Diet and depression

  ng: preventing cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia, and mental health disorders, including depression. Diet and emotional well-being Diet is such an important component of mental health that it has inspired an entire field of medicine called nutritional psychiatry. What it boils down to is that what we eat matters for every aspect of our health, […]

Slowing down Thyroid

Maybe you’re feeling tired and having trouble concentrating — or perhaps you’ve noticed changes in your hair or weight, or just feel blah. You might easily attribute these issues to other health problems, or to simply getting older. But these symptoms can be signs of a sluggish thyroid.   The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland […]

خماسيات القرآن الكريم في افتتاحيات السور

  ثقافه قرانيه تنفع في الدنيا والاخره فاللهم اجعل القران العظيم ربيع قلوبنا ونور صدورنا وآخر دعوانا ان الحمدلله رب العالمين الفئة الأولى : خمس سور مفتتحة بالتحميد : الفاتحة ، الأنعام ، الكهف ، سبأ ، فاطر ،   ✅ وكلها مكية. ================================================================================================ الفئة الثانية: خمس سور مفتتحة بالتسبيح : الحديد ، الحشر ، الصف […]

Can Yoga used for anxiety and depression

Since the 1970s, meditation and other stress-reduction techniques have been studied as possible treatments for depression and anxiety. One such practice, yoga, has received less attention in the medical literature, though it has become increasingly popular in recent decades. One national survey estimated, for example, that about 7.5% of U.S. adults had tried yoga at […]

من كتاب تاريخ مصر عام 3000 م

من كتاب تاريخ مصر عام 3000 م     و مع تباشير القرن الواحد والعشرين الميلادي قام المصريون القدماء بثورة من أنقى و أعف الثورات في تاريخه و ناهض فرعون الطاغية الذي ظل جاثما على أنفاسهم هو و زوجته وولده أكثر من ثلاثين عاما .. وتبدل هواء السماء و تنفس المصريون لأول مرة نسمات لم […]

الطبيب النفسي ..خير أديب

حذار من قراءة تلك القصة انتفض الرجل العجوز من سريره بعد ان تراءى له في حلمه مرة اخري نفس الجموع من الناس المرتدية السواد تحاصره ولايستطيع الفكاك منهم فيتلقي اللكمات واللعنات وهو منكس الرأس إلى أن يطرحوه أرضا وينهالون عليه بالأحذية المتسخة . ارتدي ملابسه علي عجل حتى انه لم يأخذ حمامه وهبط سلالم المنزل […]

أبو لهب

أمر الله تعالى نبيه محمدًا أن يبلغ قومه وأهله الدعوة إلى دين الإسلام، فأراد النبى  أن يدعوا قبيلته ( بنى هاشم ) أولا ، فجمعهم وكانوا حوالي أربعين رجلا يزيدونأرجلا أو ينقصون وفيهم أعمامه أبو طالب وحمزة والعباس وأبو لهب ، وقد صنع لهم من أطايب الطعام فأكلوا من ذلك وشربوا وبعد فراغهم تخير النبى […]

Heart and Potassium ensures better mood

Your body depends on the mineral potassium for many bodily functions, including keeping control of the electrical balance of your heart, metabolizing carbohydrates, and building muscle. Low potassium levels can cause muscle weakness and heartbeat irregularities. On the other hand, too much potassium can cause your heart to stop.       If you have […]

Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics:

Who should receive LAIs?   Consider LAIs for patients with recent-onset schizophrenia and those with risk factors for medication nonadherence: history of non-adherence, severe symptoms, comorbid substance use, cognitive impairment, ambivalence or negative attitudes towards medications, and poor insight.   Are the newer LAIs more effective?   The effectiveness of newer LAIs (aripiprazole, olanzapine, paliperidone […]

Your Core in office work

One of the best things you can do for your health is to strengthen your core muscles. Your core is more than just abdominal muscles; it includes the muscles in your back, sides, pelvis, and butt. They’re the muscles that allow you to reach, bend, and move freely. What’s more, a strong core helps keep you […]


Did you know you can dramatically improve your keyboarding output if you only slightly improve your office ergonomics and posture? Posture can affect how quickly and even how accurately you touch type, and using the principles of ergonomics to give your posture a few tweaks can enable you to touch type in a way that […]

للتوحد قصة منسية

منذ ما يقرب 50 سنة و على وجه التحديد في عام 1943 .. كان هناك طبيب أطفال أمريكي نابه اسمه ليو كانر   يعمل في مستشفى جونز هوبكينز كتب مقال يصف 11 حالة لأطفال مرضى يعيشون مع أنفسهم في عالم خاص بهم على حد تعبيره – لا يتعاملوا حتى مع أهلهم   يشعرون بالفزع لأقل شئ […]

My child’s Mobile

  Did you know that 42% of US children ages 0 to 8 have their own mobile device? Essentially all homes had a mobile device, up from half in 2011. Ninety-five percent of homes had a smartphone, 78% had a tablet, and, as I said before, 42% of children had their own mobile device. What’s interesting is […]

Sex and Aging

Attitudes about sexuality and aging Updated: March 17, 2017 Published: June, 2009 Fantasies can help rev up your sex life. Myths, on the other hand, can stop desire dead in its tracks. Such myths aren’t the legends from classical history. They’re the stories we tell ourselves and each other to support the notion that older […]

Safeguard your feet

Stay ahead of foot problems by inspecting your feet regularly, keeping them flexible, and wearing the right shoes. Feet are the unsung heroes of mobility, and it’s crucial to keep them healthy. Even minor problems with your feet — such as an ingrown toenail or a small cut — can leave you sidelined. “Breaches of […]

Antidepressants medication: they work but what to do with side effects?

Antidepressant medications can be a godsend for people struggling with the dark mantle of depression. Yet like all drugs, they can cause side effects, which is why it’s important to be aware of any changes in your body when you begin any new medication. If you have any uncomfortable or worrisome antidepressant side effects, tell […]