Just How Helpful Can Eye Exercises for you?



There are many different causes of myopia and if it’s caused by visual fatigue then eye exercises can be very helpful for you. If myopia is either genetic or heredity, eye exercises are going to be less effective. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that exercises won’t have any benefit for your vision.


Eye exercises can help in a number of different ways:Eye Exercises for Nearsightedness


  • Increase eye function and help you focus better
  • Reduce eyestrain
  • Reduce sensitivity to light
  • Increase or strengthen your eyes
  • Help with other aspects of vision such as hand-eye coordination, depth perception, peripheral vision, etc

Eye Exercises for Nearsightedness

Here is a range of different exercises to combat nearsightedness. Make sure that you do these tasks every day to get the maximum benefit from them. And don’t forget, you want to complete each exercise fully before moving on to the next and you’ll also want to ensure that you can complete the entire eye regime without being interrupted.



Eye-Finger Exercise




This exercise will help you to focus on objects that are far away from you. You’ll need to stand in the middle of the room and keep your back straight. Face a picture on the wall and hold your index finger a couple of inches away from your nose. Focus on your fingertip and ensure that your eyes are fully focused before moving on to the next step.

Now you should quickly move your vision to the picture of the wall. At first the image will be distorted. Keep looking until your eyes have correctly focused on the picture. As you get better at it, increase the distance between yourself and the image.








Focus Exercise



For this exercise you’ll need to be sitting down and you will also need a pencil. Hold the pencil about six inches away from the tip of your nose. Don’t stare at the pencil, instead quickly glance at it and then change your vision to an object which is on the opposite side of the room. Do this for a few seconds and then go back to the pencil for a few seconds.

Repeat this process 10 times and do it every day. As your eyesight starts to get better, start focusing on objects that are further away from you.



Another Pencil Exercise



Here you’ll again need to be sitting down. This time, hold the pencil away from your eyes until it gets to the point where it starts to double in your vision. Hold it just before this point. Imagine that there is a transparent tic-tac-toe board just in front of you.

Now move the pencil and touch each of the imaginary squares and bring the pencil back to the original position. As you’re moving the pencil, make sure that you track its movement with your eyes.

Again, perform this exercise at least once a day and you should start to notice a gradual improvement in your vision.






Room Scanning



Find a comfortable chair to sit in and make sure that you sit somewhere where there are a lot of objects to look at. Maybe this could be in your living room or your garden. Now start at one side and slowly scan everything in the room. Look at each object in great detail, make sure that you outline the entire object, then move on to the next one.





For this exercise to work, you will want to look at things in a slow and steady motion. This will help you to focus on things that are both close to your and far away from you.

















Palming your eyes

The foremost pre-palming step to be done is to relax yourself and not at all be stressed. Small but effective steps to be performed are massaging your face, temples, shoulders and the top part of your head to get the blood flowing towards your eyes and this actually helps in relaxing your eyes and sets the tone for an effective eye palming session.

How to perform Palming










After prepping up your body for a session of palming, it’s time to sit back in comfortable and relaxed position and elbows must be rested on a pillow or on a table.

First thing first never put any pressure on your face and if we are to put any weight it should only be on the shoulders only. First rub your palms together to warm them up and then place them over your eye orbits. Your hands warmth will do all the magic of nurturing and nourishing your eyes.


For How long does one perform Palming For optimum Results?












This is totally upon the person performing the exercise as depending upon the present health of his/her eyes and the amount of stress they let their eyes take on.

You may perform this during your workday and frequently take small breaks to perform this 4-5 minute exercise to relax and replenish your eye strength and focusing ability.


Breathing is Important too

Always inhale and exhale slowly while palming. The best way to do this is to count to 8 when breathing in and count till 12 when breathing out.

In addition to this try to visualize your abdomen rising slowly when inhaling and falling gently when exhaling. This helps in relaxing your whole body in addition to the eyes as without a healthy body you will not be able to peak at the right time when performing an activity.

Published by Dr.Adel Serag

Dr. Adel Serag is a senior consultant psychiatrist , working clinical psychiatry over 30 years.

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