in a way that will allow you to acquire an overall picture of the topic without losing yourself within the meticulous details.

You would chunk relevant aspects of this information together, following the same process you utilize when chunking individual letters into words. This helps to absorb sentences and paragraphs in quick succession. You would likewise identify or filter out aspects of the information you are reading that aren’t relevant or necessary to further your understanding of the topic.

Given all this, it is important to understand that speed reading isn’t just about reading quickly. It rather involves an analysis process of information assimilation that will accelerate your ability to learn information quickly.

PhotoReading Principles

PhotoReading involves a pre-conscious level of awareness that naturally stimulates creativity, rapid information assimilation while opening the doors to non-judgmental learning.

While PhotoReading, you are essentially shutting-off the conscious critical mind from the learning cycle.

Even though the conscious mind is essential for stimulating your short and long-term memory, it however can become a hindrance due to its habitual preconceived ideas and notions about the information you are learning.

Benefits of Accelerated Reading

Learning to read at an accelerated and rapid speed utilizing the methods described within this post and mind map, can dramatically reduce your study time and efforts, while enhancing your speed of comprehension and assimilation of new information.

Principles of Speed Reading

Speed reading is far more than just a process of rapid reading. It rather involves an intricate method of learning that will help you to become a smarter and more effective learner.

Within this section we will break down the speed reading process in detail, providing you with essential guidelines that will help you to rapidly assimilate this method of learning into your study regime. We will also overview the two processes of learning that incorporate the methods of speed reading to help you assimilate information at a faster rate.

Speed Reading Uses

As previously mentioned, speed reading is a conscious process of accelerated learning that is best utilized for skimming large chunks of information in a structured and proactive way.

Speed Reading Guidelines

There are some simple yet fundamental rules for speed reading that we must abide by if we seek to rapidly accelerate our learning ability and get the most out of this study technique.

Learn to utilize and apply each of these methods progressively and you will begin to rapidly accelerate your speed of reading to ever higher levels. The key however is to be patient. You will not learn these skills overnight.

Years of reading and learning from an early age have conditioned you into specific patterns and habits of information assimilation that you will progressively need to breakaway from. It simply takes time and diligent effort. However, if you commit yourself and stay disciplined throughout this process, then you will no doubt be rewarded for your efforts.

Read in Chunks and Blocks

As kids we learned to chunk letters into whole words. As a speed reader we must now take this process to the next level and begin chunking individual words into multiple word blocks that must be read as a whole.

These word blocks can then be chunked further into larger word blocks, sentence blocks, and later whole paragraph chunks that can be read and comprehended within a single glance.

If you are not familiar with this process, then it might at first seem like a daunting task. However, you must remember that when you were a child, chunking letters into words at first seemed rather difficult, however you persisted and learned how to read more proficiently.

Simply begin by reading chunks of two words at one time. Once you become comfortable with this method of reading, take it to the next level and read in three and then four word chunks. Over time, your conscious brain will adjust to this process and you will see a rapid increase in the speed of you reading.

Every time you progress to a larger chunk, you are effectively accelerating your reading speed anywhere from 50% to 75%.

Use Incomplete Sentence Scanning Method

This method assumes that the first and last two to three words of every sentence are not significant or important to the underlying meaning of the entire sentence. You can therefore simply skim over these words without reading them, and you will still acquire a comprehensive understanding of the content.

Using this method, you can effectively accelerate your reading speed anywhere from 10% to 20%.

Only Move Eyes while Reading

Have you ever seen a typewriter in action? It moves from left to right, and when it reaches the edge of the page, it is pushed left once again. This is in essence how some people read. They are suffering from the Typewriter Reading Syndrome, moving their head left to right then right to left as though their book stretched across the entire horizon. ;)

Did you know that any movement of your head will slow down your reading speed quite dramatically? This is why it is suggested that you only move and rotate your eyes back and forth across the page while you are reading.

Using this method you can effectively accelerate your reading speed anywhere from 20% to 30%.

You can further accelerate your reading speeds by incorporating your peripheral vision. Your peripheral vision will allow you to see more of the page in one glance without having to move your eyes across the page left to right. In fact, the most proficient speed readers actually only move their eyes down the center of a page, while incorporating their peripheral vision to capture words and phrases that lie off-center.

Sweep Hand Across Page while Reading

When it comes to speed reading, it is important to guide your eyes across and down a page at a patterned speed and rhythm. The best way to do this is to use your hand as a guiding pointer progressively leading your eyes down the page.

Think of your hand as a guide dog leading a blind person down the street. Wherever the guide dog points, that is where your eyes must follow.

Establishing a rhythm is also very important here, as it will allow you to progressively increase your reading speed over time.

Using this method you can effectively accelerate your reading speed anywhere from 10% to 100%, depending on how effective you become with assimilating yourself into the rhythm of your hand motion.

Reduce Amount of Skip-backs

We naturally slowdown our speed of reading because of simple skip-backs, which involves rereading words and sentences over and over again.

Many of us partake in this time wasting habit, because as children we were told by our teachers that we must go back and reread words that were mispronounced.

As adults, even though we don’t normally verbalize these words aloud, we nevertheless still utilize skip-backs as an unconscious way of righting the wrongs of incorrect word pronunciations.

Using this method you can effectively accelerate your reading speed anywhere from 25% to 50%.

Reduce Fixation Time

Throughout the reading process, many of us have an unfortunate habit of staying fixated upon a word for an extended period of time. This was okay when we were children learning to read and to recognize word patterns. However, as adults, this habit dramatically slows down the reading process.

The next time while reading a book, identify if you have a habit of staying fixated upon certain words for longer then is necessary. Only once you have become aware of this habit, can you make the necessary changes to overcome it successfully.

Using this method you can effectively accelerate your reading speed anywhere from 10% to 50%.

Don’t Move Lips or Make Noises while Reading

When we were kids, we were taught to read and say our words aloud so that our teachers could hear our pronunciations clearly and make the necessary corrections accordingly. This was fine, as it taught us language skills that have since become indispensable to our ongoing social growth and development. However, the downside of this method of teaching is that we continue to pronounce our words internally, or through simple methods of moving our lips, while we are reading.

Our eyes can recognize words and sentence structures far more quickly then we can articulate them aloud. Hence, if you are verbalizing the words you are reading inside your head or through the process of just moving your lips, then you are dramatically slowing down your speed of reading.

Using this method you can effectively accelerate your reading speed anywhere from 50% to 250%.

Don’t Read Filler Words

Filler words are essentially meaningless words that add very little substance to the overall sentence you are reading.

Filler words can include “the”, “and”, “is”, “that”, “this”, “what”, “a”, and many others. Through practice you can teach yourself to quickly skim over these words without ever consciously reading them.

Using this method you can effectively accelerate your reading speed anywhere from 50% to 100%.

Alternate Your Reading Speed

As you progress forward with these speed reading guidelines, it is important to test and move out of your comfort zone by progressively challenging yourself to read at faster accelerated speeds.

All of us have a natural comfort level of reading that feels just right. Once we go beyond these comfort levels our comprehension and understanding of the information we are reading naturally begins to plummet. However, we must come to understand that this is only temporary, as our brain takes a little time to adjust to these increased speeds of reading and comprehension.

When you were a child your initial reading speeds weren’t very impressive, in fact it might have taken you a whole 30 seconds to read a short sentence from a book. However, at the time, this felt comfortable and it allowed you to fully grasp and comprehend the information you were reading. In time, you accelerated your speed of reading to a new level of comfort that you experience today. And there is nothing stopping you from transitioning to the next level by testing and challenging your reading speeds on an ongoing basis.

Using this method you can effectively accelerate your reading speed anywhere from 10% to a 1,000% or more.

Form Mental Visual Mind Maps while Reading

In order to improve your comprehension of the information you are reading, it is important to form ongoing visual mind map images of each sentence, paragraph, topic and chapter throughout the reading process.

This topic is beyond the scope of our discussion as it doesn’t specifically relate to the process of speed reading. However as a general rule, it is important to incorporate as many methods and strategies for comprehension as possible.

Practice, Practice and Practice Some More

Finally, you will not improve your reading speed by thinking about these techniques and strategies. The key is to practice, practice and practice each and everyday. Through consistent practice over time you will progressively accelerate your reading speed beyond its present capabilities and limitations.

SQ3R Process of Learning

This is a simple method of learning that will help you to assimilate the information you are studying in a more structured and effective way.

I have presented it here, because a part of this process requires you to speed read through the information you are learning. 

Survey Stage

This stage involves taking in a thorough overview of the material you are about to learn. Here you must make sure that you have all your necessary tools and resources on hand before you begin moving through the survey stage.

Begin by overviewing your material, taking into consideration keywords, topics, headings, chapters and other important pieces of information that will be relevant to your understanding of this topic.

Question Stage

This stage involves questioning the material you are about to read in a way that will expand your perspective and understanding of the topic.

The better and more insightful questions you ask, the more thoroughly you will prepare your mind for the learning process.

At this stage, it doesn’t matter if you cannot answer these questions, all that matters is that you open your mind to the possibilities that these questions will need to be answered as you move through your learning regime.

Keep in mind that your questions must highlight important unanswered aspects of the information that are critical to your understanding of each topic.

Reading Stage

Here you will spend time speed reading through the material by following the guidelines discussed above and by utilizing the methods and strategies that will be mentioned further down this post.

As you are speed reading it is important to keep in mind the questions you posed yourself within the previous stage. You should essentially be looking for answers to these questions while you read through the material.

Reciting Stage

This stage involves answering any outstanding questions and organizing the information you have read in a way that will help you to further your understanding of the topic or subject area.

Review Stage

The final stage helps you to lock the information you have been learning into your long-term memory.

Spend time reviewing the information you have collected using your seven intelligences or sensory learning skills in order to lock everything away for future recall.

Speed Reading Book Analysis Process

Finally, let’s quickly touch on a simple method you can utilize in order to rapidly assimilate the content of a single book in quick succession using speed reading strategies as well as other accelerated learning skills.

As you move through this process it is important that you stick with the time constraints presented below. They are there to guide you through an accelerated form of learning that moves through time specific stages that must be adhered to for best results.

This process presents a very powerful method for cramming before examinations, as it will assist you with assimilating large chunks of content in much less time then you normally would when reading a book from cover-to-cover.

Index Analysis Stage

Your first objective is to gather an overview of what the content of this book is about.

Take your book and spend two to three minutes just scanning the index pages. Keep an eye out for unfamiliar words and word patterns that signify specific themes and issues that will be discussed in further detail throughout the text.

As a general guideline, keep in mind that the more unfamiliar words you identify through the Index Analysis Stage, the longer it will naturally take you to thoroughly learn and grasp the topics presented within the book.

It may also be a good idea to highlight some key unfamiliar words and word theme patterns as you move through this process.

Overview Information Stage

Your next objective is to quickly overview the contents of the book in order to grasp a thorough understanding of the information and the difficulty of the material you are about to learn.

This stage will assist you with identifying important patterns within the information, thusly allowing you to take study shortcuts as you progress through the learning cycle.

You should effectively be spending five to ten minutes quickly perusing the book from cover-to-cover.

As you are moving through each page of the book, keep an eye out (even make a few notes) for key diagrams, pictures, graphs, major headings, subheadings, bolded text, bullet points, patterns within the information and its overall structure. The more thoroughly you are able to make sense of all these elements, the quicker you will be able to assimilate all of this information into your long-term memory.

Quick Scanning Stage

Here you should spend about seven seconds per page just scanning the content and material of each chapter in a little more detail.

As you are undertaking this process ask yourself “How…? When…? What…? Why…? Who…? questions to help you further clarify the relevance and importance of the information you are about to learn.

It can be helpful to jot down some important questions that come to mind on a piece of paper as you are progressing through this stage. The better quality of questions you are able to bring to mind about this material, the more thoroughly you will prepare your mind for the speed reading and learning stages that follow.

Sketching Analysis Stage

Having now overviewed the content of the book using three different methods, you are now ready to begin sketching out your knowledge about the material through the use of diagrams, pictures, and mind maps.

Throughout this stage, it is still very important to keep asking insightful and thought provoking questions about the material in order to stimulate your thinking and creativity.

Approach the book one chapter at a time and begin sketching out your knowledge and understanding of the material in three minute intervals per chapter.

By the end of this stage you will have quite a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the topics presented within the book. Moreover, the ongoing associations you are forming will enhance your ability to piece the information together far more thoroughly then when simply reading the book.

Speed Reading Stage

I suppose this stage doesn’t require any explanation as we have already discussed the process in detail.

As a general rule, you should spend about 30 seconds per page reading through the chapters of the book.

You will find that your understanding of the material is quite extensive at this point because you have already gone through the book four prior times using different comprehension methods.

Stick to the time limits, however focus a little more time on areas that are difficult to understand or comprehend.

At the conclusion of each chapter you may also like to add a little more information to the diagrams and mind maps you created within the Sketching Analysis Stage.

Review and Learning Stage

The final stage simply involves reviewing what you have learned in a way that will allow you to lock the information away into your long-term memory.

Principles of PhotoReading

PhotoReading is an accelerated learning method first presented by Paul Scheele. It involves a somewhat mysterious process of learning that taps into the unlimited powers and resources of our unconscious minds to help accelerate our learning ability by improving our memory and recall of information.

Within this section we will briefly introduce you to the methods and principles behind the process of PhotoReading. This is by no means intended to be a thorough analysis, but rather an overview of an intriguing method of learning that is rapidly growing in popularity.

On a personal level, I have used this process to some extent and have experienced some rather surprising and welcoming results.

It is best not to judge the process, but rather practice this method of learning for a few weeks or months without any preconceived expectations. The PhotoReading process only works if you let go of your inhibitions and step into it wholeheartedly with an open mind.

Before proceeding, it is important to understand that our unconscious mind remembers absolutely every single visual experience that we have ever perceived.

Just because we cannot remember something, does not mean that it never existed.

Your unconscious mind is essentially a storehouse of all the sensory stimuli that ever touched your life experience. This is why within a deep hypnotic trance people are able to remember incredible details from their past that they never actually took the time to consciously acknowledge.

This unconscious information lies dormant within our brains until it is brought forward into our conscious mind as a result of life triggers that stimulate associative memories about people, events and circumstances.

PhotoReading works on the same principles by instilling a deep learning state of unconscious awareness that can later be brought into the forefront of our minds on the conscious level.

Let’s now take a look at it in a little more detail.

PhotoReading Uses

PhotoReading is best utilized for rapid unconscious level learning that expands creativity and assists with problem solving.

PhotoReading Guidelines

Before undergoing the PhotoReading process it is important to keep in mind the following set of guidelines:

Gain Clarity About Your Goals and Objectives

For PhotoReading to be successful you must first clarify the goals and objectives that you seek to obtain as you undergo the PhotoReading process. Only once you are clear on your primary goals and objectives, should you move forward.

Stay Focused and Relaxed

Focus and relaxation are the two key fundamental aspects of the PhotoReading process that will help you to sink into a deep state of unconscious awareness that is necessary for accelerated learning. This essentially requires shutting out all external sounds and distractions, while slowly moving beyond conscious repetitive thoughts that tend to sweep through our heads.

Hold Book at 45 Degree Angle

Before beginning the PhotoReading process you must sink yourself into a comfortable seating position and hold the text book you will be PhotoReading at a 45 degree angle in front of you at a comfortable reading distance.

Utilize Photo Focus

Getting into a Photo Focus State is explained in great depth within Paul Scheele’s Photo Reading audio course. However, for the purpose of this discussion it basically involves centering your focus and attention on the middle groove of the open text book you are about to PhotoRead. By groove I mean the middle central margin that connects all of the pages of the book together, which is only visible when the book is open in front of you.

While your focus and attention is directed upon this groove, you must work on creating a fuzzy vision of sorts, while expanding your peripheral awareness of the two pages that are laid out in front of you.

It is important to understand, that you will not at any time be consciously reading specific words from a page. Instead, you will be reading at an unconscious level of awareness, thusly the reason for the fuzzy vision.

For best results, the Photo Focus State also requires that you fix your attention on the top back part of your head while you are PhotoReading.

Utilizing Affirmations

In order to help you to develop the right frame-of-mind, it is important to utilize a few powerful affirmations to assist with getting into a deeper PhotoReading state:

As I PhotoRead my concentration is absolute.

All that I PhotoRead makes a lasting impression on my inner mind.

I desire this book to help me accomplish my purpose of…

I am fully absorbing and assimilating this material into my being.

Stick to Time Constraints

Within the next section, I will briefly touch upon the PhotoReading process. Please be aware, that some of these steps are time specific, and that it is highly recommended that you stay within these time constraints for best results.

Do Not Judge or Rationalize

Finally, the biggest drawback to standard conscious levels of learning is that it is riddled with rationalizations and judgments.

Because we have a tendency to judge and rationalize the information we are learning, this indirectly influences our beliefs, values, self concept and the decisions we make about our learning in unexpected and at times unresourceful ways. This likewise tends to inhibit our natural learning ability and creative self-expression. This is why it is very important and critical that throughout the PhotoReading process that you do not rationalize or judge the method or the potential results.

PhotoReading Book Analysis Process

The following is an abbreviated overview of the PhotoReading process:

Preparation Stage

Before undertaking PhotoReading one must become clear on the goals and objectives one seeks to obtain by undergoing this process. You must essentially gain clarity on your most important learning objectives.

Ask yourself the following set of questions:

What do I expect to know or do differently after PhotoReading this material?

How important is this information to me?

What specific value does this information have for me?

What level of detail am I seeking to gain from this material?

How much time am I willing to commit to accomplish my purpose?

Preview Stage

This stage incorporates the Overview and Scanning Stages described within the speed reading section.

Your most important objective here is to ask insightful questions that expand your understanding and awareness about this material, while identifying 20 to 25 key trigger-words that are essential to your comprehension of this information.

Spend about five to ten minutes moving through this stage. Once complete ask yourself the following three questions:

What is this information really about?

Does this information fit my current purpose and outcomes?

In what ways must I further clarify my purpose and outcome to better fit the content I am about to PhotoRead?

PhotoReading Stage

Follow the PhotoReading guidelines presented above and begin to PhotoRead through the book at a rate of two seconds per page.

It is suggested that you PhotoRead from the front cover to the back cover, and then from the back cover to the front cover, while chanting a mantra that will put you into a deeper state of relaxation.

A good relaxing mantra to begin with involves a simple yet continuous “Hmmm…” or “Ahhh…”.

Incubation and Activation Stage

This stage involves the process of fully assimilating the information you have just taken into your unconscious mind through the PhotoReading process.

In order to encourage incubation of the material it is suggested that you sleep or meditate on the information.

Using affirmations that will assist you with triggering future insights are also of importance here. Here are a few examples:

I acknowledge the feelings I have used within this book.

I release this information for my body and inner mind to process.

I am curious how many ways my mind can demonstrate that this information is available to me.

I found through personal experience that activation is triggered when you enter a deep and relaxed state of meditation the very next day, and then ask questions of the material you PhotoRead the day before:

What is important to me about this information?

What are the main points that I must know?

What is in here that can help me regarding…?

What must I know in relation to…?

The depth of your questions will help you to unlock deeper and more meaningful insights from the information you PhotoRead the previous day.

Patience is the key, and it is critical that you do not expect to receive immediate answers.

At other times I found it helpful to ask a question and then simply physically scan the book for an answer. I was pleasantly surprised with the results, however they were inconsistent.

Questioning Stage

The final stage involves an analysis of the PhotoReading process. Here you would ask yourself a set of question that will help you to improve your PhotoReading methods the next time around.

In conclusion, please understand that there is a lot more to the PhotoReading process then what has been presented within this post. It is a rather extensive and interesting topic that we may give more time and attention to in the future.

Accelerated Learning Study Strategies

To finish off our exploration, I thought it might be helpful to briefly discuss how you can incorporate these accelerated reading strategies to help you during exams and also for class preparation purposes.

Examination Study Strategies

The way you approach your examinations must be structured using methods presented within this post. You should effectively be looking for patterns within the information you are reading. Patterns will reveal hints and snippets of information that will help you to answer questions more effectively.

Before you begin your examination you should essentially move yourself into a deep relaxing learning state similar to the one that was presented within the PhotoReading section of this post.

The second step is to begin PhotoReading your examination paper from front to back and then from back to front, all the while following the methods presented within the PhotoReading section.

Once PhotoReading has been completed, apply the speed reading principles discussed within this post. At the same time, keep your eyes open for key pieces of information, word and question patterns. Remember that in many instances the answers to questions within your examination can be obtained from other questions presented on your examination paper. Expand your awareness and understanding that this possibility could exists, and work from there.

Finally, once you have completed the speed reading process, read at your normal pace through your examination paper one question at a time, continuously looking for specific patterns within the information.

Before Class Preparation Strategies

Before heading into a lecture it is important to prepare your brain as well as your physical notes so that you are within an ideal frame-of-mind — ready for learning.

Your first objective is to move through the PhotoReading process focusing on the chapters your teacher will be discussing in class.

Secondly, speed read through the appropriate chapters using the speed reading strategies discussed within an earlier section.

Finally, create a mind map representing the main chapter headings and subheadings of the topics under discussion.

During Class Learning Strategies

As a general rule, you should always record your lectures just in case you need to clarify the information that was discussed at a later time. Also bring your mind map into class and expand on the headings and subheadings in further detail — creating new interlinking pieces of information that will help you to gather a more thorough understanding of the topic under discussion.

During class, your number #1 objective is to do all you possibly can to chunk information into related and easily manageable categories that will help you to remember and recall the topic easily at a later time.



How to Dramatically Increase Your Reading Speed and Improve Your Memory

Authentic people! 40 habits

We live in a contradictory world. As children, we were encouraged to be true to ourselves and pursue our dreams. Yet as adults, we are often pressured to conform to society, and in the process, we often lose ourselves.

However, some people possess the ability to live truly authentic lives. They are courageous and fearless. They have unmatched emotional strength and personal conviction. Here are the 40 habits of highly authentic people that can inspire us all.

1. They carry out everyday activities in personal and unique ways.

2. They respectfully ignore instructions.

3. They take time to understand the fine print. Then, take advantage of the loopholes discovered.

4. They work hard in every aspect of their life.

5. Though some consider them to be out of the ordinary, they feel no shame being who they are.

6. They do not fear confrontation. Instead, they love opportunities to see the world from new perspectives.

7. They love to make friends with people from varying backgrounds.

8. They have no inhibitions when it comes to sharing honest opinions.

9. They enjoy being alone. It is then they are free to explore the deepest corners of their mind.

10. They are self-aware and poke fun at their own faults.

11. They are active listeners. They can even hear changes in their surroundings.

12. They understand the fact that perfection does not exist.

13. They know their limits and never take on more than they can handle.

14. They often reflect on their past and the choices they’ve made.

15. They are curious about why things happen.

16. They do not take no for an answer.

17. They always have a plan, with more than one backup.

18. Intellectual stimulation excites them more than anything else.

19. They are proactive and think clearly before taking action.

20. They are quiet unless the conversation is meaningful.

21. They listen between the lines, and find deeper meaning during casual conversation.

22. Truly authentic people understand how their brain processes information.

23. They are always respectful.

24. They are supportive and encourage others to be themselves.

25. Their first impressions of others look beyond superficial beauty.

26. They are curious and hungry for knowledge.

27. They know their answer before the question is posed.

28. They understand that every action causes a reaction.

29. They never sweat the small stuff. Worrying is a waste of their time.

30. They make light of bad situations, and are slow to pass judgment.

31. They understand that being authentic is not the same as being pleasant.

32. They jump on every opportunity for new or exotic adventures.

33. They carry vibrancy everywhere they go.

34. They listen to advice, but will only act upon it after they develop their own opinions.

35. Guilty pleasures are important to them. They learn through frivolous play.

36. They care about the environment and are compassionate to animals.

37. They are interested in social issues.

38. Authentic people live in the moment.

39. They rarely look at their phones in public.

40. They explore their immediate surroundings.






Gyri and Sulci – which is the ridge, and which the trough? Asulcus sounds like sulk which is what you do when you’re feelinglow – sulci are the troughs.

Dorsal and ventral – which is lower? Ventral, because the V in ventral is an arrow pointing down.

Axial, Coronal and Sagittal sections – Sagittal is the only kind of cut that could cause Split-brain Syndrome by cutting the brain into two Symmetrical halves.

Axial is the section you’d get if you drew a line across your the face from left to right (and then extend that back), or in other words around your head.

If you have any other good ones, please share them in the comments.


Axial is the view from Above, Sagittal is the view from the Side, Coronal is the other one…


Axial is the view from Above, Sagittal is the view from the Side, Coronal is the other one..

“Axial is the view from Above, Sagittal is the view from the Side, Coronal is the other one…”


“Sagittal” is from the Latin for “arrow”, and the archer, Sagittarius. If you imagine someone shooting an arrow and pulling the drawstring past their head that&#039s the sagittal plane. Also I learned coronal based on if you were watching someone place a crown on their head.

Rostral is near the nostril.sagittal

Afferent = approaching; efferent = exiting.

Telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon and myelencephalon: T is on the top and it&#039s alphabetical from there.



Sh!t Sh!t Mate Mate Bollocks! My Brain Says Big Butts Matter More.


For those interested in a less sexually oriented one (but all together less fun to remember):

On Old Olympus Towering Tops, A Finn and German Viewed Some Hops.






“Some Say Money Matter, But My Brother Says Big Books Matter More”
Mnemonic for 12 cranial nerves – S stands for sensory, M for motor and B for both.

Things mentally strong people do?

1- They move on. They don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves.
2- They keep control. They don’t give away their power.
3- They embrace change. They welcome challenges.
4- They stay happy. They don’t complain. They don’t waste energy on thing they can’t control.
5- They are kind, fair, and unafraid to speak up. They don’t worry about pleasing other people.
6- They are willing to take calculated risks. They weigh the risks and benefits before taking action.
7- They invest their energy in the present. They don’t dwell on the past.
8- They accept full responsibility for their past behavior. They don’t make the same mistake over and over.
9- They celebrate other people’s success. They don’t resent that success.
10- They are willing to fail. They don’t give up after failing. They see every failure as a chance to improve.

11- They enjoy their time alone. They don’t fear being alone.
12- They are prepared to work and succeed on their own merits. They don’t feel the world owes them anything.
13- They have staying power. They don’t expect immediate results.
14- They evaluate their core beliefs and modify as needed.

15- They expend their mental energy wisely. They don’t spend time on unproductive thoughts.
16- They think productively. They replace negative thoughts with productive thoughts.

17- They tolerate discomfort. They accept their feelings without being controlled by them.

الخجل و الخوف من الناس … طرق عملية غير دوائية

كثيراً ما يحدث أن تدخل غرفة مليئة بالغرباء فتشعر بتسارع في نبض قلبك، أو تتوجه بالحديث لفتاة جميلة فتشعر باضطراب في الطريقة التي تتحدث بها، تتكرر مثل تلك المواقف في العمل أحياناً، ويمكن القول إن هذا الشعور بعدم الراحة والقلق من الإقدام على محادثة الآخرين هو ما يمكن أن نطلق عليه الخجل، ولكن كيف نتخلص منه؟

يمكن إرجاع الخجل إلى ثلاثة أسباب رئيسية، قد تكون كلها متواجدة بنسب مختلفة بين كل شخص وآخر، وهي:

– الإدراك الزائد للذات، وخاصة في المواقف الاجتماعية.

– التقييم السلبي للنفس، وكيف ترى عيوبك.

– التركيز الزائد في الجوانب السلبية من شخصيتك وإدراكك الزائد للأشياء التي تفعلها بطريقة خاطئة.

وهذه بعض النصائح التي قد تفيدك في التخلص من بعض الحرج والخجل الذي تشعر به في تلك المواقف:

1) عليك تفهم طبيعة مشاعر الخجل التي تصيبك، أن تعرف متى تخجل وأي نوع من الخجل يصيبك، وهي نقطة أساسية في بداية العلاج.

2) أن تحول إدراكك الزائد بالنفس إلى وعي بالنفس، واعلم أن الناس من حولك منشغلون بأنفسهم غالباً أكثر مما هم منشغلون بالنظر إليك وتحليل تصرفاتك.

3) ابحث عن مناطق القوة التي تتمتع بها، فلكل منا صفات تميزه عن الآخرين ومناطق قوة يتميز بها وطريقة فريدة تخص كل منا في التعبير عن نفسه، وعليك أن تتصالح وتتقبل حقيقة ما أنت عليه، وعليك بالتركيز على الأشياء التي تجيدها لتفكر فيها دائماً.

4) تعلم أن تحب نفسك، وأن تحب الطريقة الفريدة التي تخصك في التعبير عن ذاتك، أكثر من عمل النشاطات التي تبهجك وتشعرك بالسعادة.

5) لا تحاول أن تقلد الطريقة التي يندمج بها الآخرون مع الحدث، فمحاولة مواكبة الآخرين قد تكون مرهقة وغير مجدية، واكتفِ بأن تكون على طبيعتك تماماً قدر ما تستطيع.

6) حاول أن تنشغل بالتفكير في الآخرين والطريقة التي يتحدثون بها بدلاً من أن تنشغل بنفسك فقط، وحاول أن تجعل الناس تتكلم عن نفسها بدلاً من أن تكون أنت محور الحديث.

7) قلل من التوتر والقلق من خلال تنظيم التنفس، وإحدى هذه الطرق أن تتنفس بعمق وأنت مغمض العينين وأن تركز في تلك اللحظة على تنفسك فقط دون أن تفكر في شيء آخر.

8) من الأسباب التي تزيد من القلق والتوتر وجود طاقة تحتاج أن تنطلق، فأينما أتيح لك أن تتحرك افعل ذلك، لأنه يقلل من القلق بشكل كبير.

9) تخيل المواقف قبل حدوثها ربما يعطيك فرصة جيدة للظهور في الموقف الحقيقي بشكل جيد، اغمض عينيك وتخيل نفسك في المكان الذي أنت ذاهب إليه وأنك سعيد هناك، حاول أن تتخيل المكان والأصوات والروائح، يمكن أن يساعدك ذلك كثيراً عندما تصل إلى هناك.

10) لا تترك موقفاً محرجاً في منتصفه، لان الهروب لا يقلل من الخجل بل يجعله يزداد.

11) عليك أن تتقبل الرفض عندما يحدث، لأنه ببساطة جزء من الحياة وموقف يتعرض له الجميع، ولا تأخذ الأمر أبداً بشكل شخصي، وعليك أن تبحث عن الدرس الذي استفدته عقب كل تجربة رفض تتعرض إليها، ثم أخيراً أن تتعلم كيف تستمر دون النظر الزائد والتفكير في موقف الرفض الذي تعرضت له.

12) توقف عن اعتبار نفسك شخصاً خجولاً، ولا تكرر ذلك كثيراً بينك وبين نفسك لأنه يزيد الأمر سوءاً فحسب.

13) درب نفسك على المواقف الاجتماعية ، فكلما تواجدت كثيراً في مواقف تستخدم فيها مهاراتك الاجتماعية كلما زاد تدريب ذاتك على التواجد في تلك المواقف، وبالتالي يقل التوتر.

14) ركز على ما تفعل وليس على نفسك، فبينما أنت في وسط تلك المحادثة، لا تفكر في مظهرك أو في انطباع الآخرين عنك، بل عليك أن تركز في العبارات والكلمات وعليك أن تندمج في الحديث وليس في تقييم الذات.

15) عندما تحقق تطوراً أو نجاحاً فيما يتعلق بالتخلص من الخجل، عليك أن ترصد نجاحاتك الصغيرة وأن تسجلها في ذاكرتك، لأنها ستكسبك الثقة في قدرتك على التغيير والاندماج بشكل صحي مع الآخرين.

كيف تصبح موظفا عصريا

من المؤكد أن موظف المستقبل سيكون على غير ما يظهر عليه موظف اليوم والأمس. وقد يبدو صحيحاً القول بأن سرعة التغيير والانتقال إلى واقع وظيفي جديد، ستتزايد على نحو مضطرد وبشكل أكبر مما نظن. لهذا، يجب عليك التنبه إلى ضرورة العمل على مواكبة كل تطور ناشئ على صعيد الإدارة أو مهارات الذات أو حتى التكنولوجيا. وإجمالاً، ينبغي عليك حيازة السمات الـ7 التالية، التي سيتميز بها موظف المستقبل:


طالب  ببيئة عمل مرنة:



لم يعد الموظفون ملزمين بالحضور إلى مكان العمل، حيث يستنزفون أوقاتهم في طريقهم إلى العمل، من أجل الجلوس في غرفة والاستغراق في العمل لفترة كاملة. فمن الأفضل إعطاء الموظفين أسباب الاستقلال وظروف مرنة للاختيار، بحيث يكونوا قادرين على العمل في أي وقت ومن أي مكان، ما دام الاتصال قائماً.

تخصيص العمل:

قم على تشكيل مساراتك الوظيفية، واختيار طبيعة المشاريع التي ستعمل عليها.

شارك المعلومات مع من حولك:


تعني عبارة: “المعرفة هي القوة” هي أن الموظفين يكتنزون المعلومات، وبهذا فلا أحد آخر يستطيع الاستفادة من أفكارهم. وللأسف، فإن هذا المفهوم لا يخدم أحداً، إذ إن الاعتقاد المجدي والمفيد، يكمن في التفكير بأن “مشاركة المعلومات هي القوة”. فالموظفون الذين يشاركون غيرهم بأفكارهم، ويعملون على استخدام التقنيات التعاونية والشبكات الاجتماعية الداخلية، ناجحون ومتطورون في حياتهم المهنية، ومرشحون للقيادة مستقبلاً.

تواصل وتعاون:



لم يعد البريد الإلكتروني أكثر الطرق فعالية وكفاءة للتواصل والتعاون، حيث ظهرت العديد من التقنيات الجديدة، مثل: منصات التعاون الداخلية، التي ستحل محل البريد الإلكتروني في كثير من الحالات.

حاول أن تصبح قائداً:


للمرة الأولى في تاريخ الأعمال التجارية، أتيحت فرصة فريدة للموظفين كي يصبحوا قادة في شركاتهم، وهذا من خلال تبادل الأفكار والمعلومات علناً وبشفافية مع أقرانهم ومديريهم، عبر التقنيات الناشئة.

ولم يحدث من قبل أبداً أن يكون الموظف قادراً على إنشاء شبكة خاصة به ضمن الشركة، لولا التكنولوجيا التي سمحت بذلك.

لا تعتمد على معلوماتك السابقة بل تعلم في بيئة العمل:

The perfect employee

لتكون من أذكى الموظفين في شركتك، فإن كل ما يلزمك هو هاتف ذكي، فهو سيمنحك القدرة على تعلم أفكار جديدة، لتطبيقها في أرض الواقع. كما أن كل ما يحتاجه موظف المستقبل، هو التركيز على “تعلم كيفية التعلم”.

علم وتعلم:


عملت  الشركات التي تضع برامج وكتيبات التدريب على توجيه عملية التعلم والتعليم. وهي تعمل أيضاً على تنظيم الدورات التدريبية، من خلال ربط التكنولوجيا المهنية بالموظفين، في أي مكان وأي وقت وعلى أي جهاز. وهذا يعني أن التعلم والتعليم قد يحدث بين الموظفين دون تنظيم برامج تدريب أو توزيع كتيبات التدريب

Treating anxiety without medication : non medical alternatives

If you suffer from anxiety, the constant, nagging feelings of worry can be troubling and hard to control. These feelings are usually intense and out of proportion to the actual troubles and dangers in your everyday life. They can make it hard to function at home, at work, or in social situations.

Anxiety can be treated with medication, but several mind-body approaches may also be effective.




IMG_4840-300x225 hyp

is sometimes used along with cognitive behavioral therapy to treat anxiety. It can help people focus their attention, rethink problems, relax, and respond to helpful suggestions. Hypnosis relies mainly on your ability to concentrate and on the trust you have in the therapist. If you are interested in hypnosis, discuss it first with your psychiatrist or psychologist. She or he can help you find a qualified practitioner.


biofeedbk Biofeedback_training_program_for_post-traumatic_stress_symptoms

measures specific body functions, such as heartbeat or breathing, and feeds this information back to you in the form of sounds or lights. This can help you become aware of your body’s responses and learn to control them using relaxation and cognitive techniques. You can practice different relaxation techniques while attached to biofeedback equipment and get immediate sensory input about which techniques produce the desired results, such as slowing the heart rate or relaxing tense muscles. The hope is that this extra feedback helps people find — and refine — techniques that can calm the body and reduce anxiety.

Other relaxation techniques


that may ease anxiety include deep (diaphragmatic) breathing, visualization, and body scanning.

deep-abdominal-breathing-exercise Hypnotherapy-girl-reclining-8549981_m-300x286

Deep breathing

To practice this technique, begin by finding a comfortable, quiet place to sit or lie down. Start by observing your breath. First, take a normal breath. Now try taking a slow, deep breath. The air coming in through your nose should feel as though it moves downward into your lower belly. Let your abdomen expand fully. Now breathe out through your mouth (or your nose, if that feels more natural). Alternate normal and deep breaths several times. Pay attention to how you feel when you inhale and exhale normally and when you breathe deeply. Shallow breathing often feels tense and constricted, while deep breathing produces relaxation.

Continue this for several minutes. Put one hand on your abdomen, just below your belly button. Feel your hand rise about an inch each time you inhale and fall about an inch each time you exhale. Your chest will rise slightly, too, in concert with your abdomen. Remember to relax your belly so that each inhalation expands it fully.

Try to practice this breathing technique for 15 to 20 minutes every day. You might also try shorter bouts lasting a few minutes when anxiety begins to build, to see if this feels calming.Hypnotherapy-girl-reclining-8549981_m-300x286