Time management.. the easy ways

The Time Management Process

Learning a new skill and a set of strategies involves a process that must be diligently followed and acted upon. At first undertaking this process might feel uncomfortable and somewhat tedious. That is understandable, as anything new takes time and effort to practice and eventually absorb into our daily routine.

When it comes to time management the process is pretty straightforward, however it may take a little patience and some effort at first, before it eventually becomes ingrained into our psyche as a new habit.

Here are some suggestions to get you started along your journey towards becoming a better time manager:

Begin by Tracking Your Time

The only way to improve your time management skills is to learn from and understand your current time management habits. This process simply involves carrying around a notepad, and jotting down what you are doing every 15 minutes.

After one week, you should have a thorough understanding where you are spending your time and where you are wasting it. Do not move onto any other time management strategies until you successfully undertake this step. After one week, analyze your time logs and determine where you feel you could be more productive.

Set SMART Goals

Once you have a clear understanding of your time management habits, you are now ready to outline the bigger picture by setting and writing down smart goals.


Your goals must be very specific in terms of what you would like to accomplish.


Your goals must have a time measure, or in other words a date of when they will be accomplished.


Your goals must be achievable given the resources you have on hand.


Your goals must be realistic given the time frame you have laid out to accomplish them.


Your goals must be timed, meaning that they must be broken down into smaller short-term objectives that lead to medium and long-term goals. With an understanding of the bigger picture you are working towards, you will be better equipped to more effectively manage your time.

Follow Up with Plans of Action

Whenever goals are set, a plan of action must immediately follow. Create a quick writeup and general action plan of how you will go about achieving these goals.

Create Task Specific To Do Lists

Now take your plan of action and convert it into a master to do list of all the things that you must do in order to achieve this bigger picture.

Prioritize Your Tasks Accordingly

Now that you have your master to do list written out, the next step is to create a daily to do list where you write down and specify six key important tasks that you will accomplish today. As a general rule of thumb you should be spending your time on important rather than urgent tasks.

Many of us spend so much time during the day trying to put out fires. We deal with so many low priority yet urgent tasks and activities that keep us busy and moving, and at the end of the day we wonder how in the world we accomplished so little. Step out of this habit trap today and begin focusing on just the important tasks before they become urgent and potentially stress inducing.

Chunk Down Your Tasks

By grouping your tasks into similar categories of activities you will become far more productive and time efficient. For instance, make all your telephone calls within a one block hour, and respond to all your emails during only specific times of the day. You can also group stationary activities (when you are at your desk) together with other activities that don’t require you to move around your office. Once your chunk-time is over, simply move onto something else, without making any further telephone calls or writing up emails.

Schedule Blocks of Time to do Tasks

When setting tasks, be sure to specify how much time you will be spending on each of these activities. If you do not specify a time, you may become caught up in wasting time on activities that are simply taking up too much time.

Every task and activity must be set around a realistic and achievable time frame. Do whatever you can to accomplish this activity within the time frame you have set. And when time has lapsed, immediately move onto something else. Don’t allow perfection to sabotage your success.

Stick to the 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 Rule states that 80% of your efforts will bring about only 20% of the results. On the flip-side, 20% of your efforts will bring about 80% of your results. Knowing this, identify the highest value activities that will have the largest impact on your success at the end of the day, week, month and year. Focus on accomplishing these tasks and activities first, before moving onto the 80% of activities that will only bring about 20% of the result.

Balance Your Routine

Finally, establish a daily, weekly and monthly routine schedule that will keep you moving forward and focusing on your most important goals, tasks and activities. Routines are excellent ways of forming new and empowering habits that will help you become an effective time manager. However, be sure that at all costs you keep your routine balanced personally and professionally.

Effective Time Management Strategies

When it comes to time management, there are some simple strategies that we can apply into our daily routine that will instantly make us more productive and efficient. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

Be Flexible with Your Time

Know and understand that the day will rarely go as you had planned. Emergencies will pop up and unexpected events may change your course and direction. You must be prepared for situations like these by creating a buffer system within your schedule. This buffer will allow you time throughout your day to deal with unexpected events and circumstances. However, be very careful not to become lost within these scenarios.

Set a time limit for yourself in respect to how much time you will spend putting out these fires, and then return back to your most important activities without a second thought. Just keep focusing on the bigger picture and keep moving forward by focusing on what’s most important.

Be Inflexible with Setting Time Limits

While it is important to be flexible with your schedule and routine, it is however critical that you are inflexible when it comes to setting time limits for specific tasks and activities.

Determine how much time you will spend on important activities and stick with them until time has elapsed (unless of course the activity or task is finished ahead of time). By being inflexible with setting your time, you will become more effective and efficient throughout your day.

Organize Yourself

Get yourself organized by starting with your thoughts. If you are finding that there is just too much information circulating around your mind at one time, then develop the habit of writing your thoughts out on paper and clearing your head of the clutter that is weighing you down. Once your plans, tasks and ideas are on paper, your head will be much clearer and more organized.

Organize Your Environment

Do you waste many precious minutes of your day simply looking for things? If you answered YES, than you know what you must do. Simply organize your files and folders in ways that will make things quick and easy to find at a moments notice.

Another area you should take a look at is your computer and email system. If you are spending too much time browsing through icons, folders and files, trying to look for something that should be easy to find, than you might want to look at rearranging your computer folder system and email management process.

Remember, the initial process of organizing your environment is the easy part. It is the ongoing process of keeping it organized that may be difficult for the unprepared mind. As a simple tip, just follow the rule of putting things away where you found them, or storing things immediately when you receive them. The moment you leave one piece of paper lying around where it doesn’t belong, is the moment when you start to lose control.

Get Organized by Setting Reminders

Two simple ways to remind yourself about task and activities is to use sticky notes (post-its) or to carry around a voice recorder. Both are proven ways of capturing quick ideas that you can later transfer into your daily to do list.

Identify Bad Habits

As you are periodically organizing yourself and your environment, keep a watchful eye on time-sapping habits that may sabotage your progress and success. Identify them and work on strategies to rid yourself of these nasty habits once and for all.

How to Gain More Time Throughout Your Day

It is said that no matter how busy we may appear to be, that we can all gain time throughout our day by either improving certain skill-sets or by applying simple techniques and strategies that will make us more efficient and proficient when it comes to effectively managing our time.

Here are some suggestions that will get you thinking in the right direction:

Improve Critical Time Management Skill Areas

The following are a set of skills we must all work on improving throughout our days in order to become a far more effective and efficient time manager.

Computer Literacy

Improve your computer literacy by learning how to use certain pieces of software that will cut down the time, energy and effort it takes you to undertake specific tasks and activities. Even learning simple program shortcuts can dramatically cut down the time it takes you to write a report or prepare a presentation. Look online for beginner tutorials or find a workshop or course within your area.

Creative Capacity

Learning to be creative will allow you to develop unique ideas that will help you save time and become more productive throughout your day.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

Having the ability to think critically about situations will allow you to spend less time on the process of thinking and more time on doing and implementing.

Delegating Ability

Learning how to delegate work efficiently and effectively will save you an ample amount of time. Having another pair of hands undertaking the tasks and activities that you would normally spend time on, clearly frees you up to focus on other matters. The opportunity cost of paying someone to do something could well be the catalyst that dramatically boosts your productivity.

Negotiation Skills

Sometimes because we cannot agree with others about how things should be, it naturally draws time away from more important matters. By learning how to negotiate more effectively will help you reach a satisfactory agreement much faster, which will therefore allow you time to focus on other matters.

Emotional Intelligence

Whenever our emotions tend to get the better of us, we lose time, and become very unproductive in the process. Emotional Intelligence involves the process of taking proactive control of our emotions and projecting them in ways that will boost our productivity and performance.

Multitasking Ability

Spend time grouping tasks and activities together, and work on developing and improving your multitasking skills. As a cautionary note, on very important tasks that require a lot of thought and attention it is suggested that you do not multi-task, because often multi-tasking can cost you more time than you actually think you are saving.

Decision Making Ability

The faster you are able to reach a definitive decision, the more time you will save.

Speed of Reading

The faster you learn to read and absorb information the more information you will cover in less time.

Techniques to Help You Gain More Time

The following is a list of just a few techniques you can utilize on a daily basis to help you become a more efficient and effective time manager.

Utilize Affirmations

Simple affirmations such as “I am becoming more efficient and proficient with my time each and every day” will keep you on the right track towards your time management goals.

Take Regular Breaks

Your body and mind need regular breaks throughout the day. On the surface working five hours straight might seem as though it will result in more productivity. However, we must understand that spending long hours of time on a certain activity fatigues the brain, stumps creativity and nullifies a person’s problem solving ability. By taking regular breaks you refresh the mind, clarify the thought processes, and improve the creativity and flow of information.

Learn to Say “No”

By simply saying ‘no’ to people’s requests for help and assistance, you will avoid committing yourself to something that will eat up your time and make you feel guilty in the process.

Create Systems and Processes

Everything that you do can be created into an effective system or process that could dramatically shorten the time the task or activity normally takes to perform. Commit yourself towards thinking in systems by asking yourself.

How can I simplify this activity into a system or process that will save me time, energy, money and effort?

Eliminate Unnecessary Obligations and Tasks

Sometimes we simply do not have time because we spend too much time on unnecessary and low value tasks, activities or obligations that are tying us down. Commit yourself today and make a decision to eliminate these obligations, tasks and activities once and for all.

Commit to Constant Improvement

Everything can and should always be improved upon on a daily basis. No matter what kind of task, activity or process you are undertaking, everything can be improved if you continuously feed your mind with questions that will expand your thinking and awareness about the way you are going about your daily obligations. Just learn to ask yourself the right questions and you will be rewarded with answers that will save you both time and money.

The Mindset of an Efficient Time Manager

When it comes to effectively managing your time, techniques and strategies will only take you part of the way. One must also learn to cultivate a mindset that will naturally compliment these strategies in ways that expand one’s awareness and understanding of time. Here is a closer look at the time efficiency mindset:

Critical Time Efficiency Questions

The first step towards a time efficiency mindset begins with asking yourself the right kinds of questions to stimulate thoughts about how you are utilizing your time.

Throughout your day ask yourself the following three questions. These questions will keep you focused and centered on what is most important:

What is the best use of my time right now?

What is the future impact of this activity?

Am I the best person to perform this job?

Become an Optimistic Realist

Becoming an optimistic realist means being optimistic about your ability to get things done in the most effective and efficient manner. Moreover, it also means that you understand possible obstacles, challenges and problems that may arise, and can therefore respond to them accordingly.

Become Proactive Rather than Reactive

Being proactive means that you are physically and emotionally taking charge of the tasks and activities that you are responsible for on a daily basis. Despite unexpected surprises and challenges that may arise, you remain calm and under control, thinking proactively in ways that will bring about solutions and move you forward in a productive manner.

If on the other hand you are always physically and emotionally reacting to events and circumstances, you will suffer the consequences by experiencing the emotions of fear, overwhelm and stress.

Apply Focused Concentration

To become an efficient time manager, you must display focused effort and concentration on nothing other than the activity you are currently undertaking. Remove absolutely all distractions and zero in on just the task at hand.

Don’t Seek Perfection

If you have a habit of seeking to perfect everything you do, than you have very little chance of mastering your time. Realize that perfection is simply an opinion. What you consider as being perfect may not be how others look at the situation. On the other hand, your imperfect actions may indeed be more than satisfactory for others. Ask yourself,

Will an extra 10 minutes spent on this activity really make a significant difference to the end result?

If the answer is NO, than you know what to do.

Show Commitment and Discipline towards Completing Your Tasks

When you set a task or activity for yourself, commit yourself to applying diligent consistent effort to do whatever it takes to get the job done within the time frame you specified. Only with this type of mentality will you develop the necessary habit of self-discipline that will evolve you into an efficient time manager.

Show an Enthusiastic Attitude

Throughout your day no matter what sudden surprises or problems pop up, keep a smile on your face along with a bubbly attitude. Simply see everything as a challenge that you will work through in a progressive and proactive manner towards the bigger objectives and goals. An enthusiastic attitude will also keep your energies high when things seem to be falling apart around you.

Common Time Wasting Activities

As wonderful as it is to cultivate the habits of efficient and effective time management, it is equally important to grasp an understanding of where we might be wasting our time on activities that simply provide us with little value or reward. Here are just a few time wasting activities that may be robbing you of more than just your time:

Avoid the Habits of Procrastination and Laziness

Procrastination is the habit of avoiding a certain activity and making up every excuse in the world that helps you feel better about your actions.

Be very careful with this one, because procrastination sometimes sneaks up on us when we least expect it. Even simple things as planning too much, taking an extended lunch-break, having too many breaks, etc, all are key signals of procrastination. Keep an eye out on these signals and work on cultivating the time efficiency mindset discussed above.

Avoid the Trap of Waiting

Whether you are waiting in line at the grocery store, or for your appointment to arrive, it all means one thing: you are simply wasting time when you could be doing something that will bring you a greater sense of fulfillment and the results you want most at the end of the day. However, sometimes these kinds of things are simply unavoidable. In that instance, prepare yourself in advance by taking some reading materials or making important telephone calls.

As long as every minute of your working day you are doing something that keeps you moving forward and gets you the end result you are after, then you are on the right path towards mastering your time.

Avoid Constant Disruptions

Disruptions will make you lose focus, concentration and will interrupt your creative thinking process.

Studies have shown that it can take anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes after a disruption has occurred for a person to gain back the momentum they had before the disruption. To avoid these occurrences, simply inform others that you will not be available during a specific period of time, and that you don’t want to be disturbed unless it is a personal emergency.

Avoid the Habit of Just Keeping Busy

Keeping busy is a form of procrastination. There are just so many things that we can do throughout our day that have very little impact on our goals and objectives.

Go back to the 80/20 rule and commit yourself to working on the 20% of activities and tasks that will help you accomplish 80% of your goals and objectives. Only once these tasks have been completed should you move on to the 80%.

Avoid the Technology Trap

Technology is great, if used in a way that will benefit your long-term goals and objectives. On the other hand, if technology is abused it can sabotage your time and lock you away into the habit of ongoing procrastination. Too much internet surfing, email responding, watching television, talking over the telephone, or listening endlessly to the radio will sabotage your time probably more than anything else on this list.

Avoid these three Time Robbing Emotions

The 3 emotions of fear, stress and overwhelm are all an outcropping of one’s inability to proactively manage their time. If you are able to use and apply all the techniques and strategies discussed within this post, then these emotions will no longer affect your productivity throughout the day.

Final Thoughts

Applying the habits of effective time management takes a little diligent effort, however if consistently practiced and implemented throughout your day, it will lead to a greater sense of satisfaction and freedom that you might not have experienced in a very long time. By actually taking the time to cultivate these strategies, techniques and mindset, you will likely find that you will not only gain more time, but you might also discover that you also gain back your life.

I hope you enjoyed this post, and if you have any further thoughts, ideas, reflections or suggestions about this topic, than please feel free to comment below.

steps to change your habits

Almost everyone has some habit in their life that robs their
day-to-day life of a little (or a lot) of joy. We might have
a habit of showing up late, bottling up our emotions,
smoking, eating excessively, not eating enough, avoiding
exercise, drinking too much caffeine, spending too much time
on a computer, blaming others, getting angry quickly,
over-spending, not taking care of our selves, or many other
non-helping habits.

Over time the word “habit” often becomes synonymous with
“excuse.” We begin to feel that we can’t change an area
because it is a “habit,” and stereotypically habits are hard
to break. However, if we have the power to create a habit,
then we also have the power to un-create it. How do we know
if a habit needs to be broken? When it begins to negatively
impact our relationships, self-esteem, finances, career, or
any other area important to us, then a habit has become a
hurt. Let’s look at strategies that can help rid ourselves
of habits that hurt.

1. Clearly Define Your Habit and its Purpose: We don’t
create negative habits for fun and to purposely complicate
our lives. We create a habit because at the time of creation
it seems to serve a purpose in our lives. Typically, we then
outgrow the need for the behavior however we don’t
relinquish the habit. The first step in breaking a bad habit
is to clearly define what the habit is, when it started, and
how long we have been engaging in it. We can’t mange or
change what we don’t clearly understand, so get a working
definition of your habit on paper along with your thoughts
on why you created this habit in the first place.

2. Gather some basic background: Take a quick inventory of
the past 12 months. Answer the following questions:

How much time did you spend keeping up this habit?

How much did this habit cost you?

What did this habit prevent you from doing?
Answering these questions can help us see the reality of the
effect a particular habit has in our lives.

3. Fast Forward: As you conduct your habit analysis, imagine
what you days would be like if you were rid of this habit?
What would change? Write about how your life would be
different. Write as much as you can about the benefits of
changing your ways. Try to come up with at least 10 separate
reasons for change. The more you think through the benefits
(and write them down) the more solid the foundation you will
have when you begin to implement change.

4. Track Your Habit: Grab a notebook and for the next week
write down each time you engage in your habit. Note anything
that might be influencing you like your thoughts, those
around you, or how you felt physically or emotionally.
Conducting this habit-audit let’s us see exactly how our
habit is affecting us in our current day-to-day activities.

5. Make a Commitment: After you have completed the steps
above it is time to clearly define what you want to change
and how you want to change it. Make a detailed plan by
breaking down the steps you need to take. It would be a bit
unrealistic to say that in 4 weeks you don’t ever want to
overspend. Dramatic overhauls often lead to “slips and
relapses.” Try creating a multi-tiered plan for change. If
the habit was overspending, choose and define your new goal.
Then set milestones between where you are currently and
where you would like to be. If you routinely overspend $100
a week, you could reduce your spending by $20 every other
week, and in 2 months you would have a $20 spending budget
each week.

6. Think it Though
: Before your start date, think through
the challenges you are likely to face. What might confuse
you? What might cause you to run from new change? What might
cause you to slip? Think of as many potential roadblocks as
you can write them down. On your own, or with the help of
others, brainstorm a solution for each of these roadblocks.

7. Tell Someone!: Once you have defined the change you want
to make and chosen the steps to make it, then it is time to
make a first commitment. On one piece of paper summarize the
change, the benefit, and your action plan. Choose a start
date. Tell someone what you are doing! None of us like to go
back on our word. If we don’t tell anyone about the change
we are contemplating it is easy to revamp and alter the plan
at any time. If we tell someone and ask that they help us be
accountable we are much more likely to succeed.

8. Begin! When your start date arrives, review your plan.
Daily review the reasons for change that you created in Step
3. Rely on your support person for help when needed. If you
find new roadblocks, add them to the list you created in
Step 6.

9. Don’t let a slip become a fall: Often we have a little
slip (or a big one) and that becomes a reason to abandon our
plan all-together. DON’T! Just because you slipped today
doesn’t mean you need slip tomorrow. Don’t let the shame of
one setback be a reason to abandon your plan. Instead, add
that as a roadblock and brainstorm a solution for the next
time you face that specific scenario. Take the day off and
then get back on track tomorrow!

Try it! What habit is holding you back? Use the strategies
above to create an action plan for change.

Anger Management,

Is Anger Getting the Better of You?

There will undoubtedly be times when things won’t go your way. There will in fact be times when other people will do certain things that go against your values or simply don’t live up to your personal standards or expectations. And there will certainly be moments when the unexpected will happen — catching you off-guard and stirring your emotions. There will also be times when certain events and circumstances will trigger something deep within you that will suddenly bring the feelings of overwhelm and frustration into the open. Yes, these are the times when you might feel a little upset, agitated, angry or furious. And yet, it’s how you label and describe these feelings that will determine the emotions you will end up experiencing.

At one point or another we’ve all experienced some form of anger where we lose control of our emotions and end up saying and doing things regretfully. Anger is therefore a part of just about everyone’s life. It’s actually a natural response that can help you to better understand yourself, your rules, your expectations and your personal standards. In fact, when you’re feeling angry this is telling you that something must be corrected and/or resolved.

You can either make these corrections and resolve the issues you are confronting, or you can instead choose to let things go. Either approach works. It all depends on what you would like to gain from the situation and whether or not it is worth pursuing or simply deciding to let things be.

The Causes of Anger

Before looking into the causes of why you might be feeling angry, it’s important to note that anger, just like any other emotion, is a state-of-mind. Whether you consciously realize it or not, it’s something you choose to experience in the moment. Yes, it might seem on the surface that someone else made you angry. However, this isn’t entirely true. You actually made yourself angry because of the way you perceived the situation or because of how you chose to respond to the circumstances. It was your choice, and your choice alone. And because it was your choice, you can always choose otherwise. You can choose a different emotional response. In fact, you can choose to ignore the situation, you can choose to stay calm and composed, or you can choose to love. The choice is yours to make.

So what are some of the reasons why you might be feeling angry?

You might feel angry because of the way you have been treated. For instance you might have been treated unjustly or unfairly. You are angry about this treatment because your beliefs about the situation and your expectations of what should have happened are in conflict with the events that transpired. It’s important to recognize the influence that your beliefs have on your state-of-mind, because another person might very well have a alternate set of beliefs and expectations and they will therefore feel and respond differently to this situation.

Anger can also arise from physical pain as well as from a high consumption of alcohol and/or drugs. It can result from fatigue, which can come from a lack of patience, or from the fact that you’re dealing with a very difficult situation which is overwhelming your emotions and making you feel rather frustrated and burnt out. Anger can also result from bouts of low self-esteem. For instance, feeling inadequate or incapable about doing something can often lead to disappointment. Over time, this disappointment can turn to anger and eventually despondency when you realize you are unable to make any adequate progress.

There are also probably plenty more ways that anger can arise in your life. When looking at the bigger picture, it doesn’t really matter how your anger arises. The most important thing to remember is that you always choose how you feel. You can either feel angry about things or you can choose a different and more productive response.

The Consequences of Anger

If you choose to be angry and to respond irrationally to events, people and circumstances, it’s important you keep in mind that your anger always has consequences. Some of these consequences may initially be minor. Your anger for instance might hurt someone else’s feelings or ruin your day. However, these are things you can probably mend with a little empathy, forgiveness and understanding. What you should be worried about is how your anger influences your state-of-mind in the long-run.

When you’re angry you literally lose control of your rational mind. All of a sudden you stop thinking rationally. Instead, you are reacting emotionally to events and circumstances as you lose all sense of reality and perspective. These emotional reactions have very little thought behind them and as a result you might end up saying and doing things that you may very well regret and despise later on. Over time, continued anger can wear you down physically and emotionally. You begin to feel as though everything and everyone is purposefully out to get you — as though the world is conspiring against you. This can lead to feeling somewhat despondent, which can eventually lead to bouts of depression. This depression is triggered as you begin internalizing your feelings of anger. You are now feeling more anger towards yourself then the world around you, and this is what leads you to an even deeper emotional disconnect from the world.

Anger can however also be a very positive emotion. At times, the right kind of (controlled) anger can help increase your physical strength and courage. This can help you overcome danger and maybe even help motivate you to overcome periods of stagnation and procrastination. Anger can and will certainly spur you into action. However, this anger must be controlled and directed in a productive way to help provide the impetus you need for positive and assertive action.

Early Warning Triggers of Anger

In order to manage your anger more effectively, you must first come to understand what specifically triggers your anger.

Your anger might be triggered by specific things, by people’s words or behavior, by environmental factors, or even by relatively unimportant, insignificant and silly things that make absolutely no sense at all. It doesn’t really matter what triggers your anger. The fact that you feel angry is enough of a red flag to alert you to the fact that this is something that you must work through. Ask yourself:

When do I get angry? (time)

Where do I get angry? (place)

What specifically triggers my anger? (things)

How do I respond to these things?

How do I act when I’m angry?

How do I feel when I’m angry?

How do I think about things when I’m angry?

You might very well find that your triggers are somewhat isolated. You might only feel angry at specific times during the day or week, within certain environments, or when something particular happens. It’s important to become aware of these triggers, because only through awareness will you be able to work through them successfully in more positive ways.

Early Warning Signs of Anger

Let’s now take a look at some of the early warning signs of anger. These are the physical symptoms you experience in the moments of anger.

  • Your muscles become tense.
  • You start gritting your teeth.
  • Your face flushes up.
  • You begin clenching your hands.
  • You progressively raise your voice.

All these signs are quite self-explanatory, however when we’re angry we don’t normally think about how we are actually making ourselves feel angry. What if you became aware of these early warning signals of anger and instead chose not to tense up your muscles, or grit your teeth, or clench your hands, or raise your voice? What if you chose another response instead? Would that change how you feel? Would it change how you respond to circumstances?

It’s interesting to think about your physical responses to anger in this way. Because without these physical responses, just maybe you wouldn’t feel angry. You might feel a little agitated or upset, but maybe not angry. And that by itself could be the key that will help you get started on your journey towards managing your anger far more effectively.

The Different Types of Anger

All anger isn’t equal. There are some forms of anger that can be very debilitating and hurtful, and there are other kinds of anger that are productive and have a positive purpose that can be used to improve your life and circumstances. It’s important that we come to understand the differences between these forms of anger, because there will be times during your life when a little anger will be required to help you make the most of your circumstances. Let’s take a look at the different types of anger you might experience at one time or another.

There are two categories of anger. The first is People Oriented Anger and the second is Self-Directed Anger. Let’s explore each of them below:

People Oriented Anger

People Oriented Anger is anger that is directed at other people. This form of anger is often very unhealthy and can cause a lot of emotional harm, problems and heartache. Let’s quickly have a look at each of these types of anger:

  • Verbal Anger: Here you use words to harm other people on an emotional level. This form of anger is expressed via insults and hurtful criticism.
  • Passive Anger: Here you covertly anger other people through avoidance and mockery. This form of anger is designed to inflict pain indirectly.
  • Deliberate Anger: Here you use anger to purposefully gain control over people and events. This form of anger is deliberately used to manipulate people into getting what you want from them.
  • Judgmental Anger: Here you make an effort to belittle and shame people at every opportunity. This form of anger isn’t violent or loud, but can be incredibly hurtful and humiliating.
  • Volatile Anger: Here you fuse verbal and physical abuse together to frighten and manipulate another person into doing what you want them to do. This form of anger is often very sudden and comes and goes in emotional bursts.

These five types of anger are all very different, however they are all incredibly painful for the person receiving the brunt of the anger. Have a think about each of them, and honestly evaluate which forms of anger you have used in the past. Ask yourself:

Which of these types of anger have I used in the past?

What specifically triggered each type of anger?

How did I express each type of anger?

How did this make other people feel?

How did this make me feel?

How did it make me feel knowing that I hurt other people with my anger?

What can I learn from my angry outbursts?

How else could I have responded in these situations?

How could I manage these angry outbursts more effectively in the future?

When you openly and willingly accept the fact that you were in the wrong in these situations, and also admit that you could have chosen alternate and more productive and helpful ways to respond, then that is when you put yourself in the driver’s seat of your own life. That is when you admit to yourself that you are willing and ready to change and take responsibility for your life moving forward.

Self-Directed Anger

Self-Directed Anger is an anger that has more to do with you then it has with other people. It stems from an internal sense of dissatisfaction you have within yourself. This form of anger is often unhealthy and can cause a lot of internal turmoil and instability. It harms you, and can also harm other people when it is directed at them out of frustration. However, some forms of self-directed anger can actually be helpful and productive. Let’s quickly have a look at each of these types of anger:

  • Overwhelmed Anger: Here you become overwhelmed with having too much to do, with having too little time, and often resulting in high levels of stress and anxiety. You feel as though you are unable to control events, people and/or circumstances and this makes you feel angry. This form of anger is often expressed through shouting.
  • Behavioral Anger: Here you are feeling angry and frustrated within yourself for one or more reasons. You might for instance be held back from something you want to do, be or have. As a result you express your anger aggressively in the form of defiance, through trouble-making, or by causing physical harm to another person.
  • Paranoid Anger: Here your anger comes as a result of paranoia. You are paranoid that something might happen. This might for instance arise from intimidation. And as a result you become very defensive and try to protect yourself, which manifests in angry outbursts.
  • Chronic Anger: Here you are constantly angry. You are angry because it’s raining outside; you are angry because there’s too much sunshine; you are angry because a chirping bird woke you up in the morning; you are angry because you forgot to buy some bread on your shopping run; you are angry because kids are just annoying; you are angry because people are inconsiderate; etc. You are angry just because…
  • Self-Inflicted Anger: Here you are angry in order to punish yourself for something you did or failed to do. You might have for instance made a mistake and as a result you are angry at yourself. You might even go to great lengths to abuse yourself and possibly punish yourself because of this mistake.
  • Constructive Anger: This is the only form of anger that actually makes sense. It’s actually the only form of anger that can help you make a positive difference in your life and in the lives of others. This form of anger is often expressed via protests. However, it can also be expressed in other ways. For instance you might purposefully choose to be angry to get a point across to a customer service representative. Or you might purposefully become angry to teach your kids a lesson. This is all a constructive and helpful form of anger that can benefit everyone concerned.

Once again it’s important here to evaluate which types of anger have become a regular part of your life. Ask yourself:

How have I experienced each of these types of anger?

Why have I experienced these types of anger?

What specifically triggered these angry feelings? Why?

Is it reasonable to respond this way? Could I have responded another way?

How have these angry outbursts hurt me?

How have these angry outbursts hurt other people?

What can I learn from my angry outbursts?

How could I have better managed these moments of anger?

How will I do things differently in the future?

Managing your anger will become far easier and simpler once you understand and familiarize yourself with how anger tends to manifest in your life. You might of course not have all the answers right now to control your responses. However, with a little effort and time you can certainly re-condition yourself to begin responding to circumstances in far more positive and productive ways.

Anger Management

No matter how much work you put in to managing your emotions, there will certainly be times throughout your life when something unexpected will happen and this will immediately raise your internal temperature gauge. You go from feeling somewhat uncomfortable, to being a little agitated, and then inevitably to feeling angry. During moments such as these you could flip-out, lose your cool and vent your frustrations and anger on the unsuspecting world. Or you could learn to control your emotions and instead project them in more constructive and appropriate ways.

Let’s take a look at a seven step process you can use to manage your anger in a more helpful way:

Step One

Your first step is to recognize that you’re about to lose your temper. Go back to the signs and symptoms of anger and recognize how they are beginning to manifest in your life. The earlier you are able to identify these changes, the more likely you are to ward off these feelings and choose a different and more appropriate response.

It’s also important you tune-in to the conditions that triggered your anger. You’re about to lose your temper for a reason. What specifically within your environment, or within yourself stirred your emotions the wrong way?

Finally, acknowledge that you have a weakness. There are certain limitations within your personality that are causing you to feel and respond in a certain way. Acknowledging these habits and tendencies will allow you to begin the process of change.

Step Two

Once you are clear about how you’re feeling and have successfully acknowledged that there is a better way to respond to this situation, it’s now important to put some space between you and the things that triggered your anger. As such, it’s critical that you remove yourself from the situation that is causing you discomfort, agitation, and/or frustration. Remove yourself physically by walking away and taking some time to clear your head.

Step Three

Your next step is to calm yourself down emotionally. You can successfully calm yourself down by listening to relaxing music, by using affirmations, by counting backward from 10, by breathing deeply, by visualizing a calming scene within your imagination, etc. There are plenty of ways to calm down. Through trial and error you will determine what works best in your situation.

Once you are calm and centered, remind yourself about your goals in this particular situation: What were you hoping to gain? Also have a think about your most important values. These are the things that you are working toward. And these are the things that you might purposefully sabotage if you lose your cool.

Also remind yourself about the importance of staying calm under pressure, about the importance of maintaining good social relations with others, and about finding the strength within yourself to respond appropriately and intelligently. Ask yourself:

What am I hoping to gain from the situation?

What goals am I hoping to achieve?

What values do I hold close to my heart?

Why is it important for me to maintain a cool and level head?

These questions will lay down the foundations for the next stage in this process.

Step Four

Now comes time to knuckle down and evaluate the situation and evaluate your internal environment (your mindset).

Have a think about your personal standards and the expectations you are bringing into this situation. Maybe one or more of your standards have not been met? Maybe your expectations are unrealistic? Or just maybe one of your rules has been broken?

The purpose of this evaluation is to train yourself to proactively respond to events, people and circumstances in an effective and rational manner. You are no longer going to allow your emotions to get the best of you. Instead, you will look at the situation from a variety of angles and perspectives, and then pick the most appropriate and helpful response moving forward.

While you’re moving through this evaluation process, take into consideration that you might have misinterpreted people, events or circumstances. Consider that you might not be seeing the full picture, and accept the fact that you might actually be wrong and could very well have made a mistake. Be open to the possibilities, and above all else, be truthful with your responses. Ask yourself:

What happened? Why?

Why am I feeling angry about this?

Is my anger justified, appropriate and acceptable?

Have I possibly misread this situation?

Are things the way I make them out to be?

Am I making any assumptions about things?

How else could I potentially view this situation?

How could I potentially deal with this without feeling angry?

How could viewing things this way be helpful?

What is actually good about this situation?

Will this incident even matter next week, next month, next year?

Answering these questions honestly will force you to consider alternate perspectives and possibilities. This will help you acknowledge that the situation might not be as clear-cut as you originally made it out to be. And hopefully this acknowledgment will allow you to select the most appropriate response moving forward.

Step Five

Your next task is to take everything you have worked through so far into consideration, and then select the most appropriate and helpful response moving forward. The response you choose must have long-term payoffs and should support the greater good of all concerned. And this could very well mean that you still choose to project your anger if you feel that this is the most appropriate response in this situation. However, this will no longer be an uncontrolled form of anger. It will instead be a form of constructive anger that can help you get what you want most effectively.

It’s also important to recognize the options you have in any situation where you are feeling somewhat angry. You can for instance release the anger and move on without getting emotionally wrapped-up in the situation. Or you can instead choose to avoid the situation altogether. Alternately you can choose to control your anger in a productive way to help influence the outcome of the situation. Or finally, you can choose to redirect your anger onto other things. This will help you release your pent-up emotions, but will not affect the situation in a negative way. Each of these four options can potentially help you to work through the situation successfully without creating emotional mayhem.

Step Six

After things have settled down and the moment has passed, take time to evaluate how you responded to the situation and the impact that this had on you, on others, and on the events and circumstances you were dealing with. Ask yourself:

How did I respond?

What specifically did I do?

Did I manage my anger effectively?

Am I satisfied with how I behaved?

Was anger required in this instance?

How did my response affect other people?

How did my response influence the circumstances?

Again, it’s important you are very honest with yourself and that you use this experience to help you choose better and more appropriate ways to respond to these kinds of situations in the future.

Step Seven

No matter what happened — even if you responded inappropriately — it’s important you forgive yourself. Without forgiveness you will wallow in self-pity and will most likely continue making the same mistakes over and over again.

Once you have forgiven yourself, open yourself up to the possibility of taking the time to learn from this experience — to gain the most value and feedback from the every situation. Ask yourself:

What can I learn from this experience?

In retrospect, could I have managed things differently?

How will I do things better the next time around?

How must I prepare myself physically and mentally to take these important steps?

Now have a think about the worst-case scenario. What if you had lost complete control over your emotions and things ended up in a very sad and depressing place? Have a think about the potential consequences of anger in this particular situation by asking yourself:

What would be the consequences of losing control of my emotions in this situation?

How could this have potentially hurt me?

How could this have potentially hurt others?

How could my anger have potentially affected other areas of my life in the short and long-term?

How would all this make me feel?

Hopefully you won’t ever have to deal with the worst-case scenarios, however it’s always important to take them under consideration. It will certainly help you put the consequences of your actions into perspective. And in the end how you choose to respond to events, people and circumstances is always your choice to make. So be sure to choose wisely.

Overcoming Anger

Overcoming your tendencies to become angry will certain take time. It’s not an overnight process that you will suddenly be able to change. This process will undoubtedly take some effort. You will need to be patient and open the possibilities. And most importantly, you will need to be willing to make some changes and adjustments to your lifestyle — changes to the way you do things on a daily basis. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

Make Time for Yourself

Making time for yourself is important because it gives you critical moments to think and reflect about your life and circumstances. When you begin the process of self-reflection you suddenly open yourself up to more possibilities and alternate perspectives. You start taking into consideration what happened and look for ways you can do things differently and/or better the next time around. You are no longer reacting emotionally to events and circumstances, you are instead taking the time to think before responding, and as a result you respond in more productive and helpful ways that doesn’t involve getting angry.

Making time for yourself might mean taking time to exercise to help release anger and frustration. It might mean listening to some calming and relaxing music throughout the day to help you gather your thoughts. It could also mean taking time to meditate, visualize and reflect on things, on your behavior, habits and emotional responses. Likewise a simple stroll in the park can also be quite helpful and will give you time to reflect and acknowledge the beauty all around you. There are so many things to feel grateful for and so many things to appreciate about life. And that’s where you should start. A little gratitude, appreciation and love always soothes an angry heart.

Manage Sources of Anger

There will always be certain things, specific people, and particular environments that will tend to trigger uncomfortable and irritating feelings of anger. It’s important that you come to acknowledge these sources of anger and either separate yourself from them, eliminate them, or figure out how to minimize the impact that they have on your emotional state-of-mind.

This is particularly important during the early stages of working through your emotional tendencies. It’s during these early moments that you will need to focus-in on particular situations and work through them independently. Dealing with multiple situations that trigger your anger throughout the day or week can become very overwhelming very quickly. For this very reason it’s important you prioritize how you will manage your sources of anger.

Avoid Dwelling on Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. In fact, your transition from an “easily” angered state-of-mind to a more calm and proactive state-of-mind will not be a smooth process. You will make mistakes. You will fall back to old uncontrollable habits, and patterns of behavior. But that’s okay. It’s all a process of learning. New habits are not built overnight, they are built with some dedication, persistence, patience and effort over time. Therefore if you make a mistake and lose control of your anger, it’s okay. Learn from the experience and move on. Don’t dwell on these mistakes uncontrollably and wallow in self-pity.

Likewise, don’t get angry at yourself for making mistakes. Let go of the past and focus on a brighter future where you are in conscious control over your emotional responses.

Don’t Suppress Your Anger

Suppressed anger only builds up over time and then something eventually triggers it and you explode like an uncontrollable volcano spewing lava all over the place.

Instead of suppressing your anger release it in positive and productive ways. You can release your anger through exercise, by hitting a punching bag, by talking with someone about your feelings, by getting a massage to help release pent-up tension, or by writing your thoughts down in a journal. Journaling will help you to express your anger on paper and will give you the time to clarify more appropriate ways to respond to the situations you find yourself in. Journaling can also help you learn from your emotional mistakes and improve your choices and decisions over time.

Modify Your Language

The language you use, the way you talk to yourself, the way you think about things, and the way you speak with other people significantly influences how you feel and the emotions you experience at any one moment in time.

Say for instance something suddenly happens that stirs your emotions. You immediately begin feeling uncomfortable. And then out of the blue you just can’t control yourself. You label yourself as being “angry” or “furious”, and as a result you respond by losing your temper and by engaging in uncontrolled emotional outbursts. What if there was another way to respond?

Instead of labeling yourself as being “angry”, how about you label yourself as feeling a little agitated, or somewhat peeved? What if you said to yourself that you’re feeling just a little upset? How would this change your state-of-mind? How would this affect how you respond to this situation?

Transforming your language and describing your feelings a different way will immediately make you feel less emotionally involved within the situation. It’s therefore important to look into ways you could potentially expand your emotional vocabulary to build more richness and variety into the conversations you have with yourself. You don’t always need to feel angry. You can choose instead to feel a little agitated, confused, concerned, worried, or maybe just a wee bit uncomfortable. The language you choose will affect how you feel, and how you feel will influence how you respond.

Assert Yourself Proactively and Calmly

It’s important to teach yourself how to stay calm, cool and collected during pressure moments when it’s easy to lose control of your emotions. Learn about progressive muscle relaxation techniques, about visualization, about meditation, about building an internal sanctuary, etc. In fact, the simple act of counting back from 10 to 1 can help calm you down. There are literally dozens of things you can do to calm your emotions down. Get a little creative and think outside the box to figure out what works best for you.

Being calm and collected doesn’t mean that you should now become a “push-over”. You might have previously used anger as a means of getting what you want. And now because you have a more calm and relaxed approach, it’s easy to think that other people might walk all over you. This doesn’t have to be the case. You win other people’s respect not by being angry, but rather by being assertive and direct. You win their respect by being empathetic, by showing compassion and by sticking to your highest values and standards. In fact, you can be assertive without getting angry.

Anger and assertiveness are certainly not the same thing. When you’re angry you lose control of your emotions. When you’re assertive you are direct and firm and you hold your emotions in-check and only raise your voice purposefully when required. Assertiveness will win the admiration and respect of others. Anger will only cause people to despise and fear you.

Reframe Your Circumstances

How you interpret a situation will often influence how you respond to a situation. This is significant because the moment you change or alter your interpretation of a situation, is the moment you begin seeing things in a new light and in a new way. You are no longer constricted by the limitations of your own biased perspectives. Instead, you open yourself up to the possibilities — to alternate interpretations that might also make sense and provide you with a more appropriate means of moving forward.

Here are some questions that will help you reframe your circumstances in another way:

What if I’m completely misreading this situation?

What if there was really nothing to be angry about?

How will I think about this situation in 10 years time?

If I was an ant, how would I think about this situation?

If I was a river, how would I respond to this situation?

If this situation was a circus act, how would I think about it?

How would another person interpret this situation?

How would a child interpret this situation? How would they respond?

How would the President interpret this situation? How would he respond?

How else could I interpret this?

What else could all this mean?

Some of these questions seem a little strange, however they will help you understand that there is more then one way to interpret a situation, and there is also certainly more then one way to respond to a situation.

Communicate Your Needs Appropriately

Sometimes you might feel angry because you feel as though your needs aren’t being met or acknowledged by others. In such instances it’s important you communicate your needs to other people more appropriately.

Communicate how you’re feeling and what you want from the situation clearly and concisely. Once other people understand your needs and get a better idea of your expectations, they will be in a far more advantageous and receptive position to meet those needs and expectations. And if they are not willing to do this, then at least everything will be out in the open and there will be no confusion. Use this as an opportunity to work through these circumstances and points of disagreement in a fair and reasonable way.

Accept that Life is Unreasonable

You must accept that life is not always going to be fair and can at times be quite unreasonable. You will not always get what you want; there is rarely a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and people will tend to let you down. This is the reality of life, and you must accept that life is this way without resistance or anger.

Sometimes you’ll get things your way and other times you won’t. The only thing you can do is to be creative and flexible in your approach and then just maybe things will work out in your favor more times then not.

Improve your self esteem!

Are You Suffering from Low Self-Esteem?

Are you lacking the self-confidence and self-belief you need to make your own way in this world? Is this destroying your spirit and preventing you from moving forward in the way you had once imagined?

There are many people who suffer through periods of low self-esteem, and often for many different reasons. If you are one of these people, then you probably recognize the fact that you tend to judge and/or evaluate yourself negatively. Moreover, you probably have a low personal value and opinion of yourself, or maybe a low appraisal and evaluation of your self-worth. In fact, low self-esteem might be making you feel somewhat useless, inferior, inadequate, incomplete and worthless. This is certainly no way to live.

Symptoms and Habits of Low Self-Esteem

There are many symptoms and habits of low self-esteem. However, taken in isolation, these symptoms certainly do not indicate that you have self-esteem issues. Red flags should only be raised when several symptoms come bundled together and begin taking over your life.

Here is a list of the symptoms of low self-esteem you should look out for:

  • Constantly striving for perfection.
  • Having low or biased expectations of yourself.
  • A tendency to exaggerate your problems.
  • The habit of accentuating the negatives.
  • Underestimating your personal ability.
  • Ignoring the positives and potential opportunities.
  • Being riddled with self-doubt.
  • Constantly blaming and criticizing yourself.
  • Lack of self-confidence in your ability to get things done.
  • Inability to accept compliments.
  • Unable to concentrate because of a lack of energy, which often results from inadequate sleep patterns.
  • Hesitant and tense physiological movements.
  • A tendency to avoid people and social situations in an attempt to steer clear of judgment, criticism, and the evaluations that other people might make about you.
  • Often experiencing the emotions of loneliness, guilt, frustration, dejection, hopelessness, anxiety, anger, shame, worry, sadness and depression.

Experiencing one or more of these emotions from time-to-time isn’t a clear indication that you have self-esteem issues. However, if you tend to cycle through many of these emotions throughout your week, then it’s a clear indication that something is not right and that low self-esteem could be the underlying problem.

How is Low Self-Esteem Maintained?

It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly how every individual maintains low levels of self-esteem, however there are certain factors that come into play that can often lead you down the self-esteem spiral.

For starters, indulging in any of the low self-esteem habits discussed above will tend to keep you within a very poor state-of-mind that naturally positions you on the low end of the emotional spectrum. In fact, the more of these symptoms you have, the more you will struggle with your emotions.

In addition to these symptoms and habits, low self-esteem is often maintained because you have very restrictive personal assumptions and rules. What this means is that you make certain assumptions about things in a very negative way that provides you limited options moving forward. You also have a tendency to see the worst in every situation, which gives you very little hope for the future. On top of this, your rules and personal standards are very restrictive. You don’t expect much of yourself and as a result you tend to stay constricted within the confines of your comfort zone and never take the necessary risks to break out of emotional slumps.

Your restrictive rules for living your life are often built upon poor language choices that provide you with very little options moving forward. For instance, you often use words such as:

  • If I don’t… then…
  • I should never…
  • I must… or else…
  • I can’t…
  • I should do this… but…

The words and phrases you use provide insight into the rules that tend to govern your life, decisions and actions. And it’s these rules that continue to drain your self-esteem.

You also tend to aggravate your self-esteem by making negative self-evaluations. Your evaluations are so poor and limiting that you are left with no hope for the future, and no hope of improving your current circumstances. You have a tendency to do this because it helps “ground” you and gives you a sense of control.

The Evolution of Self-Esteem

Self-esteem encompasses your personal attitudes, beliefs, emotions, biased self-opinions and expectations, as-well-as your behaviors, decisions and actions. It also encapsulates the unhelpful assumptions you tend to make, the rules you live by, and the negative self-evaluations that tend to rob you of any hope for the future. All of these factors that go into building or destroying your self-esteem have manifested in your life over time and are built upon certain events that have influenced your emotional growth over the years.

Low self-esteem often stems from negative life influences and/or experiences you have had over the course of many years going right back to early childhood. Your family, friends, peers, teachers, role models and society, all played an important part in the development of your self-esteem as you were growing up. They showed and taught you — directly and indirectly — how to best handle your emotions during difficult times, how to overcome obstacles, how to interpret the events and circumstances in your life, etc. Some of these lessons were helpful, however, if you’re experiencing low self-esteem at the moment, then it’s likely that other lessons you learned over this period were quite unhelpful, and now you have a set of ineffective emotional coping skills that are restricting you in a variety of ways.

There might have been significant moments of your life that left very deep emotional and psychological scars. For instance, prolonged illness, neglect, abuse, hardship and punishment can leave a lasting impression on your mind. And it is these things that are currently influencing how you process and interpret the world around you. You might have for instance found it very difficult to fit-in socially at school and/or at home while growing up. This has left a very deep emotional scar that you tend to hold onto in the present moment — directly affecting your levels of self-esteem.

Other reasons why you might be suffering from low self-esteem today could be because of a lack of attention, encouragement, warmth, praise or affection you received as a child. Maybe you simply failed to live up to other people’s expectations of you. Maybe they had very high personal standards and limiting rules that you found very difficult to live up to. This entire experience while growing up has made you feel somewhat incapable, incompetent, worthless, inadequate, inferior and useless. You have no self-belief and very low expectations of yourself and your ability.

Your low self-esteem can also be attributed to the observations you made as a child. As a child you would observe adults going about their daily lives. These adults experienced hardships, setbacks, and personal problems. How they dealt with these challenges was important, because the habits, behaviors and emotions they displayed during these moments has left a lasting impression on your mind. These adult mentors taught you how to handle life’s difficulties and how to cope with your emotions indirectly. And today, you are doing what you know — what you’ve been taught — for better or worse.

All this goes to show that your low levels of self-esteem aren’t entirely of your own making. In fact, you learned and picked up certain ways of doing things and responding to situations from other people. Your current levels of self-esteem and the coping mechanisms you use to work through your personal challenges are a result of many years of conditioning that you went through while growing up. But even though you might not be responsible for this conditioning, you are however responsible for your own life today. And if something is not working for you, then you must take responsibility for changing things for the better and reconditioning your mind in a more positive and empowering way that will help you to live the life you desire to create for yourself.

Improve Self-Esteem

There are certain things you can do that will naturally help you raise your self-esteem throughout the day. Many of these suggestions are very straightforward and simple to implement, while other suggestions might take a little more time and effort. Either way, there is no miracle cure here. You will need to commit and dedicate yourself to adopting new habits, behaviors and ways of thinking and doing things in order to reap the rewards in the long-run.

Take Care Emotionally

Raising your self-esteem begins with your emotional health. Your emotions are the foundational keys to your well-being and provide you with the stability you need to get through difficult moments of your life successfully. When you’re in control of your emotions, you will be much more capable of handling the challenges that life throws your way. However, this requires you focus on developing your emotional coping skills to prepare yourself for these difficult moments of your life.

It’s important you prepare yourself by learning how to manage stress, anxiety, fear, frustration, guilt, anger and worry in more effective and productive ways. These are emotions you are likely to confront throughout your day. These emotions can either control you, or you can learn to manage them in ways that will help empower and strengthen you during difficult moments of your life.

Developing these important emotional coping skills will likewise help you to take charge of your thoughts, behaviors and the decisions you make. This will provide you with more certainty and confidence moving forward, and as a result it will help raise your levels of self-esteem.

Take Credit for Your Successes

This is a very simple idea, however it can have a profoundly positive impact on raising your levels of self-esteem.

When you deflect credit for your successes, you are denying yourself the opportunity to gain something of value from the experience. And because there is no psychological reward, there is no emotional gratification, and this will have a tendency to keep you in a weak state-of-mind that provides you with no avenue for further emotional growth and development.

The moment you begin taking credit for your accomplishments, a whole new world of possibilities opens up for you. For starters you begin developing higher levels of self-belief and self-confidence. This has a tendency to improve your ability to make decisions, and the better decisions you make, the more confidence and self-belief you will have. Likewise, taking credit for your accomplishments will focus your mind on what’s working and on all the positive aspects of your accomplishments. Normally you might only spot the negatives, and this would only leave you feeling discouraged and unhappy.

Therefore, take credit for your successes, own them, and embrace your accomplishments. You have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. Use it to build ongoing momentum that can help you to permanently raise your levels of self-esteem.

Focus on Solutions

Whenever things don’t go as expected and you’re tempted to get down on yourself, immediately switch on your solution-focused mindset. First, recognize the positives of the situation, and then look for ways you can make things better to improve your circumstances. Of course solutions might not always be immediately evident, however with a curious mind, and a desire to ask the right kinds of solution-focused questions, you will eventually find the answers you are after.

Of course, if you’re suffering from low self-esteem, it’s easy to exaggerate the negatives and minimize the positives of your situation. It’s also easy to underestimate your own ability, to doubt and criticize yourself, and to ignore the opportunities that may be present. On the other hand it’s difficult to see things in a positive light. In such instances, you might like to focus on reframing your circumstances in a different way, or simply asking someone else for their unique point-of-view or perspective. Other people might often see things very differently, and you can use their view of the situation to build the confidence you need to move forward in a positive way.

Here are some questions you might like to ask yourself that will help you shift your perspective about the situation:

What conclusions and/or assumptions am I making about this situation?

How am I exaggerating the negatives?

How am I minimizing the positives?

How else could I view this? How else could I think about this?

How could I view this situation in a more positive and empowering way?

How would another person view this situation? What would they tell me? Who could I ask?

What are the potential opportunities here?

What is there to feel good about and grateful for?

What positive action could I take right now to help me work through this successfully?

By focusing on what you want, as-well-as on potential solutions and opportunities, you are putting yourself in a primary position to find the answers you need that will help you move forward in a positive way.

Avoid Limiting Language

Raising your self-esteem requires you consciously take charge of your language. This includes your verbal language as well as your self-talk or the thoughts you tend to indulge in that make you feel absolutely miserable.

Focus on talking to yourself in a more positive and encouraging way. Yes, you might not have all the answers, or the confidence you need to get your desired outcome, just yet. The answers and confidence will come over time, however what’s most important here, is that you get yourself into a positive frame-of-mind. Do this by focusing on your strengths, on your positive qualities, and on the things that you are able to control and/or influence in the moment. Once you feel that you have some form of control over your circumstances, this will give you the confidence you need to move forward in a more positive way.

Create or Join a Support Network

There are many groups and support networks out there — both online and offline — with like-minded individuals who are going through the same challenges you are attempting to work through. They are there to support you, and you can be there to support them. Sometimes just by sharing your story and experience with a group of supportive individuals will help you find the confidence you need within yourself to move through difficult moments of your life.

Alternatively, you could join a sports team. Even if you’re not a sporty person, just getting involved in sporting activities can do wonders for your self-esteem. Sport provides a competitive, yet very supportive environment that can help build the foundations for your growth and development on a physical and emotional level.

Update Your Knowledge and Skills

Often a lack of self-belief is a clear indication that you simply don’t have the necessary skills, knowledge or experience required to excel in a certain area. For this very reason it’s important that you actually take the time to assess what kind of knowledge, skills or experience you might need moving forward that will help you improve your confidence within specific areas of your life. Ask yourself:

Where do I want to feel a little more confident?

What kind of knowledge might I need in this area of my life?

What types of skills might I need to develop?

What kind of experience might I need to gain?

How will I acquire this knowledge, learn the skills, and gain the necessary experience?

What small steps could I take daily that will help me move forward confidently in this area of my life?

Raising your self-esteem will take time, and it will take gradual daily steps. For this very reason it’s important you commit yourself to taking a long-term view of your journey. Your short-term results might be inconsistent, however if you remain focused on the bigger picture you will find the motivation you need to persevere through the short-term pain.

Spend Time Pampering Yourself

Take time for yourself. Take time to relax, to play, and to pamper yourself. Maybe you could get a massage, go to a spa, relax in a steam room, or enjoy a nice warm bath. Not only will these moments give you time to relax, but they will also provide you with an opportunity to reflect and gain some perspective about your life’s choices, decisions and actions. When you’re relaxed you will tend to think differently about circumstances, and this could potentially help you gain the perspective and confidence you need to make better decisions moving forward.

Creativity, Confidence and Passion

It is very possible that the reason why you are suffering from low self-esteem is simply because you are focusing on the wrong things. Maybe all you need is to tune-in to your passions and your life’s purpose. Maybe you simply need to tap into your talents and strengths. Or just maybe you need to focus on activities you are good at and enjoy partaking in.

Take time to have a think about some of the things you are passionate about. Have a think about the activities you enjoy, and consider your talents, strengths and your core values. Within these areas you will find the answers you need to build your life with purpose. Also, within these areas is where you will find your creative spirit.

Once you’re there, living with purpose, you will find the confidence within yourself to do things that otherwise seemed very difficult and problematic. You will finally have the self-esteem you need to make those tough decisions and to take the chances that will help you improve your life for the better.

Set Inspiring Goals

To live with purpose, you need to set inspiring goals that keep you motivated and excited. Ask yourself:

What’s something that inspires and motivates me to get out of bed in the morning?

How could I turn this passion into a concrete goal?

How will I go about pursuing this goal?

As you work towards your goal, keep track of your progress and thoughts within a journal. The act of putting your thoughts and problems down on paper will help you to more effectively work through any emotional challenges you might face along the way. In fact, use it as a tool for self-improvement and self-reflection.

Over time you will make progress, however it’s sometimes difficult to recognize this progress. This is where your journal comes in handy. Every week take some time to read over your thoughts, and reflect upon the progress you’ve made and the lessons you’ve learned along the way. This by itself could provide you with the boost you need to raise your levels of self-esteem moving forward.

Make Better Decisions

Raising your self-esteem essentially comes down to making better choices throughout the day. Instead of choosing to accentuate the negatives, you choose instead to focus on the positives. Instead of exaggerating your problems, you choose instead to look for solutions. It all comes down to the choices you make.

To improve your choices, take time to evaluate your behavior, thoughts and the emotions you tend to experience on a daily basis. Keep track of these things within your journal and periodically assess how your behaviors, thoughts and emotions are influencing the choices and decisions you make. The insights you gain from this exercise could help you make better choices in the future. And the better choices you make, the higher the levels of self-esteem you are likely to experience.


Beat depression before it beats you?

Are You Feeling Depressed?

Depression is an intense negative feeling of sadness and despair lasting for over two weeks that interferes with effective day-to-day functioning. It takes control of your livelihood and influences every decision you make and action you take. In short, it’s not a pleasant emotional experience. In fact, it’s a very limiting state-of-mind that can lead to some very dire consequences including serious health concerns and suicide.

What Causes Depression?

Some people are biologically predisposed towards experiencing depression. This of course doesn’t mean that they must resign to their fate and accept the fact that they have no control. They in fact do have ample control over how they feel, however they are just more prone to suffer depression because they naturally experience lower levels of energy, suffer from poor concentration, make slow and agitated movements, and are often very difficult to cheer up.

This form of depression is known as Melancholic depression. It is a more severe form of depression that is often treated with antidepressants and other drugs. However, the good news is that only a very small percentage of people are diagnosed with this form of depression.

The vast majority of depression cases are due to psychological causes, and can often be linked to stressful events in a person’s life. Likewise depression can be triggered when dealing with some form of loss, or when indulging in limiting thinking patterns that tend to overemphasize the negatives and diminish the positives. This non-melancholic type of depression can also result from having inflexible rules and can often be linked to social pressures. For instance, not meeting social expectations coupled together with unhelpful thinking habits, can very often lead to states of depression.

Symptoms of Depression

Depression is often diagnosed only after you have experienced the following symptoms for a period of two or more weeks in succession. If its been less then two weeks, then clinically you are probably just going through a period of sadness, grief, a severe case of disappointment, etc. These are often temporary emotional experiences that you will tend to cycle in and out of throughout your life.

Here are a list of symptoms of non-melancholic depression.

  • Persistent feelings of disappointment.
  • Lack of concentration.
  • Constantly feeling unmotivated.
  • High levels of irritability and stress.
  • Persistent lack of energy.
  • Low self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Severe mood swings.
  • Feeling socially isolated.
  • A sense of hopelessness.
  • Negative thinking manifesting in a dismal outlook on life.

In isolation, many of these symptoms do not signify that you are depressed. However, if you are experiencing most of these symptoms for an extended period of two or more weeks, then it’s very possible you might have a mild form of depression on your hands. This is nothing to be worried about, as long as you recognize this and you’re honest with your assessment.

You can certainly make positive changes almost immediately to break out of this limiting state-of-mind. However, you need to fully accept your circumstances and take responsibility for making these changes.

Self-Reflection Questions

Before breaking down several depression-busting strategies, take some time to think about your depression and ask yourself the following set of questions:

How does my life change when I’m depressed?

How does my view of life and my view of myself change when I’m depressed?

What do I do or don’t do when I’m feeling depressed?

What do other people notice about me when I’m feeling depressed?

These questions will help you to better understand your behavioral tendencies and thought patterns when in a depressed state. The insights you gain here will be valuable towards helping you make positive decisions moving forward that will allow you to work your way into a more empowering and resourceful state-of-mind.

Things to do Immediately

It’s important to work through the following suggestions and guidelines the moment you recognize you are feeling depressed. These guidelines will help you immediately improve your state-of-mind, while also providing you with a strong core of foundational techniques you can work through that will help build more emotional resilience in the long-term.

Adjust Your Physiology

The moment you catch yourself in a depressed state-of-mind, the very first thing you must do is pay attention to your breathing, posture and physiology.

When feeling depressed your breath will tend to be very shallow, your posture will tend to be slouched, your movement will tend to be sluggish and slow, and your overall physiology will be lacking the energy and zest that you normally have when you’re feeling confident and excited about something.

As you can probably tell, your emotions affect your physiology and mental state-of-mind. This is important because it’s also true the other way around. Your physiology affects the emotions you experience at any one moment in time. What this means is that by changing the way you breathe, by changing your posture and the movement of your body, you can almost immediately begin feeling different and somewhat better about yourself and your circumstances without making any additional adjustments. And when you begin feeling better, you will begin thinking more positively, you will begin smiling, and you may also begin asking yourself solution-focused questions that will help you to find better options moving forward.

Therefore, instead of looking miserable, force yourself to breathe deeply from your diaphragm. Encourage yourself to stand straight or sit upright, and move your body with more zest and energy. And finally, force a big smile on your face. Even a forced smile can do wonders to your state-of-mind. All of these adjustments you make in combination will immediately put you in a more positive frame-of-mind.

Attend to Your Automatic Thought Patterns

Have a think about the thoughts that you are currently allowing to dwell in your mind. These limiting thoughts are making you feel a certain way at this very moment, and most of them are tied to your emotional experiences, your worries and concerns.

It’s critical you recognize that indulging in these thoughts is not helping you feel any better in the moment. It’s actually hurting you — maybe even more then you realize. It’s therefore paramount that you immediately take some time to have a think about the thoughts that are you giving your attention to. Reflect on these thoughts and ask yourself:

What emotions am I experiencing?

What am I thinking about?

How am I thinking about things?

Are my thoughts positive, neutral or negative?

How do my thoughts make me feel?

How am I likely to behave as a result of these thoughts?

What are the consequences of this behavior?

How could I choose to behave differently if I tried?

These questions will hopefully help you recognize the incredible influence that your thoughts have on your state-of-mind. And maybe that’s all you need to make the necessary changes that will help you flip the switch in a more positive and helpful direction.

In addition to this, it’s important that you immediately challenge your limiting thought patterns, your interpretations and your perspectives of the situation. Do this by asking yourself:

Does it help me to think this way?

What’s another more positive way to look at this situation?

How might other people view this situation?

Here you are throwing doubt on your current interpretations of reality, and this is helping you see things in a slightly different and maybe even a more empowering and favorable way. In fact, the more perspectives and viewpoints you can find, the more likely you are to begin shifting your view of the situation, which might very well help you dig yourself out of your state of depression.

Get Social

While feeling depressed it’s natural to avoid social situations and just sit and wallow in your own problems and negative feelings. However, this is rarely if ever helpful. Instead, make an effort to connect with other people on a social level. You could for instance chat with a close friend in person or over the telephone, or share your thoughts with someone online, or maybe even volunteer your time to help someone or to a good cause. Any one of these options will be helpful. The worst thing you can do is bottle-up your emotions inside and isolate yourself from the world.

While you’re at it, be sure to connect with positive, happy and inspiring people. There is no point talking with someone who is negative and pessimistic most of the time. They might in fact make you feel even more miserable. Avoid these kinds of people like the plague, and connect instead with people who have the ability to lift you emotionally beyond your current state-of-mind.

Simplify Your Life

Simplifying your life will help you focus on the most important things — the things that matter the most. It will allow you to re-prioritize your choices, decisions, commitments, responsibilities and actions.

The reason you should start simplifying your life immediately is because the process of simplification will help you to figure out what’s most important in the moment. It might be that what you’re feeling depressed about isn’t as important as you initially thought. You are simply giving it too much thought, priority and attention. Instead simplify things and remove anything that’s unnecessary from your life including thoughts, responsibilities, tasks and other things that might be weighing you down emotionally.

Use Positive Language

The language you use is intricately connected to your state-of-mind. What this means is that how you talk to yourself and/or others is a reflection of the emotions you are feeling in the moment.

When people feel depressed they will tend to use limiting types of language that discourages them emotionally — making them feel absolutely miserable. It’s important you don’t fall into this trap.

Using positive language and self-talk alone will of course not get you out of a depressed state, however it will most certainly help you to view and interpret your circumstances in a more empowering way. Therefore instead of holding your head down and blaming and criticizing yourself, focus instead on looking at the positives of the situation.

Even if all this makes sense, it’s sometimes difficult to get into a positive frame-of-mind when faced with emotional difficulties. In such instances it will help if you play inspiring music in the background. Music can be a powerful motivator and can quickly shift your emotions in empowering ways. Play some inspiring music in the background and allow the music to move you into a better place. Once there, get yourself in front of a mirror and talk to yourself in an encouraging way. The physical act of looking at yourself in the mirror is powerful because it’s probably the last thing you want to do when in a depressed state. However, it is one of the most important things you can do as long as you approach the process with a positive frame-of-mind.

And if after all this you are still struggling and find it difficult to find the courage to talk to yourself in a more positive way, then make an effort to find some gratitude. Ask yourself about all the things you are grateful for in the moment. However, don’t just stop there. Find out why you are grateful for these things in order to discover how that really makes you feel. If anything, gratitude will help to refocus your mind on the things that matter most.

Curiosity: Ask Better Questions

Curiosity is the one key that will open doors of opportunity that depression keeps you from accessing. Being curious means having the courage to ask important questions that will help you to explore different perspectives, viewpoints, possibilities and avenues for moving forward. Being curious is the act of attempting to think a little differently then normal, and then taking the necessary steps to make positive change that will help improve your life and circumstances.

When you’re depressed, you will tend to ask questions that are riddled with self-blame, self-pity and self-criticism. This is a very dis-empowering means of asking questions. These kinds of questions will just keep you stuck in your miserable emotional place, and nothing will ever change. Instead, you must ask questions that will allow you to explore your options moving forward. Also ask questions that will expand possibilities and open doors to new opportunities. For instance, ask yourself:

What’s interesting about how I’m feeling at the moment?

How is this situation potentially helpful? Why could this be the case?

What’s the opportunity here?

How can I use this experience to help move myself forward in a more positive and empowering way?

Given my answers to these questions, why do I think it is of value that I am going through this experience?

These questions might not single-handedly get you all the way out of a depressed state-of-mind, however they will certainly open doors that will allow you to explore new paths that might very well provide you with the momentum you need to make positive changes in your life.

Challenge Your Core Beliefs

You are at this very moment feeling depressed because you believe certain and specific things about yourself and your circumstances. These beliefs are crippling your ability to make positive changes in your life, and preventing you from moving forward.

Have a think about what specifically you believe about yourself and about your circumstances that has led to your current state-of-mind. Ask yourself:

What do I believe about my circumstances?

What do I believe about myself?

What do I believe about myself in relation to these circumstances?

What do I believe about myself in terms of my ability to effectively work through these circumstances successfully?

Your beliefs will continue to hold you back unless you commit yourself to doing something about them. However, eliminating these beliefs requires you work on weakening the strong-hold they have over you. One way to do this is to challenge these beliefs by asking questions that will hopefully make you doubt the validity of each belief. Ask yourself:

What experiences do I have that show that this belief is not completely true all the time?

I realize I’m feeling depressed about this situation, however what if my interpretation of this situation is completely wrong?

How else could I potentially interpret this situation?

What else could I believe about this situation? How could this be of value?

What do other people believe about this situation?

What if I believed…? How would that change how I feel about this situation?

Behavioral experiments begin with “What if…” scenarios. “What if I believe…? How will that change how I feel about things?”

Ask yourself “What if” questions and then run a variety of scenarios in your mind to determine what could be the best course of action moving forward.

Groom and Pamper Yourself

This is probably the most straightforward suggestion, however it can become the instigator of very quick and positive change.

Depression is a state-of-mind. In the long-run, you will only feel better about your circumstances when you begin feeling better about yourself. This change must of course come from within, however it can also be triggered externally.

When in a depressed state, it’s easy to overlook your external appearance. And yet how you look on the surface can affect how you feel about yourself on the inside. Of course that shouldn’t be the case, but it is — at least for most people. For this very reason it’s absolutely paramount that you look outside yourself.

Take time to groom yourself to improve how you look. Also pamper yourself to improve how you feel. In combination — looking and feeling better — will help put you in a more positive state-of-mind that will then allow you to work through your core beliefs and self-talk far more effectively.

Additional Suggestions for Beating Depression

Beating depression isn’t always a straightforward process, and can often take some time, dedication and effort. In fact, beating depression in the long-term requires a strong desire to want to make the necessary changes that will help you improve your life and circumstances for the better. Without this desire, there will be no motivation, and motivation doesn’t come unless you have meaningful reasons to want to make changes in the first place. It’s therefore absolutely paramount that you are open to the possibilities and that you take the time to find reasons why it’s important for you to begin making positive changes to your life today. Ask yourself:

Why is it important for me to change?

Why is it important for me to make positive changes right now?

What are the benefits of making these changes?

How will I benefit specifically?

How will others benefit?

How will my life improve as a result?

Only once you have successfully answered these questions and found honest reasons to change, should you now begin implementing some of the guidelines listed below.

As you work your way through some of these guidelines, keep in mind that simple things can often be incredibly beneficial. Therefore it’s important that you don’t judge the book by it’s cover, but rather work your way through these guidelines with an open mind and a willingness to try things that on the surface seem very simple and straightforward.

Visualize Your Desired Life

Take some time to visualize your desired life and circumstances. Visualization is a powerful tool that can help put you into the right frame-of-mind.

The problem with depression is that it blocks you from seeing any value or benefits in the future. Instead, in a depressed state all you tend to see is further problems, anguish and misery. For this very reason, it’s absolutely paramount that you take time to visualize the desired life that you would like to create. Visualize the things you would like to do, be, have and possibly achieve. This might be difficult, however it is necessary. It’s after all almost impossible to feel depressed about the future if there’s something worthwhile waiting for you around the corner.

If visualizing your future in a positive way is difficult to do, then take some time to reflect back on your past successes. Think about all your past successes, achievements and accomplishments. Consider how you managed to create these incredible experiences. Once you’re there and living through each of these moments, consider how you might be able to take the lessons you learned from these accomplishments and apply them to your present circumstances and future desired outcomes.

Both strategies bring you to the same point, where you’re visualizing a desired future free from depression. This will hopefully provide you with the impetus you need to begin making positive changes in your life today.

Associate with Positive People

Enthusiasm, optimism and passion is contagious. If you’re not feeling these things, then you will need to begin associating with people who can infect you with these positive traits.

Purposefully associate with people who inspire you to be a better, more positive and passionate person. These are people who have problems just like you have problems, however they are emotionally resilient in the face of adversity and can help you see things in more opportunistic ways.

Take time to really get to know these people, to learn about what makes them tick, and what motivates, inspires and encourages them to move forward when faced with emotional difficulties. In fact, talk with them about your experiences, about your problems, and about your emotional challenges. Seek out their advice, and then go out into the world and make positive changes with purpose and conviction.

On the flip-side, take time to help other people. In fact, give your time generously to make a positive difference in other people’s lives. The act of helping others can in fact make you feel much better about yourself and circumstances. Who know? Maybe by helping another person you will gain some valuable insights about your own life experience and circumstances. This by itself could help you instigate positive change.

If you can’t find positive and inspiring people to associate with, then take time to play with animals and/or children. Children in particular can potentially help open up a whole new world of experiences and perspectives that you might previously have never considered. In fact, dare yourself to ask a child to provide a solution to your problems. They will most likely give you the most unexpected answer. And yet, it might be exactly the answer you are looking for — the answer you need to move forward in a more positive way.

Live a Healthy Lifestyle

You are far more likely to stay cool, calm and collected during difficult moments of your life when you’re healthy and fit. This of course doesn’t mean that you won’t ever go through emotional struggles. You probably will. However, what it means is that you will be far more emotionally resilient when faced with emotional difficulties.

Living a healthy lifestyle requires eating a healthy and well balanced diet, sleeping well and exercising regularly. On top of this, pay particular attention to your levels of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a valuable source of energy that is very important for long-term health and wellbeing. To get enough Vitamin D into your body, expose 70 percent of your body to the sun for 15 to 20 minutes per day. Not only will it provide you with long-term health benefits, but moderate sun exposure can also help improve your mood almost instantly.

In addition to these suggestions, you can also take supplements to help ease the feelings of depression such as St John’s Wort, Kava Kava, and Lemon Balm.

Avoid Stressors

Depression and stress are difficult to deal with individually. In combination they can be lethal. For this very reason it’s absolutely paramount that you avoid aggravating your stress-levels throughout the day. This might of course mean cutting down on your commitments and responsibilities; it might mean simplifying your life, tasks and projects; it might mean delegating more responsibility to others; it might mean changing your schedule or routine; it might also mean staying away from very intense people who tend to drain you emotionally.

Some things you might of course not be able to avoid. In such instances, you will need to learn more about how to manage stress more effectively throughout your day.

Avoid Addictions

Most addictions provide you with an escape from your emotions and circumstances. On the surface and in the short-term, this works out quite well. When you’re distracted you’re no longer feeling depressed. However, in the long-run they are rarely helpful and can actually hurt you.

Addictions are a form of distraction. They never deal with the cause of your problems and/or emotions, but rather provide you with a temporary relief. It’s like taking a painkiller for a headache. The problem is still there. Of course you can’t feel it, but you haven’t really fixed the underlying cause for your headache which could very well be stress related. It’s therefore absolutely paramount that you avoid addictions at all costs and instead find more effective ways to handle your depression.

Focus on Creative Self-Expression

Find as many ways as you can to express yourself creatively throughout the day. Creativity will help you release pent-up emotions in productive ways, and may even provide you with the flexibility you need to overcome your problems successfully.

Expressing yourself creatively might include taking art, dance or drama classes, writing short stories or poetry, playing music, etc. The more you allow yourself to let-go and express your creativity, the higher levels of self-control you will have over your emotional tendencies. The activity is not important here. What’s important is your willingness and desire to focus on something that helps unlock your passion and enthusiasm for living once again.

Partake in Your Favorite Hobbies

Think about all the things you love doing. Do you love collecting certain things? Do you enjoy reading books? Do you appreciate a great movie experience? Do you have a passion to partake in a sporting activities? It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it brings more joy and happiness into your life.

These hobbies you partake in must be enjoyable, relaxing and above all, fun. They are of course a form of distraction from your problems. However, distractions can be good if they help you expand your horizons and open doors to new perspectives and opportunities. In fact, the act of “getting out there” and connecting with other like-minded people who also have a passion for your hobby, can open a whole new world of experiences that might help you view your life in a more positive way.

Find Ways to Relax More Often

When you’re depressed, it’s difficult to relax and feel good about yourself and your life. For this very reason it’s absolutely paramount that you find ways to relax throughout the day. You can relax in simple ways through meditation, or maybe you would prefer to just sit quietly in the park and observe your surroundings? Likewise a massage can help relax your muscles and release pent-up tension. You could also try Yoga or Tai Chi. Or maybe just take a walk along the beach, play with some animals, or go for a swim.

It’s important that while you’re relaxing that you take control of the thoughts and emotions running through your head. To do this, become mindful of the moment. Just enjoy the present moment in all its glory without regretting the past or worrying about your future. Just be still in the moment. Within this moment there is no need to feel regretful, fearful, sad, worried, stressed or depressed. Within this moment there is nothing but the pleasure that you are receiving from these moments of relaxation. Enjoy these moments fully and absorb yourself completely. Then when you’re done, approach your life with a renewed energy and vigor that will help you make better decisions moving forward.

Live with a Sense of Purpose

People who live with a sense of purpose and who live true to their highest core values, rarely if ever feel depressed about life. They live instead with a passion and zest that drives their energies forward towards ever higher levels of achievement. These people gain satisfaction and fulfillment from doing something of value — from focusing on something that they’re passionate about. This sense of purpose helps them gain a sense of control over their life and circumstances, and keeps propelling them forward in exciting new directions.

To live with purpose you must first have a plan. You must have a plan about what you would like to do, be, have and achieve in your life. You must have inspiring goals with clearly defined deadlines. These are the things that will get you out of bed in the morning, and the things that will encourage you to stay up late at night. And most importantly, these are the things that will keep your spirits high when other things are not working out in your life. In fact, your sense of purpose is the one thing that will give you reason to keep moving forward when everything else seems to be going terribly wrong.

Find Inspiration in Books and Movies

Oftentimes reading an inspiring book or watching an inspiring movie could be all you need that will help you to shift your perspective about how you think and feel about your life, yourself and your circumstances. In fact, there are so many great movies and books out there about people going through similar problems and life experiences. And the great news is, that most of these stories end in happy endings. And even if your read a book or watch a movie that doesn’t quite present a mirror reflection of your life, you can still in fact gain valuable insights from the movie or book if you can find a way to relate the story back to your life.

One method that works best is to view the movie or book as a metaphor or an analogy about your life.

Imagine that this movie and/or book was specifically written to provide you with clues about your own life. Everything you see or read, simply relate it back to your own life experience and circumstances. See how the characters are working through their problems and envision how this relates to your own problems. Only in this way will you truly gain value from your experience.

Change Your Surroundings

Certain feelings and emotions are often anchored to specific environments and situations. In fact, you will probably find that you feel more depressed within a specific situation or environment. This is very common. It signifies that you have emotional anchor attachments to certain things, people and/or places. This is very important to note, because it suggests that by changing your environment you are likely to also change or at least slightly improve your emotional state-of-mind. And with an improved state-of-mind, you can begin to think more clearly and make better decisions moving forward.

Use Aromatherapy

Have you ever smelt a certain fragrance and found yourself immediately teleported to another place, time or simply another emotional experience? There are certain smells that anchor you to specific emotions. Likewise there are certain smells that have a natural calming effect on the body.

Aromatherapy uses essential oils and other aromatic plant compounds which are aimed at improving your health and mood. What this means is that certain smells can in fact be used to awaken very specific emotions that can help to improve your mood throughout the day.

Aromatherapy is a very interesting alternative form of medicine that might be well worth exploring in further detail.

Smile More Often

When you’re feeling sad, lonely, disappointed or depressed it’s difficult to force a smile. And yet a simple smile could be exactly what you need to instantly help improve your mood. It certainly won’t solve your problems, and won’t turn your life around, however it might give you a ray of hope. It might even help you recognize that maybe you are taking life a little too seriously. Maybe you just need to be a little more lighthearted.

If you can’t force a smile, then maybe someone else might help you smile. Or maybe you could read a humorous story, a joke book, or watch a funny movie. It doesn’t really matter. What’s most important is that you turn your frown :( upside-down :) even for just a couple of minutes every hour.

Adjust Your Personal Expectations, Standards and Rules

You might be feeling depressed because your personal standards and expectations are simply too high, and unrealistic. You have such high expectations of yourself that they are literally impossible to live up to. You’re always struggling to keep up with what you expect of yourself, and this makes you feel absolutely miserable.

Have a good hard look at your personal standards and expectations. Maybe they are unrealistic. Maybe you need to simplify them. Or maybe these standards and expectations were never yours to begin with. In fact, could it be possible that the high expectations you have of yourself are based on other people’s expectations of you? This is certainly no way to live. You will just end up miserable. You alone must be the one setting your own personal standards and expectations. Don’t allow other people to do this for you.

On the other hand, it’s very possible that your personal standards are simply too low. You don’t expect much of yourself, and therefore there is a lack of excitement about the future. In fact, it doesn’t take a lot to make you feel miserable. For instance someone indirectly criticizes you about something relatively insignificant, and this immediately ruins your day and destroys your mood.

Your rules for feeling good about yourself are very weak and unreasonable. The smallest of problems can destroy any hope you had for the future. This is certainly no way to live. You must instead learn from people who don’t get discouraged with trivial matters, and who can find pleasure and happiness in the simplest of things.

Accept Life’s Peaks and Valleys

You will not always be happy and things will not always work-out in your favor. Likewise you will not always be sad and things will at times work-out in your favor. This is the reality of life that all of us must accept.

Life will take you through endless peaks and valleys. But it’s not so much what happens to you but rather how you respond to what happens that makes all the difference in the end.

You are feeling depressed because you have responded to the perceived “valleys” of your experience in a negative way. Another person might in fact see these “valleys” as blessings and opportunities. However, you have decided to view and respond to them rather differently. It’s your response to what has happened that has made all the difference.

Accept the fact that you will experience emotional lows. This is unavoidable. Yet you must also accept that the depths of your emotional experiences are completely in your hands. How deep you go is based on your perspective and how you handle the problems that life throws your way.

Become an Active Problem Solver

Instead of just accepting life as it is, become an active problem solver. Everything is a problem and you are the detective who must solve it. Ask yourself:

What is causing my concerns?

How could I potentially overcome this problem?

Who could potentially help me?

What creative solutions come to mind?

When you’re feeling depressed, you tend to accept your circumstances and continuously wallow in self-pity. However, when you become an active problem solver, you are always asking insightful questions about your life and circumstances. These questions help move you forward. You are no longer accepting where you are physically and emotionally. Instead, you are looking forward for answers and opportunities that will allow you to take the next steps along your journey.

Learn a New Skill

Learning a new skill can potentially open up a whole new world of possibilities and opportunities. The knowledge and experience you gain can dramatically shift your perspective and view of the world. In fact, taking the time to learn a key skill can open the door to a new career path, a better relationship, to a wider network of connections, and so much more.

Decide today what new skill you will begin focusing on over the coming weeks and months, and engross yourself fully within this new adventure.

Seek Out Spiritual Connection

When faced with emotional difficulties, it’s sometimes hard to find the strength you need to continue moving forward. And yet, finding this strength is paramount because it is the one thing you need that can help you find that light of hope at the end of the tunnel.

In such instances, turn to your spiritual beliefs. Find strength within when you need it most through prayer and meditation. Be open to receiving answers. And most importantly, be willing to let go of everything that’s no longer working for you. Open yourself up to receiving — open yourself up to a world of unlimited possibilities. If all else fails, your spiritual connection will help see you through life’s most difficult emotional challenges.

Avoid Doing Too Much Too Soon

When experiencing depression, you are likely to be in a very fragile state-of-mind. Doing too much too soon can harm you in the long-run. It’s therefore important not to try and implement everything listed here all at once. This can quickly lead to overwhelm and can create further problems and lead to more emotional upheaval. Instead take small steps daily and start simple. Choose one thing that you will work on and implement today, and just focus on that one thing. Then when you’re ready, move onto something else.

Make sure to also balance your responsibilities, work commitments and moments of pleasure. Balance will be critical for you moving forward. Balance will bring about emotional stability, and will provide you with the foundation you need to make the most effective decisions moving forward to help you move away from depression and into a more empowering state-of-mind.

Are You Feeling Lonely?

Have you ever felt isolated, unwanted, unloved, and/or unimportant? That’s what loneliness kind of feels like. You feel as though you are shut-off from the world you so desperately want to be a part of.

Loneliness affects people from all walks of life — even people who on the surface don’t appear to be lonely. They have many friends and plenty of people who care about them, and yet they feel lonely and isolated. They feel as though they are emotionally disconnected from the world and their surroundings, and they have difficulty making the necessary changes to improve their state-of-being.

Loneliness isn’t something you feel all of a sudden when you wake up one morning. It is something that grows and develops over time. It’s therefore not one thing, but rather a combination of things, experiences and individual moments that come together and eventually lead to the feelings of loneliness. For instance the loneliness you are feeling could be the result of hurt feelings, of persistent rejection, of ongoing criticism, or of neglect. Feelings of loneliness can also result from a broken heart, from losing someone you love, from a lack of meaningful social relations, or as a result of a social fear that leads to shyness.

Loneliness is not a pleasant experience. It can make you feel very sad and isolated, and can even lead to depression and thoughts of suicide. It’s therefore a very serious experience that you must work to overcome. However, loneliness is really only a state-of-mind. You are feeling lonely because you are simply lacking the necessary perspective. In fact, there are other people in exactly your shoes who are going through similar experiences, and yet they feel empowered and excited. They don’t label themselves and being lonely. They instead embrace moments of solitude for self-reflection and for self-improvement.

Periods of loneliness are often unavoidable, inescapable and are actually a normal and natural part of life. In reality, these moments are not moments of loneliness, but rather moments that allow you to be with yourself and your own thoughts and feelings. In fact, sometimes we all need periods of solitude. These moments provide you with the personal space you need to ponder and reflect on your choices, decisions and actions, and to gain perspective and clarity about your life and circumstances. What this means is that loneliness is not a condition you fall into, it is rather a state-of-being you choose to experience at any one moment in time. And if it’s something you are choosing to do, then it also means you can choose otherwise.

Overcoming Feelings of Loneliness

Overcoming the feelings of loneliness is never an easy process. You will need to be open to change and open to new experiences and perspectives. Sometimes people find themselves caught so profoundly within their own experience of loneliness that it’s as though they are living on the very bottom of a deep dark well — isolated from the entire world. Climbing out often takes a herculean effort. However, it shouldn’t be like this. You are not stuck on the bottom of a deep dark well. In fact, if you want to use a metaphor, then loneliness is much like being caught up in a muddy pit of quicksand. Yes, you might be stuck, however you are far from isolated. There are people all around you who are willing to give you a helping hand to pull you out of the mud. All you need to do is reach out and open yourself up to the possibilities.

Here is a four step process you can use to help you overcome your feelings of loneliness.

Step One

Your very first step is to acknowledge that you are feeling lonely. Denying the fact that you are feeling lonely will only hinder your progress.

It’s important to remind yourself that loneliness isn’t so much about isolation. It’s rather about an emotional disconnect you have with the world and the people around you. This is what is manifesting in your life as loneliness. And this is what you must acknowledge and own up to.

Step Two

Next you must evaluate your circumstances. Ask yourself:

Why am I feeling lonely?

When specifically do I feel lonely?

Where specifically do I feel lonely?

Where am I feeling lonely most often?

These four questions are very important because they help you highlight the reasons why you are feeling lonely and the conditions within which you are feeling most alone. You might actually be surprised with your responses. You probably don’t feel equally lonely all the time. There are most likely periods and moments throughout your day or week where you are feeling more lonely and isolated. It’s very important to clarify these areas because within the answers to these questions lie the solutions you are searching for to help you overcome your feelings of loneliness. For instance, maybe you should focus on spending more time on the areas where you are feeling more connected and less lonely, while avoiding wherever possible the specific situations and circumstances that lead to periods of loneliness.

Let’s now evaluate how you got to this place of loneliness. Ask yourself:

What events and circumstances led me to this place of loneliness?

What could I have done differently at the time to potentially avoid this situation?

What can I learn from this experience?

Knowing this, what could I now do to feel less lonely?

There will be a set of specific events and circumstances that have led you to these feelings of loneliness. Keep in mind that it often won’t be one single event, but rather a culmination of events. Also it’s important to remember that your loneliness is a state-of-mind. It’s therefore not so much what happened to you that matters, but rather a result of how you perceived and responded to what happened at the time. And all this has to do with the expectations you have of yourself and possibly of other people. Ask yourself:

What expectations do I have?

What expectations do I have of myself?

What expectations do I have of other people?

Are these expectations realistic and achievable?

What are more realistic expectations that would help me feel less lonely in this situation?

Your expectations are shaping how you view your world. In fact, your expectations are shaping your view of reality and thusly influencing how you feel at any one moment in time. Maybe you are emotionally disconnected from the world because you have unrealistic expectations about yourself, about your circumstances and/or about other people? If this sounds like you, then commit yourself today to be more realistic in the way you think about and approach the world around you.

Step Three

When you’re feeling lonely, it’s easy to blame yourself for your problems, for your failures, and for your inadequacies. It’s just so easy to wallow in self-pity and use this as an excuse to emotionally disconnect yourself with the rest of the world. This is certainly no way to live, and will only hurt you in the long-run.

Stop wallowing in self-pity, and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Blaming yourself for your problems is admirable. However, you’re going about it the wrong way. It’s not about blame, but rather about taking full responsibility for your life and circumstances. And when you take responsibility you are at that moment taking conscious control over your life, choices, decisions and actions. You are putting yourself in the driver’s seat, and placing your destiny in the palm of your hands.

Likewise, immediately stop comparing yourself with other people. Yes, other people might have more friends, deeper emotional relationships, and seem to be very happy and fulfilled. At least on the surface it seems this way. However, maybe below the surface things are very different. However, no matter what the truth is, it shouldn’t be any of your business. Focus on yourself. Focus on your own life, and only compare yourself to the best you can be at any moment in time. In fact, strive to do something more tomorrow. Strive to be better and take a step forward to develop deeper emotional bonds and connections with other people. One small step at a time is what you need to overcome your feelings of loneliness.

Step Four

This is where you must now take full responsibility for your decisions and for your life moving forward. There are no more excuses. You have all the information you need and the perspective required that will allow you to take positive action to improve your life. So the question remains, how will you go about this process?

For starters, remind yourself that nothing happens over night. You won’t suddenly overcome your feelings of loneliness in one day. This is a process that takes time. In fact, it is preferable to take small and gradual steps instead of big leaps of faith. Taking big leaps can quickly get overwhelming and might even force you back into your comfort zone.

To begin with, begin connecting with the natural world. Go for a walk and connect with nature. Walk in the park, play with some animals, smell some flowers and just explore the flora and fauna. As you go about this task, you might quickly realize that the natural world is never lonely. There’s just so much going on. Everything is interconnected. Nature flows and breathes as one organism. In fact, you are part of that organism. You are an extension of the natural world. You are one with that world. Feel the energy and the love as you explore your natural environment. This alone will immediately help you feel less lonely.

Once you have regained your connection with the natural world, it’s now time to connect with other people. However, don’t just connect with anyone. Make sure you connect with positive and inspiring people who have a zest for life and a passionate reason for living. Connect with people who share your beliefs and values, who have similar interests and goals. These are the people who will add the greatest value to your life. And these are the people with whom you can begin creating strong emotional bonds.

You can connect with like-minded people at the local supermarket, by joining a club or group, by walking in the park, by volunteering your time to a good cause, by talking with a random stranger on the street, or even connecting with people online. However, if you do decide to connect with people online, be sure that there’s also the possibility to meet offline. Only through direct face-to-face interaction will you develop strong emotional connections with others that will help you to overcome your feelings of loneliness. In the end your goal is to build strong and lasting friendships. It’s the friendships that stand the test of time that will successfully pull you out of the doldrums of loneliness.

Dealing with Loneliness

Loneliness doesn’t need to be a part of your life. In fact, it will be very difficult for you to feel lonely if you’re connecting on an emotional level with your environment, with other people, and with the world around you. However, establishing this connection can take some time. It will require you break out of old and limiting habits, thoughts and patterns of behavior. It will require some effort and you might very well need to push yourself outside your comfort zone at times in order to establish these emotional connections. However, the process will be valuable, and you will reap the rewards as you develop a healthier relationships with yourself, with others and with the world around you.

Let’s take a long-term outlook on your journey from loneliness and into a emotionally connected world. Here are some suggestions to get you started on this new adventure:

Find Hope and Courage

For the journey ahead, you will need to cultivate hope and courage. You will need courage to help you stretch your comfort zone and take the necessary risks to go out into the world and do things that might very well make you feel somewhat uncomfortable. However, courage alone might not provide you with enough forward momentum. It’s during these moments you will also need to find hope to get you through the most difficult moments along your journey.

Hope will provide you with the ray of light at the end of the tunnel. It seems so far away and so out of reach. But you know its there. And you know that if you just keep moving forward courageously through the darkness that you will eventually get there, and it will all be worthwhile in the end.

Cultivate Gratitude

This journey out of loneliness will certainly not be easy. You may struggle, and at times things will not go your way. As such, when things are at their worst, you will need to find even more strength to keep moving forward. And you will find this strength by turning to gratitude to help steer you in the right direction.

To bring a sense of gratitude into your life, ask yourself:

What am I grateful for?

Why am I grateful for these things?

What benefit do these things bring into my life?

Why is all this important?

How does all this make me feel?

Gratitude will remind you of what’s most important. It will help “ground” you, and allow you to build a stronger foundation moving forward. Gratitude may even help you awaken the confidence within yourself to keep going, to keep persisting during difficult moments along your journey.

Keep Yourself Involved and Active

In order to overcome the feelings of loneliness in the long-run, it’s absolutely paramount that you keep yourself involved and active every single day. This is important, because when you’re involved and active you will have no time to think about the feelings of loneliness. In fact, the act of participation and movement will immediately involve your emotions. Once your emotions are involved and connected with the world around you, there is no room for loneliness. It will suddenly become much easier to connect with other people, to build friendships, strong bonds, and also to just simply enjoy more of life.

Keeping yourself involved and active might mean participating within community events. It might mean partaking in your favorite hobbies, sports, and fitness classes. It might mean joining a gym or getting involved in an outdoor activity with some friends. It could mean volunteering your time to a worthy charity or cause that you would like to support. It could also mean helping a stranger or friend in some way. In fact, in the end it all comes down to being more helpful, useful and adding more value to other people’s lives. And the irony of all this is that you also add more value to your life. Suddenly everything seems different and life seems well worth living.

Nurture Your Creativity

Your creativity is at the heart of your passions, dreams and aspirations. When you express yourself creatively you immediately begin feeling better about yourself; you immediately begin feeling better about life. In fact, all of a sudden you develop a zest for life and this helps you connect emotionally with the environment and your surroundings.

Finding that creative spark and expressing your creativity might not be easy at first. You might in fact find that there is some resistance. You are coming from a lonely place, and it’s therefore difficult to consciously break out of this cycle. And it’s of course important not to force things. Creativity can’t be forced. It is something that must come from within you naturally and effortlessly.

To release your creativity, you need to first settle your mind and relax your body. Do something that brings you pleasure. Listen to your favorite music, or watch an inspiring documentary or film. Or maybe all you need is to simply step out into the world and go for a walk in the park. While you’re there, observe your surroundings, connect with nature, watch the people around you. It’s during these moments where you will find your creative spark, or in other words: the inspiration you need to begin focusing on something you’re passionate about.

You can also find ways to spark your creativity by taking classes. For instance taking a dance class, a music class, a writing class or an art class can do wonders to help you relax your mind and begin connecting with the creative part of your being. It’s no doubt a process that can’t be rushed, and as such it will take time. However, your patience will be rewarded ten-fold once you being tuning-in to the creative part of yourself.

Develop Your Social Skills

Feeling lonely doesn’t mean that you don’t have very good social skills. You might in fact be very competent within the social arena. However, feeling lonely means that you have lost that emotional connection with the outside world. You must once again regain that connection, and one of the best ways to do this is to connect with other people.

It’s important to remind yourself of the importance of continuously developing your social skills. This is especially true if you are self-conscious and shy while in the company of others. In such instances learn more about human nature. Learn about what motivates people. Find out how to read and understand body language. Remind yourself about the importance of empathy and how to become more empathetic and tuned-in to people’s true feelings, desires, needs and insecurities. Also, learn how to handle difficult social situations, especially how to handle conflict and disagreement. All of these are critical areas that will help you become more socially competent. And when you become more socially competent it will be much easier to connect with other people on a deeper emotional level, and that will in essence become the lifeline you need to get you out of the doldrums of loneliness.

Finally, in order to truly connect with another person you must become more curious. You must become fascinated with other people, with their lives, with their passions, goals, and problems. This curiosity will allow you to build very close emotional ties, which could be exactly what you need during times of greatest loneliness.

Develop Your Emotional Coping Skills

As you relate and interact with other people, you will most likely face emotional difficulties. Not everyone will make you feel great about yourself. In fact, there could be some people who will make your life an absolute nightmare. You may very well be judged, ridiculed, rejected, and criticized. The world will also throw other problems your way, which will lead to high levels of stress, anxiety, overwhelm and frustration. All this might make you feel a little angry or even depressed. And as a result you will fall back into your shell of loneliness and solitude.

To avoid this pattern, you have to commit yourself towards developing your emotional coping skills. You must discover what it takes to manage the difficult emotions you might face successfully. You must for instance learn to cope with stress, anxiety, overwhelm, frustration, anger, disappointment, and a plethora of other emotions. Likewise, you must know how to best handle rejection and criticism. You must understand how to work through failure and mistakes, and above all else you must be willing to change and adapt to every situation that life throws your way. That is what it takes to become emotionally intelligent, and these are the areas you must focus on to help you develop and maintain an emotional connection with the world around you.

Avoid Indulging in Addictions

It’s easy to indulge in addictions when you’re feeling lonely. You’re alone, you’re disconnected from the world and the only way to preoccupy your time is to indulge in things that are often not very healthy, and can certainly harm you in the long-run.

Addictions such as excessive amounts of television, alcohol, sleep, drugs, food, etc, can lead to further problems and can create an even deeper disconnect from the world around you. Avoid these addictions by focusing instead on the things you are most passionate about. In fact, one of the best ways to avoid indulging in these addictions is to connect with other people. Go out into the world and give your time to a good cause or to help someone in need. When you do this, you will find that your thoughts will all of a sudden turn away from your addictions, and will rather be transfixed on helping improve other people’s lives.

Don’t Dwell Upon the Negatives

When you’re feeling lonely, it’s easy to wallow in self-pity and constantly dwell on all the things that you don’t have, on all the things that went wrong, on all your failures, and regrets. This is in essence how lonely people think. They are trapped within a world of their own regrets and inadequacies. They are reliving these experiences over and over again. And each time they relive these experiences they feel ever so more miserable and alone.

It’s important to remind yourself that not everything is what it seems to be. Yes, things might not have gone your way. However, many of these things are probably very trivial matters. They are things that you are blowing out of proportion. You are focusing on the negatives and making them larger then life, and this is making you feel absolutely miserable and as result you are disconnecting from the world.

Remind yourself that you might very well be taking life a little too seriously. Maybe things aren’t as bad as you make them out to be. Maybe you’ve forgotten what it means to have fun, to relax and to enjoy your life. Just maybe you need to start viewing things in a more positive light. And to do this, you might need to remind yourself of what’s most important at this very moment. Ask yourself:

Where am I taking life too seriously?

Where am I accentuating the negatives?

How am I exacerbating my negative feelings?

What’s most important in my life right now?

Why is this important?

The moment you tune-in to what’s most important, is the moment you begin putting things into perspective. Just maybe, what you thought was important before will no longer have any significance. And just maybe, you will stop taking your life so seriously and will begin living it to the fullest.

Explore Your Passions and Life’s Purpose

To overcome your feelings of loneliness it’s important that you find that excitement, enthusiasm and zest for life that you once had. For this to happen you will need to explore your passions and begin setting empowering goals that will move you to action. These goals will provide you with a sense of purpose. They will give you a sense of direction and can provide you with the impetus you need to step out into this world and make something of yourself instead of constantly wallowing in self-pity. However, in order to get there you must find out what it is that makes you truly happy. Ask yourself:

What makes me happy?

What am I passionate about?

What kind of things get me excited?

What goals would I like to achieve?

What kinds of things would I like to have in my life?

How can I begin moving in this exciting direction starting today?

When you’re excited and enthused about life, there is no longer room for loneliness because loneliness cannot exist when you are connected emotionally with your passions and with your purpose for living.

Create a Bucket List

If you are finding it difficult to tap into your passions and purpose for living, then your next best option is to create a bucket list of activities you would like to do. This bucket list will of course not replace a set of inspiring goals you are working towards, however it will certainly get you active and involved. And through the process of involvement you might find that spark of inspiration you need to discover your life’s purpose.

A bucket list contains crazy, fun, and wild things that you’ve always wanted to try but never really got the chance. These things don’t have to be complicated or out of reach. The items on your bucket list can in fact be very simple and straightforward. So whether you want to sky-dive, rock climb or simply read that novel that everyone has been raving about, does not matter. Just create your list of 101+ things you want to do and begin checking them off one by one over weeks, months and years. Involving yourself in these activities may very well provide you with the inspiration you need to find what it is you’re most passionate about.

Develop New Skills

Take some evening classes to learn a new language or to develop some new skills. The classes you take will allow you to connect with other like-minded individuals who are also working towards the same goals and life objectives. Just maybe these people also share your passions and you can therefore help each other along the way. Furthermore, the skills you learn can very well open doors to new opportunities down the line.

Rekindle Old Friendships

Every now and then, it’s helpful to reconnect with old friends and relations from your past. The connections you make might help bring back some fond memories of better days when loneliness wasn’t yet a part of your life. Just maybe reconnecting with old friends will help you recapture your youthful enthusiasm and vigor for life. And maybe that’s all you need to begin living life once again with a renewed sense of purpose and passion.

Get a Pet Companion

Pets can provide great companionship during times when you’re feeling most lonely. They will provide you with unconditional love and acceptance and will be there for you in times of greatest need.

Dogs in particular can be wonderful companions for a number of reasons. For instance, they can help you connect with other people who also love dogs. Just a simple stroll in the park with your dog can immediately lead to a conversation with a stranger. And this stranger may very well help remind you that even though you are feeling lonely, you are in fact not alone in this world, and that there’s ample opportunity out there to establish meaningful and lasting connections with interesting and inspiring people.

Pamper Yourself

Have you considered that you can actually be alone and spend time by yourself without feeling lonely? This is the world of an introvert. These are people who are very capable socially and don’t mind connecting with others, however they choose periods of solitude to look after themselves, to look after their needs, and to reflect upon their life and circumstances.

It’s perfectly okay to spend time alone. Solitude will provide you with the space you need to do things that you wouldn’t be able to do in the company of others. However, solitude comes without regrets or resistance. Loneliness on the other hand is riddled with regrets and resistance.

When choosing solitude, release all your negative thoughts and consciously settle yourself in the moment. Learn to become mindful — to find peace within your solitude. And during these moments take time to pamper yourself with a spa treatment, a massage, a warm bath, etc. It’s important that during these moments you feel good about yourself, and that there are no regrets or ill-thoughts about the past or worries about the future. Just be in the moment, enjoy your pleasurable moments of solitude, and once it’s over reconnect once again with the world around you.

Become Comfortable Being Yourself

In the end, when it comes to dealing with loneliness it all boils down to the comfort level you feel within yourself about yourself. You must feel comfortable being alone and spending time with yourself without feeling lonely.

To make this a reality, it’s important you work on developing your self-esteem. Improving your self-esteem will help you feel more comfortable in your own skin, and will likewise help you build the confidence you need to step outside your comfort zone and take important risks that will allow you to move your life forward in a more positive direction.

In summary, in order to overcome loneliness you must have a healthy relationship with your own self first and foremost. You must feel comfortable within yourself and comfortable being alone without feeling lonely. When you reach this stage, that is when you will truly know and understand that you have left loneliness in the past and can now finally move on with the rest of your life

Regret, How to deal with..?

What is Regret?

Regret is an uncomfortable feeling indicating that something you did or failed to do can’t be changed. It’s a sense-of-loss you feel about something. This sense-of-loss can stem from a missed opportunity or a disappointment of some sort. You are feeling uncomfortable because you wish things were different, you wish you made a different decision that could potentially reverse past actions, circumstances or spoken words. By feeling regretful you have successfully taken responsibility for what has transpired, however you’re not comfortable with the outcome.

Regret doesn’t feel good, however every emotion you experience has a purpose — a reason why you are feeling this particular emotion. Understanding why you are experiencing this emotion will help you to determine the best course of action moving forward.

Feeling regretful presents an opportunity for you to improve on past decisions or mistakes. It’s a chance for you to correct things in the future. You might of course not be able to change what happened or reverse events, however you can certainly learn from this experience, which can become a catalyst for positive change.

It’s absolutely critical that you use regret as a platform for improvement. Allowing it to take a hold of you emotionally can often lead to bitterness, sorrow, guilt and depression. Wallowing in regret will also tend to keep you moving through an endless repetitive cycle of mistakes that will lead to more regrets and disappointments in the future.

Moving Beyond Regret

Okay, things have happened, you just made a mistake or made a bad decision, and you’re now wishing you had done things differently. You feel regretful about everything and it’s eating you alive from the inside out. Here is a four step process that will help you to move beyond this regretful experience successfully:

Step One

Your first step is to fully accept where you are in your life right at this very moment. Things might have happened unexpectedly, or too quickly, and maybe your good intentions are now weighing heavily on your shoulders. The worst thing you can do is to deny what just happened. Don’t deny things. Instead, take responsibility for your past behavior, decisions and actions. Only by taking full responsibility can you take control of your emotional responses to help lay the path forward for positive change.

Step Two

Having taken full responsibility for what just happened, now comes time to assess the situation. First of all, assess your regrets objectively by honestly acknowledging your losses. Ask yourself:

What do I regret?

Is it something I did?

Is it something I failed to do?

Were things within my control?

Sometimes things might have happened that were out of your control. Yes, you might of course still feel regretful about the situation, however if something wasn’t fully within your control, then realistically there was nothing you could potentially do to avoid it. In such instances, feel disappointed for how things transpired, but not regretful about the circumstances.

If however on the other hand you come to the conclusion that it was your behavior that has triggered this regret, then ask yourself:

How did my behavior create this?

What decisions led to these events?

It’s important that you gain clarity about what exactly transpired and how you got yourself into this situation. The more clarity you have about these things, the more information you will have to work with within the remaining two steps of this process.

Step Three

It’s now time to take inventory of yourself and learn from this experience. Ask yourself:

What could I have done differently?

What could I have done better?

How could I possibly prevent this from happening in the future?

What else could I learn from this experience?

Consider all the things you could take away from this experience to help improve your choices, decisions, behavior and actions in the future.

Regrets are there to help you learn more about yourself and more about life. Use them as a platform for improvement, and not as a platform for self-destruction.

Step Four

You now have all the information and insights you need to help you lay down a concrete plan of action moving forward.

When drawing up your plan of action, take into consideration how you must adjust your habits, behavior and approach accordingly. Ask yourself:

What habits must I not indulge in?

What behaviors must I avoid?

How must I modify my approach for next time?

What new decisions will I make the next time around?

In order to avoid future regret, you will probably need to modify one or more of these areas. If you fail to do this, then you will continue to repeat the cycle over and over again, which will lead to further regrets and future problems.

Once you have gained proper clarity about the areas you will need to change, it is now important that you take immediate action. Don’t wait for the perfect moment or time. If you do, then this regret will keep eating you alive. You must decide what you could potentially do today at this very moment that will help you to move forward in a positive way. Ask yourself:

What can I do today that would help me move forward beyond this regret?

Take consistent steps to change things, and continue to learn from your experiences and mistakes. Things will no doubt be better in the future, as long as you are proactive about the changes that you must now make.

Handling Regret

No matter how hard you try, the one thing that is inevitable is that at some point you will feel regretful about something you did or failed to do. This is natural. Don’t resist this experience. However, at the same time don’t allow it to overwhelm you and effect other areas of your life.

There are actually things you can do immediately the moment regret strikes that will help you to take control of your emotional responses to the situation. However, it’s not only about control. These suggestions will also help you to lay down a positive path for change, moving forward.

Focus on the Present Moment

The moment you begin feeling regretful about something, pay attention to what you’re focusing on. If you’re focusing on things you can no longer control, then your mind isn’t being directed in an optimal way.

Whatever happened, happened. Instead of focusing on things you wish you could have done differently, take time to stay present in the moment. Focus instead on being mindful. Focus on your breathing and on what is happening around you right now. This will ground you, relax you, and help you to temporarily separate yourself from the regretful events.

Focus on Forgiveness

Now comes time to forgive yourself. Things happened that you no longer have any control over, and you must now forgive yourself. You made a mistake. It happens. You’re human.

Alternatively, you might need to seek the forgiveness of others. Do this as soon as possible even if you feel that other people might not forgive you. At the very least your conscious will be free to move forward. And if for some reason the person isn’t there to give their forgiveness, then just imagine them forgiving you.

Focus on Positive Aspects

Forgiveness now frees you up to move forward. As a result, take time now to reflect on the situation and have a think about the positive aspects of what just happened. Things might initially seem quite bleak, however there could be a silver lining that you’re not seeing. You might need to shift your perspective in some way. Ask yourself:

What’s positive about this situation?

What is the silver lining?

How could I think about this differently?

What’s another perspective of this situation that I could take into account?

Focus on Taking Control

If there doesn’t appear to be a silver lining, then there might be a way you could potentially take control of the situation. Ask yourself:

What could I potentially control here?

What could I potentially change?

You might not be able to turn events back to the way they were, however you might be able to gain some form of control that will help you to improve the situation.

Eliminate Toxic Language

Whenever things don’t go your way, it’s absolutely critical that you avoid making things worse by indulging in toxic language. Toxic language will just keep you feeling helpless and stuck in the past.

Have a think about a time when you regretted doing something. What kind of language did you tend to use during those moments?

  • If only I had…
  • Why didn’t I…
  • I should have…
  • I would have…
  • I could have…

This kind of language will only make you feel terrible. There are no solutions to be found here. You will only dig yourself into a bigger toxic emotional mess that will affect other areas of your life. In fact, using this kind of language will often make you feel so miserable that in your mind you will blow your regrets out of proportion — making things out to be a lot worse than they really are. What’s the point of reliving past events if you cannot use them to help improve your future?

Instead of using this kind of language, think about ways you could learn from this experience and move forward.

Don’t Indulge in People’s Sympathies

Indulging in people’s sympathies might initially make you feel better about what just happened, however these people are not being helpful. They are just feeling sorry for you. Unless they are helping you to learn from this experience to better yourself in the future, then you are wasting your time talking to them.

Instead, take time to discuss your regrets with close family members and friends who can help you to lay down a positive course of action moving forward. Who knows, they might even be able to provide you with a different perspective of the situation, which will help ease the regrets you are feeling in the moment.

Help Others Overcome Regret

One of the best ways to immediately get over your regrets is to help another person overcome their regrets.

Talk with other people about the things they regret and help them to view these situations from a different perspective. Maybe the act of actually helping someone else shift their perspective about their regrets, can at the same time help you to view your regrets in a more empowering way.

Living an Inspired Life

Living a life of regret for the things you could or should have done is no way to live. Choose instead to live an inspired life — taking full advantage of every moment and opportunity that comes your way. There are no regrets when you’re living an inspired life. There are only promises and hope for a better future.

Here are some suggestions to help you live an inspired life starting today:

Share Your Joys and Passions

Spend time sharing your joys and passions with the world. When you’re living with passion and sharing that passion with others, you won’t have the energy to regret things. In fact, many times the act of not living our passions is what we will most regret at the end of our lives. Don’t let this be you.

Follow Your Own Path

Living an inspired life means that you are following your own path and your own dreams. So many people are forced onto a path by others that they completely lose touch with their own dreams.

People will often say and do whatever they feel is right. What might be right for them, may very well not be right for you. Everyone has their own opinion and perspective about things. This perspective is colored by their own beliefs, values and assumptions. Does this make it wrong? Not necessarily. Does it make it right? Not necessarily. It’s just an opinion. Use it to help you make better decisions moving forward, however don’t build your life solely based on what other people think is best for you.

At one point or another many people realize that they are on a path that brings them no fulfillment or long-term satisfaction, and then at the end of their lives they look back and regret the fact that they allowed others to steal away their dreams. Don’t let this be you.

Focus on Self-Improvement

There are so many things you can learn in this world. Have a think about all the skills you could learn to master, or all the knowledge you could potentially gain. All these things are available as long as you are willing to go out there and make them your own.

Think of all the ways you could improve yourself, your relationships with other people, and the world around you. You have the power to instigate these changes today. However, many people only think about these things and never really take any positive action to make these things tangible in their lives. Don’t let this be you.

Make Health Your Top Priority

It’s so easy to skimp out on that exercise regime, or to order take-away one too many times during the week. It’s also so easy to indulge in alcohol, and to overeat till your heart’s content. These are all instant gratification traps. They feel so good and pleasurable in the moment. However, the long-term consequences of these decisions will hurt you in significant ways.

You might feel healthy and happy at the moment, however this is only temporary. Your habits of indulgence are slowly robbing you of your health, and before you know it, you end up going through a significant health scare that results in a trip to the hospital. Then on your hospital bed you will be thinking about all those little decisions you made that you now regret. But now it’s too late. Who knows if you will ever regain that same vigor you had when you were younger? Don’t let this be you.

Try New Things

Try new things. Experiment and step outside your comfort zone. Your greatest adventures await you when you do something different, something scary, or something risky. It is during these moments when you’re truly living and experiencing life in all its glory. Therefore say “yes” more often to new experiences, and make a habit of doing something new and different that can help you to expand your horizons.

In fact, welcome variety into your life. Embrace new music, culture and the arts. All of these things will help you add another incredible layer to your life that will make every moment worth living. However, for most people, this is certainly not how they will choose to live their lives. They will not try new things and will avoid variety at all costs, and instead live a mundane existence. And then at the end of life they don’t end up regretting the things they did, but rather the things that they failed to do, or never even attempted. They failed to seize those opportunities when they were there, and now those opportunities are gone forever. Don’t let this be you.

Add Value to the Lives of Others

Spend time adding value to the lives of other people in some way. This might be through a business, a charity, or simply by being more caring and going out of your way to help make other people’s lives better.

Every time you reach out to someone else, you create a new friendship and bond that can literally last a lifetime. It’s these relationships that could potentially help you to get though some of the toughest periods of your own life. However, many people don’t give enough of themselves to add value to the lives of others. Then at the end of their lives they feel lonely and miserable, and consequently regret all those opportunities they had to make a difference in this world. Don’t let this be you.

Tell People You Love Them

Spend time telling the people closest to you how much you love and care for them. It’s so easy to take these people for granted, and to devalue the positive impact they have had on your life. In fact, it happens more often than not, where you see someone lose a loved one way too soon and unexpectedly — never even getting a chance to tell them how they really feel. This feeling eats people alive, and the regrets can get incredibly overwhelming. If only they had told their loved one how they felt before this loss… If only they had said it more often. If only… Don’t let this be you.

Spend Your Time Wisely

Spend your time wisely on the most important things that have the greatest meaning in your life. In fact, if you are not living a life built around your core values and passions, then you are not really living at all. You are just taking up space living life without purpose.

Define what it is you’re most passionate about, gain clarity about your core values, and live your life with purpose every single minute of every day. Also spend your time wisely with people who motivate, inspire, love and support you. These are the people that will be there for you when things get difficult, and these are the people you will think fondly of at the end of your life.

Many people reach the end of their own life and wish that they could have spent their time differently on things that mattered most to them. However, at that stage it’s too late. They never got a chance to experience life as it should have been lived. Don’t let this be you.

Overcome Your Fears

Your fears are there to help make life interesting and exciting. They are there to help you learn new things and experience the world from a different perspective. In fact, your fears are there to help you learn and grow into your full potential as a human being. They are there to help you break new boundaries and to live the life of your dreams. However, many people see their fears as these terrible monsters that they are afraid to confront. And yet at the end of their lives they regret all the things that they failed to do because their fears controlled their decisions and actions. Don’t let this be you.

Welcome Life Transitions and Changes

It’s natural for human beings to resist the natural transitions of life and the changes that often take place. It’s often those surprising changes that hit us unexpectedly that create the biggest resistance. However, change isn’t necessarily a bad things. In fact, often it can be a very good thing. It’s the act of resisting these changes that makes life difficult and unbearable.

The one thing certain about life is that things will change. Nothing will ever stay the same no matter how hard you try to maintain the status-quo. Life is in a constant flux and transition, and so are you. Don’t resist these changes. Embrace them and make the most use of them to help you move your life forward.

Consider that in the moment, you have a very limited perspective of where this change will take you in the future. It is only in the future when you reflect back on these changes that you will realize how important and significant they actually were for your growth and development. However, most people never realize this because they resisted the changes that life throws their way. Don’t let this be you.

Don’t Destroy Your Relationships

Don’t spend time holding grudges, projecting your negative emotions onto other people, complaining, making excuses, judging, deceiving and disrespecting others. You live in a social world, and this social world is built upon the strength of your relationships with other people. If these bonds are solid, then this will lead to positive life experiences. On the other hand, if these bonds are weak, then you will ultimately suffer the consequences of a life filled with so much promise but little to show for it — simply because the support you needed from others wasn’t there.

At the end of life people often regret the conflicts they had with others and the unfulfilled promise of their relationships — desperately wishing they had done things differently. Don’t be one of these people.

Your life is completely in your hands. It’s your choice to either live it with purpose or with regret. What choice will you make today?


How to Overcome Frustration?

Are You Feeling Frustrated?

Are you feeling frustrated? If you are then it probably means that your circumstances are not panning out as you had expected. You are being held back from what you want, and the solutions you are after seem just out of reach. You’re so close, yet still so far, and still very frustrated.

Your frustrations are significant because they indicate that you are being held back by self-imposed barriers, limitations and habits. Your are the reason why you’re feeling frustrated, and only you can break free from this cycle. If you fail to do this, then ongoing frustration can drastically inhibit your progress, which can result in pessimistic thinking and ultimately low self-esteem. Frustration can in fact immobilize your actions and your process of rational thinking — thereby leading to periods of indecision.

Ongoing frustration can also trigger the emotions of overwhelm, stress, and depression. You might even find that frustration creates impatience and causes you to become more aggressive and angry the longer you struggle with this emotion. If only you learned how to manage your frustrations in more productive ways, it could literally open a whole new world of possibilities.

Early Warning Triggers for Frustration

Before learning how to overcome moments of frustration, it’s important that you become aware of the early warning triggers of frustration. The earlier you take control of your frustrating thoughts, then the better off you will be in the long-run, and the more resourceful you will become when it comes to solving your life’s problems.

Externally your frustrations will manifest in some form of resistance. For instance you might have been making some good progress up to this point, but then suddenly something happened which derailed your efforts. You understand you should be able to get through this obstacle or problem, however for one reason or another you can’t seem to fully control the circumstances, and this causes your frustrations. You’re simply not meeting your expectations, and as a result you’re frustrated because you know you should be able to do a better job.

Internally your frustrations will manifest as responses to perceived inadequacies, weaknesses and limitations. You might for instance become frustrated because you feel somewhat incapable handling a problem. You feel incapable because you feel weak or inadequate in some way. You don’t feel as though you’re capable, and yet your initial expectations tell you otherwise. You will need to overcome these inadequacies or turn your weaknesses into strengths in order to get through this situation successfully.

The Benefits of Frustration

Frustration is just like any other painful emotion. On the surface it feels uncomfortable, however below the surface it can be quite beneficial if directed in the right way.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of frustration. These benefits will help you to better understand the positive impact that frustration can have on your life.

Consider for instance that frustration is an instant motivator. Something you did didn’t quite work out as you had expected, and now you feel frustrated. You’re frustrated because you know you can solve this problem, however everything you’ve tried so far just hasn’t worked out. Feeling frustrated is stimulating your motivation to keep trying until you get things right. If on the other hand you felt disappointed or disheartened as a result of these circumstances, then that would automatically crush your motivation and hinder your progress. Therefore be grateful that you feel frustrated, because it means that you still have the motivation you need to figure things out.

Feeling frustrated will also help stimulate your imagination and mobilize your senses. The reason why this happens is because your frustrations create internal dissatisfaction. You’re not happy about your circumstances, and yet you’re still determined to get things done. This automatically mobilizes your senses to try and spot something that you might have missed. This likewise stimulates your imagination to think of potential creative ideas you could use to solve your problem. You essentially switch to a problem solving mode, where you begin thinking more creatively and critically about the situation you are facing.

Managing Frustration

When it comes to managing your frustrations, it’s absolutely critical that you stay positive and proactive throughout this process. Don’t fall into the trap of feeling sorry for yourself. Feeling sorry for yourself will deny you the opportunity to get through this frustration successfully. It will prevent you from seeing things clearly and making the most use of your time and resources.

One clear indication that you are beginning to feel sorry for yourself comes in the form of the kinds of questions you persistently ask yourself:

Why do things always go wrong?

Why does this always happen to me?

Why does everything always seem to be a struggle?

Asking these kinds of limiting questions will only dishearten you and throw doubt in your mind that will prevent you from moving forward successfully.

Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, look at ways you can successfully manage your frustrations to make them work for you rather than against you. Here is a four step process that will help you to better manage your frustrations on a day-to-day basis:

Step One

Your first step is to identify the early warning triggers of frustration. Don’t allow frustration to sneak up on you. You must identify it early and quickly and then immediately begin working through this process to help you better manage this emotion.

Step Two

There are a few things you must clarify within this step. First you must pinpoint the reasons why you are feeling frustrated. Ask yourself:

Why am I feeling frustrated?

How is what I am doing not working for me?

At times, your reasons for feeling frustrated might be very silly and strange. In fact these reasons might even make you laugh. The laughter will immediately point you to a solution that you may have previously overlooked. However, at other times your frustrations will be justified, and as a result you will need to look a little deeper into the situation you are dealing with. In such instances, continue asking yourself:

What is the underlying issue that is bothering me?

What is causing these feelings?

Am I part of the problem or part of the solution?

The final question is the key question you need to ask yourself. Are you part of the problem or part of the solution to this problem? At times you may find that you are in fact creating the problem that you are experiencing. You are therefore the cause of your frustrations. In such instances all you will need to do is make the necessary adjustments in your approach to rectify the situation.

If you’ve determined that you’re not part of the problem, then it’s absolutely paramount that you now switch your focus to the potential opportunities that you might be able to take advantage of to help you solve this problem. Ask yourself:

What is actually working for me?

What opportunities exist that I could take advantage of?

What opportunities am I currently not seeing?

How could I shift my view of this situation to put myself in a better position to spot these opportunities?

Having identified potential opportunities, it’s now time to figure out how you will solve this problem and successfully move through this frustration. Ask yourself:

How can I think creatively about this situation?

How can I improve on what I’m doing?

How could I do things a little differently?

What small adjustments could I make that will help me work through this successfully?

Consider all your options and select your best path moving forward. However, keep in mind that you might need to experience a little more frustration before you completely figure things out. That’s perfectly okay. Learn from every attempt you make and adjust your course of action accordingly.

Step Three

If after moving through the second step you continue to make little progress, then you must take time to expand your horizons. First of all try something radically different. Try a different approach that makes absolutely no sense. Who cares if it fails. The failure can potentially provide you with a new view of the situation, and this shift of perspective might be all you need to help move yourself forward beyond this frustration.

Your frustrations might also linger because you simply don’t have the relevant knowledge or enough information at your disposal to get through this situation successfully. Therefore take some time to separate yourself from the frustration to acquire the relevant information and knowledge you need to move forward. Who knows, you might even need to fine-tune some of your skills in order to develop the necessary proficiency to get things accomplished successfully.

If all else fails, then look to others for support. Other people may very well provide you with unique insights and perspectives about the situation that will help you to see things in a new way. This can lead to new opportunities and resources that you weren’t previously aware of. All of these things can help you to better solve the problem you are working through.

Step Four

This probably isn’t really a step, however it’s important to note that throughout this process of working through your frustration, it’s paramount that you are disciplined, persistent and determined to get a positive outcome. Don’t get disheartened or think about quitting. Instead encourage yourself to think more creatively — out of the box. Your creative efforts will not always pan out successfully, however creativity is a numbers game. You will eventually come up with something that will help you find the solutions you are after to get through these moments of frustration. Just keep an open mind and a positive spirit. Everything else will take care of itself.

The Moment of Frustration

How you respond within the first few moments of frustration will determine how effectively and quickly you able to get through this frustration. If you respond appropriately to frustration, then you will quickly find the right path moving forward. On the other hand, if you become overwhelmed by frustration then you will fail to make the right choices and decisions that will help you to get through this situation successfully.

Here are some guidelines that will help you to respond to moments of frustration in helpful proactive ways:

Reframe Your Frustrations

Reframing means shifting your perspective about the situation. For example you can either view frustration as something that is hindering your progress and preventing you from moving forward, or you can view frustration as an opportunity to figure out a better path moving forward that is likely to benefit you in the long-term.

One of the better ways to reframe your frustrations is to view them as nothing more than a challenge to help you improve yourself. See your frustrations as an opportunity to learn something new that will help you to lay down a better course of action moving forward.

Another way you could potentially reframe things is to view frustration in a different way. Instead of feeling frustrated, feel excited or get curious. Curiosity will encourage you to ask better questions and also help you learn from this experience.

View Events Differently

Similar to reframing, you can also take time to view the events and situation you are dealing with somewhat differently then normal. Often you will become frustrated because you continue to see things as you’ve always seen things. And seeing things the same way every time will frustrate you because you end up trapped within the limitations of your own mind. You’re unable to see beyond your habitual patterns of thinking, and this keeps you stuck and going nowhere fast.

The moment frustration hits, you must immediately get yourself out of your mind and begin viewing the situation from a different perspective. For instance, instead of seeing things from your perspective, view things instead from a third person’s perspective. This person is looking-in at what is going on and making their own judgments about the situation. Use this perspective to gain a wider understanding of what exactly is happening and what you could potentially do about it moving forward.

Alternatively you could view things from the perspective of a specific person. For instance, how about Albert Einstein, or Walt Disney, or Richard Branson? Ask yourself:

How would Albert Einstein view your situation?

What advice would Walt Disney give me about this?

How would Richard Branson move through this successfully?

At other times, all it takes is a little humor. Humor will help relax you and potentially provide you with unique perspectives that will open doors to opportunities that you never even realized existed. Ask yourself:

What’s humorous about this situation?

What are some ways a comedian would make fun of this situation?

How would a clown make me laugh about this?

How does all this change my perspective about things?

Play around with different ways you could potentially view the situation. This will help you to stimulate your imagination. And who knows? It could even provide you with the perspective you need to move through this period of frustration successfully.

Focus on the Right Things

The moment frustration hits, it’s absolutely critical that you take control of how and where you focus your mind. You can either focus on things that will help you to get through this problem successfully, or you can focus on things that will keep you trapped and frustrated.

First of all, it’s important that you focus on what you want. Focus on solutions and the things that will help you move forward. Focus on what you want to achieve and have. In fact, take time to visualize the positive outcomes you would like to attain. This may help to settle your mind while providing a platform that could stimulate your imagination. While visualizing, ask yourself:

What is my desired outcome?

What’s happening now?

How should things be happening?

What do I need to do to get my desired outcome?

Having clarified what you want, now take immediate purposeful action that will help you to dig yourself out of these moments of frustration.

Detach Yourself Emotionally

When frustration takes a hold of you, it’s easy to get emotionally caught up within these circumstances. However, “easy” doesn’t mean it’s helpful. It’s actually never helpful to attach yourself emotionally to the situation or to your desired outcome. When you do this, you rob yourself of the opportunity to approach the situation in a flexible detached way that will help you to see things with greater clarity.

The moment frustration strikes, detach yourself emotionally from the situation. In fact, take time to detach yourself physically from the situation as well. Step back or away from the situation so that you can see things with more clarity. While there, identify what’s most important, re-prioritize your activities, and search for the silver lining. Ask yourself:

What’s most important here?

What should I focus on first?

Where’s the silver lining in all of this?

How can I best take advantage of this moment to help move myself forward?

Only through detachment will you gain the clarity you need to see things in a new light. And it’s only within this new light that you will be able to move through this frustration successfully.

Handling Frustration Long-term

Frustration is an ongoing part of life. You might not experience frustration today, however sooner or later something won’t go as expected and you will experience that uncomfortable feeling of frustration in the pit of your stomach. These are the moments you must prepare for. Here are some suggestions:

Find Ways to Relax

Frustration can at times be very overwhelming. In fact, prolonged frustration can potentially lead to high levels of stress and other debilitating emotions. To avoid this trap, find ways to relax. Some people like to meditate, others like to get a message or hop into a hot steamy bath. And then there are some people, who relax by walking in nature or by exercising. It doesn’t really matter how you relax, as long as you are conscious of the options you have available to help relieve your frustrations.

Relaxation doesn’t mean that you are ignoring your problems. Relaxation actually allows you to separate yourself from your frustrations to help clear your mind. This clarify-of-mind could potentially provide you with the shift of perspective you need to move through your frustrations successfully.

Improve Your Organization Skills

There are incredible benefits derived from the act of learning how to organize your life. The act of organizing your environment can noticeably help you to improve your levels of productivity. However, there is yet another benefit that can be derived from the habit of staying organized.

When you have a clear, structured and organized environment, then you also have a clear, structured and organized life, and as a result you have a clear, structured and organized mind. When you’re organized you think about things differently, and as a result you will approach your frustrations in a more structured and organized way. This can help you to think more clearly and effectively about the frustrating events and circumstances of your life. Likewise it can also help you to overcome your frustrations with greater ease.

All of this comes back to simplification. Spend time simplifying your life, your actions, your behaviors, your decisions and your thought process. Often your frustrations will build-up because your life is just too complicated. There are so many things happening, and you just can’t see the forest through the trees. No wonder you’re frustrated. Taking time to simplify your life will help to minimize the impact of frustration.

Collect the Necessary Resources

There are certain things in life that are certain. You will eventually die, you will pay taxes, and you will need to deal with ongoing problems. In fact, you are dealing with problems on a daily basis. Some of them you have a relatively good grasp of, while others are still a work in progress.

In order to handle frustration in the long-term, you must identify what kind of problems you are likely to face in the future, and then figure out what resources you might need, e.g. knowledge, skills, money, support, etc. to help you solve these problems successfully.

The time you spend preparing for future problems will help you to better manage your frustrations when these problems show up in your life. Ask yourself:

What kinds of problems am I currently facing?

What kinds of problems am I likely to face in the future?

What resources might I need to acquire to help me deal with these problems successfully?

The more you know; the better skills you have; the more support and money you can access; the higher quality tools you have at your disposal; then the better prepared you will be for whatever life throws your way. And better preparation will lead to less frustration in the long-term. When you know what to do and how to do it, you will never have a need to become frustrated ever again.

Improve Your Creativity

When it comes to handling frustration long-term, there is one key skill that will give you the edge you need to overcome any problem you face. That skills is creativity.

Challenge yourself to improve your creative thinking skills on a daily basis by reading books, by brainstorming ideas, and by speaking with creative people to find out how they solve their problems and get through their personal frustrations. The answers you find will help you to work through your own frustrations in much more effective and enjoyable ways. Who knows? Maybe frustration will one day become a very enjoyable part of your life as you realize that it’s nothing more than an opportunity for you to express yourself creatively.

Human behavior in different Seasons

The Seasons of Transformation

– Summer Season: A season for Rewards, Celebration and Fulfillment.
– Autumn Season: A season for Survival, Mistakes and Problems.
– Winter Season: A season for Reflection, Hybernation and Planning.
– Spring Season: A season for Learning, Opportunity and Dynamic Thinking.
  • Summer: A season for rewards, celebration and fulfillment.
  • Autumn: A season for survival, mistakes and problems.
  • Winter: A season for reflection, hibernation and planning.
  • Spring: A season for learning, opportunity and dynamic thinking.

The Cycles of Life

Life cycles through phases of transformation and change that are unavoidable, inevitable, and yet very manageable. Here we discuss how these natural cycles of life are beneficial for our personal growth and psychological evolution.

Seasons Change Constantly

The seasons of life are constantly changing as a result of the choices and decisions that we make on a daily basis.

A seemingly insignificant choice today could very well change the tide of the seasons as we move into tomorrow.

For things not to change, we must stay the same. However, we cannot remain unchanged if we are constantly making new choices and decisions about our life conditions and circumstances.

Life is all about change, we are constantly changing, and our circumstances are simply a reflection of these natural evolutionary steps.

Seasons Transition Naturally

The seasons of lLife transition naturally from one phase to another as a result of the thoughts, values and beliefs we have consistently cultivated in our minds.

The Summer season brings happiness; the Autumn brings pain; the Winter brings self-reflection; and the Spring brings an opportunity for learning.

We transition through each of these seasons naturally, because they are simply a reflection of our human nature.

Seasons Are Temporary

The seasons of life are as temporary as the rain drops that are falling on your head, as the thunder that is raging outside, or as the wind that is blowing up the storm. None of these events will last forever. They are temporary in nature, just as the seasons of life are temporary on a psychological level.

The joy you experience during your Summers will not last forever. There will inevitably be a moment when your thoughts, decisions and actions will naturally move you into another phase of life, which may lead to pain and anguish. However, this too is only temporary, and this too will also eventually pass.

The length of time it takes us to progress through each season is simply a reflection of our state-of-mind — a reflection of our ability to adapt to the conditions and circumstances we find ourselves in. If we adapt successfully we will move through difficult and unpleasant phases quickly. On the other hand, if we are unable to adapt, then we will suffer the consequences of failing to capitalize on the opportunities that life inevitably throws our way.

Seasons Are Psychologically Beneficial

The seasons of life are there to teach us lessons about ourselves, others and about life. They are there to help us grow emotionally, physically and socially. And they are there to harden our soul, to enliven our spirit and to strengthen our emotional resilience in the face of adversity and opportunity.

When we succeed we celebrate. When we fail we complain and blame… :( but eventually we begin to contemplate who we are, what we want, and how we would like to progress from this moment onwards. These periods of life shape our character, and paint the canvas of the life we are yet to experience. Moreover, these times help us evolve as human beings.

We Create the Seasons

We naturally create and transition between the four seasons of life as a result of our responses and reactions to people, events and circumstances. This essentially means that HOW WE RESPOND to our environment will directly influence what we get back from our environment — whether they are problems or opportunities.

Self-Reflection Questions

Consider how your life has changed and transformed over time by reflecting back upon the emotional highs, and the heartbreaking lows you have experienced over a lifetime. Additionally consider your current predicament and life circumstances, and ask yourself the following questions:

Which season am I currently transitioning through at this very moment?

How have the seasons shaped my character?

How have the seasons strengthened my character?

How have the seasons enriched my experience of life?

Summer Season

The Summer season is a time for rewards, celebration and fulfillment. It encapsulates moments of your life where you have been achieving your goals, objectives and enjoying life to the fullest.

Characteristics of Summer

Throughout Summer you will find yourself undertaking the following activities:

  • Networking
  • Traveling
  • Leisure: Enjoying life to the fullest
  • Accomplishing goals and objectives
  • Taking risks
  • Taking proactive action
  • Expanding your comfort zone
  • Thinking creatively, proactively and optimistically

The Psychology of Summer

Throughout Summer you will tend to experience the following emotions:

  • Excitement
  • Passion
  • Euphoria
  • Courage
  • Confidence

You may subsequently experience fatigue and an insufficient amount of time that may temporarily hold you back from achieving your goals and objectives.

The Evolution of Summer

The Summer season doesn’t occur by coincidence. There are certain factors that come into play that naturally enable us to transition through this phase of life. These factors include:

  • Good plans and preparation
  • Solid choices and decisions
  • Prolonged Self-Reflection
  • Capitalizing on the right opportunities

Self-Reflection Questions

Reflect back upon the Summer seasons of your life and honestly ask yourself the following set of questions:

What impact have the Summers had on my life?

What have they taught me about myself, life and others?

How have they transformed my personality?

Autumn Season

The Autumn season is a time for survival, for dealing with problems and for making mistakes. It encapsulates moments of your life where you struggled to maintain the momentum that was required to achieve your goals and objectives. Consequently things started to fall apart, you felt like you had very little control over your circumstances, and you began to react emotionally in very limiting ways.

Characteristics of Autumn

Throughout Autumn you will find yourself undertaking the following activities:

  • Avoiding responsibility
  • Contracting your comfort zone
  • Hesitating
  • Thinking unrealistically, ineffectively and pessimistically

The Psychology of Autumn

Throughout Autumn you will tend to experience the following emotions:

  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Frustration
  • Stress
  • Disappointment
  • Overwhelm

The Evolution of Autumn

The Autumn season doesn’t occur by coincidence. There are certain factors that come into play that naturally enable us to transition through this phase of life. These factors include:

  • Ineffective decision-making
  • Failure to capitalize on opportunities
  • Ignorance
  • Mistakes stemming from ineffective thinking
  • Mistakes originating from limiting habits of behavior

Self-Reflection Questions

Reflect back upon the Autumn seasons of your life and honestly ask yourself the following set of questions:

What impact have the Autumns had on my life?

What have they taught me about myself, life and others?

How have they transformed my personality?

Winter Season

The Winter season is a time for self-reflection, planning and hibernation. It encapsulates moments of your life when you began to withdraw emotionally from the world and from your circumstances. This naturally brought about periods of self-reflection and contemplation where you were able to re-clarify your life’s purpose and consequently forgive yourself for past mistakes and indiscretions.

Characteristics of Winter

Throughout Winter you will find yourself undertaking the following activities:

  • Time for finding inner peace and solitude
  • Time for bonding with family, friends and loved ones
  • Time for journaling thoughts and feelings
  • Time for thinking critically, realistically, problematically and thoughtfully about Life

The Psychology of Winter

Throughout Winter you will tend to experience a mix of pessimistic and optimistic emotions that naturally tend to trigger a state of procrastination:

  • Guilt
  • Fear
  • Relief
  • Grief
  • Hope

The Evolution of Winter

The Winter season doesn’t occur by coincidence. There are certain factors that come into play that naturally enable us to transition through this phase of life. These factors include:

  • Lack of emotional intelligence
  • Reactive behavior to losses and uncontrolled circumstances
  • Ineffective choices, habits and thoughts

Self-Reflection Questions

Reflect back upon the Winter seasons of your life and honestly ask yourself the following set of questions:

What impact have the Winters had on my life?

What have they taught me about myself, life and others?

How have they transformed my personality?

Spring Season

The Spring season is a time for learning, for discovering new opportunities and for dynamic thinking. It encapsulates moments of your life where you began to think strategically about your circumstances, started expanding your horizons socially and emotionally, and where you took the time to learn the skills required to achieve your new goals and objectives.

Characteristics of Spring

Throughout Spring you will find yourself undertaking the following activities:

  • Developing new skills, habits and social contacts
  • Altering personal mindset
  • Expanding knowledge, options and opportunities
  • Setting goals
  • Thinking strategically, tactically, and insightfully

The Psychology of Spring

Throughout Spring you will tend to experience the following emotions:

  • Love
  • Trust
  • Joy
  • Gratitude
  • Appreciation

The Evolution of Spring

The Spring season doesn’t occur by coincidence. There are certain factors that come into play that naturally enable us to transition through this phase of life. These factors include:

  • Enhanced self-belief
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Solid reflection time that enables you to clarify what you want most in life

Self-Reflection Questions

Reflect back upon the Spring seasons of your life and honestly ask yourself the following set of questions:

What impact have the Springs had on my life?

What have they taught me about myself, life and others?

How have they transformed my personality?

Final Thoughts

The Seasons of life are about transformation and change. Moreover, they are about the process of effectively transitioning from one set of conditions or circumstances to another — enabling us to learn, grow and consequently reap the rewards that life eventually brings our way.

The Seasons of life don’t necessarily cycle from Summer to Autumn to Winter to Spring, and then back to Summer once again. They can transition any-which-way depending on the emotional choices and decisions we make on a daily basis.

In the end life is about transition, about change and most importantly about transformation. Every experience — no matter how we perceive it — helps us grow and develop psychologically on many levels of awareness, which consequently paves the way for ever richer experiences that will enable us to overcome the obstacles and challenges that life inevitably throws our way.

I hope you enjoyed this post. If you have any further queries or questions, or would like to share your experiences about this topic, than please do so in the comments section below.

ارحموا المريض النفسى وأسرته يرحمكم الله

اتصل بى الكثير من الأطباء النفسيين وأسر المرضى النفسيين وهم فى حالة من الغضب للإسفاف والجهل العلمى الذى يقدمه مضمون أحد المسلسلات الرمضانية؛ حيث إن به إساءة للمريض النفسى، والطبيب النفسى، وكذلك القائمين على إدارة مستشفيات الطب النفسى.

فالمسلسل يتنافى مع ميثاق الأمم المتحدة لحقوق المريض النفسى، وميثاق أخلاقيات الجمعية العالمية للطب النفسى. إنه هدر لكرامة المريض النفسى أن يتناوله الإعلام بهذا القدر من السخرية، والمؤامرة، والاستخفاف، والبعد عن الحقيقة العلمية. هل يعلم المسئولون عن المسلسل أنه يوجد قانون مصرى لرعاية المريض النفسى فى مصر؟ هل يعلمون أنه يوجد مجلس قومى للصحة النفسية يباشر علاج المريض النفسى سواء كان متطوعاً أو إلزامياً، وأنه يوجد ضوابط لحقوق المريض النفسى ومتابعة علاجه، ويشرف على تنفيذه ثلاثة من الأطباء النفسيين المستقلين سواء فى المستشفيات الحكومية أو الخاصة، هل يعرفون أنه يوجد صندوق خاص فى كل المستشفيات النفسية لشكاوى المرضى يشرف عليها المجلس القومى للصحة النفسية؟ هل يعلمون أنه لا يوجد أى علاج طبى استمر لمدة سبعين عاماً إلا الأسبرين والعلاج الكهربائى؟ إن صدمات الكهرباء توقفت منذ خمسين عاماً وبعدها جاءت الجلسات التشنجية، ثم بعدها بعشر سنوات استُخدمت جلسات تنظيم إيقاع المخ تحت تأثير المخدر وراخى للعضلات، ولا يحدث سوى ارتجاف العين وبعدها بعشر دقائق يشرب المريض الشاى ويمارس حياته بشكل طبيعى جداً. إن جلسات تنظيم إيقاع المخ هو الاسم الموجود فى قانون رعاية المريض النفسى، وإن هذا العلاج يعطى فى كل مراكز الطب فى العالم، ويُعتبر من أحسن علاجات الاكتئاب والهوس وبعض أنواع الفصام. وإن هذا العلاج ليس عقاباً كما يشير إليه المسلسل بل هو علاج ناجح وإعطاؤه يحتاج لموافقة المريض وأسرته بعد شرح مفصل لطبيعة الجلسات ودواعى استخدامها للمريض، بل هو بمثابة العلاج الأمثل للأفكار الانتحارية.

إن هدف هذا المسلسل هو زيادة وصمة المريض النفسى، وازدياد تخوف الأسر والمريض النفسى من العلاج مما سيزيد من المعاناة ونسب الانتحار.

إن الجمعية المصرية للطب النفسى تدين هذا المسلسل الذى يدل على الجهل العام بعلوم الطب النفسى الحديث.

وقد اعتادت الجمعية المصرية للطب النفسى أن تشرف على أى فيلم أو مسلسل يمس حياة المرضى النفسيين لكى يتوافر فيه العلم والمعرفة وألا يقوم على جهل تام بهذا النوع من المرض لأنه لا توجد أسرة ليس بها مريض نفسى، ولذا فقد أساء هذا المسلسل لحقوق واحترام المريض النفسى كما أساء لجميع القائمين على العلاج النفسى، لا يصح أن تكون الأمراض النفسية مجالاً للتسلية والسخرية لأن هذه الأمراض مثل السرطان والقلب.. هل تسخرون من هؤلاء المرضى؟ هل يصح التلاعب بقيم هؤلاء الذين ابتلاهم الله بهذه المعاناة؟

إننى أربأ بالمشاهدين عن متابعة هذا الإسفاف ويجب الاعتذار من جانب المسئولين عن هذا المسلسل فى بدء العرض، بأن هذا المسلسل من وحى خيال المؤلف أو المنتج المريض وليس له علاقة بالواقع أو العلم أو الطب النفسى.

وستلجأ الجمعية المصرية للطب النفسى ونقابة الأطباء للقضاء المستعجل لإيقاف هذا الإسفاف المبنى على الحصول على مكاسب مادية، وذلك على حساب إهانة المريض والطبيب النفسى.

ارحموا المريض النفسى وأسرته يرحمكم الله!!!».

أ. د. أحمد عكاشة، رئيس الجمعية المصرية للطب النفسى

what to do with people who put you down?

5 ways to deal

We all have goals that we want to achieve and big dreams that we want to fulfill. Almost everyone who has announced his goals and dreams started facing criticism, rejection and comments that have the purpose of putting him down.

The problem with such comments is that they sometimes come from close people and people you trust and thus you might find it hard not to believe them. After all according to subconscious mind programming the repetition of any statement by a trusted source will certainly turn it into a strong belief.

And if it happened that you believed those people who put you down you will never pursue your dreams and you will fulfill their prophecy!!

So how can you deal with such people?

The best way to deal with people who put you down is to not believe them but talking is easier than really doing that. How can you prevent yourself from believing the suggestions those people are saying to you? This can simply be done by understanding their real motives.

In the next few lines I will tell you why people put you down and this will certainly help you find out whether you should believe them or not:

1)    Jealousy:

Many people will try to put you down even close ones just because they are jealous of you. They believe that you are going to reach your goals and thus they do their best to prevent you from starting your journey.

2)    They are afraid to be left out:

When all people become losers those who don’t make any effort feel good about themselves but what if all of a sudden someone tried to do something big? Won’t that make them feel left out? That will certainly happen and that’s the reason why so many people will try to put you down especially when your goals are big and different

3)    They are afraid:

Not all people who will put you down will have bad intentions. Some people will put you down just because you remind them of their own fears when you announce your big plans. Many people are not brave and prefer to remain in the comfort zone and whenever they see someone trying to move out of his comfort zone they warn him because of believing that the world is a dangerous place while in fact the problem is that they are not brave enough.

4)    They were severely criticized:

Many people who were severely criticized in their childhood have developed the habit of always thinking negatively. Those people criticize themselves all the time in their self talk and they do the same to anyone they come across

5)    They can’t see the full picture:

Some people will try to put you down because they have good intentions like your parents for example. The problem with many of those people is that while their intentions are good they always give incorrect advice because of not being able to see the full picture you are seeing.

Should you believe them now?

After you knew why people put each other down, should you believe them?

Should you give up your dreams just because few people are jealous of you?

Should you response just because someone doesn’t want to see you successful?

Certainly that won’t be the right choice.

When others reject you?

Understanding the Benefits of Rejection

You are a unique individual with unique tastes, preferences and perspectives. What might appeal to you, may not necessarily appeal to others. This is a good thing because it makes life interesting and diverse.

As humans we certainly have many things in common, however, we’re not mindless robots who do the same thing, live the same way, have the same outlook on life. As a result there will be conflicts, and you are therefore likely to face rejection many times throughout your life.

Whether you’re rejected in a personal social situation or a business professional situation, you must accept that getting rejected is an unavoidable and necessary part of life. This is a good thing, because rejection is necessary for reinventing yourself, for learning new things, and for personal growth. In fact, getting rejected can be a blessing in disguise and extremely advantageous if handled appropriately. However, you must learn from the experience and look at the silver lining behind each rejection you face.

You must not view rejection as a bad thing, but rather see it in a positive light, because the truth is that rejection is critical for long-term success. In fact, people who are most successful get rejected the most often and only succeed because they were willing to risk failure repeatedly.

The more rejection you face the more valuable knowledge and experience you will gain. This knowledge and experience will help you to better understand what to do and what not to do moving forward as you work towards the attainment of your goals and objectives. All this will lead to valuable insights that will help you further your progress, or at the very least shift your thinking or the way you approach certain situations.

Rejection essentially improves your chances of success because it provides you with the feedback you need to adjust your strategy moving forward. The better understanding you have about other people’s wants and needs, the better decisions you are likely to make that will help you to better meet these people’s needs in the future. And this will lead to more approval and less rejection in the long-run.

Rejection can also be a valuable “wake-up call” that alerts you to certain and specific changes that you must make to your behavior in order to get things back on track. It essentially serves as constructive feedback and criticism that you must value and use to your advantage.

In the end, when it comes to rejection, it’s all a numbers game. Not everyone will say “yes” to you, and at the same time, not everyone will reject you. However, by viewing rejection as a learning experience will certainly help you to improve your odds and get more “yes’s” in the future.

Why People Reject You

There are a plethora of reasons why someone might reject you, and none of these reasons have anything to do with you personally. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t still learn from these rejections and adjust your approach the next time around. Every rejection will be a learning experience for you. Therefore you must come to understand what happened and figure out what you need to do to change these outcomes in the future.

Here are the most common reasons why someone might reject you:

  • Because they fear making a commitment or a specific decision that they feel will hurt them or make them feel uncomfortable in some way.
  • Because of bad timing. If your timing was a little different, then they would say “yes”. You’re timing is off, and so you experience the pain of the rejection.
  • Because they lack understanding of what you’re offering them. You haven’t provided them with enough reasons or information for them to be able to accept you or your offer.
  • Because they simply don’t like you. And that’s perfectly okay. Not everyone will like you, and you certainly won’t click socially with everyone else.
  • Because they have different perspectives, opinions, needs, beliefs, values and/or objectives. They are as unique as you, and these things don’t always align.
  • Because they are jealous of you or of what you are doing. And they will therefore reject you to ensure that you don’t get your desired outcome.

Every rejection you face will be a result of one or more of these reasons. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s the end of the line for you. You must come to understand why specifically you got rejected and pinpoint exactly what you will do differently the next time around. For instance, even if someone’s beliefs and perspectives don’t match your beliefs and perspectives, you can still with a little effort potentially persuade them to see things from your perspective.

If someone doesn’t want to commit to a specific decision, then you must figure out why they don’t want to commit, and then make them feel at ease about the decision you want them to make.

If someone is jealous of you, then you must convince them that there is nothing to be jealous about. And if they lack understanding about what you’re offering them, then you must learn to provide them with the information they need to make an educated decision.

What if people simply don’t like you? There is usually no quick fix in such instances. Over time you need to work on developing strong emotional bonds with people. Invest your time, energy and emotions into your relationship with them; respect their needs and values, and progressively over time your “likability factor” will increase and you will be in a better position to persuade them to your way of thinking.

To figure all this out you must learn all you can about persuasion and personal influence. These are critical skills that will help you minimize the rejection you face in life.

Coping with Rejection

Being rejected is never easy, however, you can certainly improve your rejection coping strategies over time. Here are some suggestions:

Accept Rejection

Your first response might be to deny the rejection, to feel self-pity or to throw the rejection back at the other person. Don’t go there. Instead, graciously accept the rejection with dignity. It doesn’t matter whether or not the rejection is justified. Just accept it as a part of life, and as a part of your experience. This is the only way you will be able to learn and grow and improve your efforts over time.

Maintain a Cool Head

This flows on from the previous point. It’s important that you stay calm and collected and don’t respond in a negative, irrational or hurtful way. A negative response here will only hurt your chances of getting the outcome you desire.

Maintaining a cool head will also give you more control over the situation. This will help to enhance your levels of confidence, self-belief and self-worth moving forward.

Gain Alternate Perspectives

Accepting a rejection doesn’t mean that you must own it. Begin shifting your perspective about this rejection in a positive way. In fact, use this rejection as a tool that will help you to build your levels of motivation and create momentum moving forward. You could even see this rejection as a challenge to prove yourself the next time around.

No matter what you decide to do, it’s important that you immediately see things in a positive light. It’s only through this kind of perspective that you will build the confidence you need to keep moving forward.

Try Again

Okay, so things didn’t work out the first time around, or the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth… tenth time around either. It doesn’t matter. Just try again. See this as a game. You’re playing a game, and things are temporarily not going your way. Adjust your strategy and tactics and do it all over again.

So what if you get rejected for an eleventh time? All it means is that you haven’t yet figured out a strategy that will work in this particular situation/game. Adjust your approach and make another attempt. Life is nothing more than a number’s game.

Engage in Positive Self-Talk

It’s critical that you keep your spirits high after a rejection. The best way to do this is to engage in positive self-talk.

People’s natural response is to get down on themselves; to doubt themselves, and to criticize themselves after a rejection. Don’t fall into this trap. This is never helpful. Instead engage in solution-focused thinking where you are learning from your experience while searching for ideas that will help you adjust your approach the next time around.

Don’t Take Things Personally

When it comes to rejection it’s important that you never take things personally; that you never make assumptions about the situation or the other person, and that you never indulge in victim mentality.

See the rejection as not something that is a part of you, but rather something that is apart from you. One way to make this shift is to view the situation from a third person’s perspective. This requires thinking in terms of an observer who just watched the event. Think like this person with an open and detached mind and ask yourself:

How would this person perceive this situation?

What would they say?

What advice would they give the person who rejected me?

What advice would they give me?

Seeing things from a third person’s perspective will also help you to work through any assumptions you might have had about the rejection. Don’t make any assumptions. Instead get hard facts about why things transpired the way they did. Keeping an open mind will help you to see the situation in a better light, and this can only work to your advantage in the long-term.

Learning from Rejection

Every rejection you face is nothing more than a learning experience that you must use to help make better choices and decisions in the future. However, to learn from these rejections you must be willing to ask yourself a set of questions that will get you thinking about the circumstances in a new way.

Gaining Clarification Questions

Having been rejected, your first step is to gain clarification about the rejection. You are literally finding out why in fact you got rejected. Ask the other person:

Can I ask why exactly you said no?

What could I have done differently?

Where do you think I could improve?

The responses to these questions can provide you with extremely valuable feedback that you can use to improve your approach in the future. In fact, don’t stop with just these questions. Ask additional questions that are very specific to your situation. The more clarity you have at this stage the more information you will have to work with moving forward.

Reframing Rejection Questions

Your next step is to reframe the rejection you experienced in a positive way. This is especially important if you were relatively unsuccessful during the first questioning stage — because the other person maybe wasn’t willing to provide you with the feedback you desired, or they simply gave you short and irrelevant answers that were of no help at all. It’s also possible that their feedback might have been quite hurtful and emotionally demoralizing. In such instances you need to begin shifting how you are thinking about this rejection, or you might end up lost in self-pity and despair.

To reframe this rejection, ask yourself:

What is good about this rejection?

How is this rejection helpful?

How would other people have responded to this rejection?

How else could I interpret this rejection?

How is this situation absolutely hilarious?

Keep in mind that your natural response to this rejection could be very different compared to how other people would respond in your situation. For instance:

How would a self-made billionaire respond to this rejection?

How would Richard Branson respond to this rejection?

These are only examples. You can throw in any name or person into these questions that relates to your situation and the outcomes you are desiring to achieve. The most important thing to understand is that there is no right or wrong way to respond, as long as your response and view of the situation is positive and helpful in the long-run.

Finding Solution Questions

It now comes time to look for solutions that you could potentially use moving forward. These are the key takeaways that will help you to adjust your strategic approach the next time around in order to minimize the chances of being rejected. Ask yourself:

Why was I rejected by this person?

What are the real reasons why they rejected me?

Are these reasons valid?

Was the approach I took adequate?

Given my approach, did I deserve to be rejected? Maybe I would have even rejected myself?

Did I ask the right questions at the time?

Does the actual reason for the rejection lie within my idea? My argument? My approach? My behavior?

Does the actual reason for the rejection come down to bad timing?

Does the actual reason for the rejection lie within a simple misunderstanding? Maybe a simple conflict of beliefs, values, needs or expectations?

What can I learn from this analysis?

Given all of this, what could I do differently now, or next time around in the future when confronted with a similar situation?

Initially you may need to spend a lot of time looking for solutions. However, eventually you will naturally have more and more answers at your disposal, and as a result you won’t need to spend so much time looking for solutions.

In the end it comes down to a numbers game. The more rejections you face, the more you will learn about yourself and others, and the better prepared you will be the next time around. More experience will eventually lead to less stress and rejection as long as you maintain an open and curious mind throughout this process.

Preparing for Rejection

There are certain things you can do ahead of time that will help you to better prepare for the rejection you are likely to face as you take risks and pursue your desired objectives. These suggestions will potentially help you to minimize the likelihood of a rejection, while also giving you the strength you need to handle rejection-after-rejection without losing hope.

Ask for What You Want Creatively

Learn to ask for what you want creatively and strategically. Don’t get caught up doing the same thing over-and-over again and expecting a different result. If something isn’t working for you, then you must adjust your approach accordingly.

Spend time thinking about how you can ask for what you want, or how you can pitch your ideas or “yourself” more creatively that will motivate other people to respond to you in a positive way.

Build Your Rejection Muscle

Take time to build your rejection muscle daily by risking embarrassment. Go out there and ask for foolish things that you have no emotional attachment to and that you know people are going to reject. Then curiously and innocently ask them with conviction, to give you valid reasons for their rejection. Who knows, you might even surprisingly discover that some people will say “yes”. This is one of the best ways to build your rejection muscle. Then as you gain emotional strength, step it up a little and risk rejection with things that have a little more meaning for you.

This is all about taking baby steps. You won’t grow big muscles over night working out at the gym for one day. However, through consistency over time, the muscles will grow the more often you work them out. The same principles apply to rejection.

Reward Yourself for Rejection

In order to view rejection in a more positive light, and also to give you some extra motivation to go out there and take massive risks, implement a rewards program for your actions. The way this will work is: the more rejections you face, the more rewards you will receive. The purpose is to reward yourself for trying. But don’t just reward yourself for the act of trying. Reward yourself for the creativity used in the act of trying. This will force you to learn from your experience and modify your approach every time you face a rejection.

Draw Up Contingency Plans

Have contingency plans in place for when you get rejected. Better still, have contingency plans in place for specific kinds of rejections that you are likely to face. This might require a little planning, however contingency plans will help you respond to rejection in a far more proactive manner that you can later use to your advantage. Ask yourself:

What if I get rejected?

What if I get rejected in a specific way? (provide example)

How will I respond?

How will I think?

What will I say?

What will I do?

What’s my next move?

The more time you take to plan ahead, the better prepared you will be when faced with a rejection.

By using these guidelines to help you build your rejection muscle, will help you to persist for longer while others are quitting in the face of adversity. And that could be the edge you need to get your desired outcome.

Are You Feeling Anxious?

Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling you have about uncontrollable and unavoidable circumstances. It’s an uneasiness you have about a future filled with possible threats and negative experiences. It can also be viewed as a form of worry, insecurity and overwhelm. In a way, anxiety is a mechanism you use to cope with stress, and potential threats. In other ways, anxiety can be seen as a low-grade fear. You’re not quite afraid, however you feel rather vulnerable, and this prevents you from moving forward.

The Symptoms of Anxiety

The signs of anxiety are quite evident — manifesting in both physical and emotional ways. For instance, when you’re feeling anxious you might experience the following physical symptoms:

Heart palpitations
On an emotional level, you might experience the following symptoms:

Feeling irritable
Feeling apprehensive
Feeling pessimistic about the future
Experiencing uncontrollable negative thoughts
Experiencing trouble concentrating
Persistent irrational fears and worries
It’s easy to see how overwhelming anxiety can become if you happen to experience a multitude of these symptoms at one time. It can actually be quite an unpleasant experience that makes you feel helpless and incredibly vulnerable.

Causes of Anxiety

Anxiety can manifest in your life in a multitude of ways. There isn’t just one cause. However, there are often valid reasons why you’re feeling anxious.

For starters, you might be feeling anxious because you have a set of irrational thoughts and/or beliefs that are preventing you from seeing things in a more positive and empowering way. For instance, you might have irrational beliefs linked to a sense of dependency, vulnerability, disapproval, defectiveness, failure or alienation. These beliefs cloud your vision, and prevent you from seeing things clearly. As a result you see what your beliefs tell you is there, even if there is no physical or rational evidence to validate your point of view. Whatever you see is true for you, whether it’s reality or just a figment of your imagination.

Your irrational beliefs can also be linked to feeling somewhat undeserving, feeling rejected, inadequate and/or feeling ashamed. There are so many possibilities here, that it’s easy to get lost in trying to figure out the actual reasons for your anxiety. To keep things simple and practical, let’s not worry about all this stuff. You don’t need to figure all this stuff out in order to control your anxiety.

Anxiety however isn’t always primarily a result of a set of irrational beliefs or thoughts. It can also result from a lack of physical activity or simply a lack of dietary balance. These two factors by themselves won’t make you feel anxious, however they do have a tendency to influence your emotional state and make you more vulnerable to anxiety attacks.

For instance, you might lack some familiarity with a new environment or social situation. Under normal conditions it might not phase you too much. However, because you don’t look after yourself physically and fail to eat a balanced diet, this may cause you to feel somewhat more anxious than you normally would under those conditions. Your physical body is weak, and therefore this affects your emotional state of mind.

Consequences of Anxiety

Experiencing anxiety for an extended period of time can often lead to a loss of motivation and confidence. The more confidence you lose the more you doubt yourself and your own abilities, and the more indecisive you become. Your indecision will likely lead to procrastination, which will cause you to doubt yourself even more, resulting in higher levels of pessimism about an uncertain future. This can essentially lead to the fear of failure. And as a result of this fear, you tend to avoid doing things you would normally do. This leads to periods of isolation, which causes you to feel lonely, and can eventually lead to feeling somewhat alienated. And in the end, all this could result in a deep state of depression.

As you can see, anxiety is the underlying emotion that sits below the surface of many other emotions. If left uncontrolled and mismanaged, it can lead you down a deep dark emotional path that will be very difficult to overcome. Therefore the more you learn about how to control and manage your anxiety, the more power you will have over other emotions.

Types of Anxiety

There are many different forms of anxiety that people could potentially experience. For instance phobias and panic attacks are two forms of anxiety. There’s also separation anxiety, performance anxiety and choice anxiety. However, for the purpose of this discussion let’s look at the two most common forms of anxiety that many people experience. The first is social anxiety, and the second is generalized anxiety. Both forms of anxiety can be controlled and managed successfully.

Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is a common social phobia that millions of people experience worldwide. When you experience this form of anxiety you will tend to avoid social settings and interactions. Social anxiety often manifests in the fear of judgment, embarrassment, rejection and humiliation.

Generalized Anxiety

Generalized anxiety is a common anxiety disorder that affects many people worldwide. This form of anxiety often results in excessive feelings of overwhelm or simply a lack of control resulting from exaggerated worry and tension about things such as money, health, family and work.

Controlling Anxiety Process

There is a four step process you can use that will help you to take control of your anxiety attacks. There’s absolutely nothing complicated about this process. However, don’t let that fool you. Your emotions aren’t complex, they only seem that way when you lose control or mismanage them. And gaining back control over your emotions is easy if you know what to do and how to apply yourself to consciously make the necessary changes.

Step One

The first step you will need to take to gain control of your anxiety is to become comfortable observing your emotional responses.

Allow yourself to feel the anxiety freely and willingly. Don’t fight the feeling. Let yourself experience this anxiety in the moment without judgment. Take these moments to observe your self-talk, mood, thoughts, and the irrational beliefs that might be driving your decisions and behavior. Ask yourself:

What am I feeling right now?

What is my mood like?

What am I thinking about?

How am I thinking about things?

How am I talking to myself about this situation?

What questions am I asking?

What do I believe about this situation that is causing me to feel this way?

If you are having difficulty observing yourself in this way, then try mentally separating yourself from your body, and then looking-in at your emotions from this external perspective without judgment. Just observe and experience how this feeling of anxiety is manifesting in your life at this very moment.

Having gained some clarity about your internal state of mind, now take time to identify what specifically has triggered your feelings of anxiety. Ask yourself:

What has triggered these feelings of anxiety within me?

Was it another person?

Was it something in my external environment?

Was it simply my perspective, expectations or interpretation of the situation?

The more clarity you have about what specifically has triggered your anxiety, the more information you will have moving forward that will help you to resolve these feelings in a positive way.

Finally, look for patterns. Look for how your anxiety is manifesting at this very moment. In fact, take all your responses to the previous questions and figure out how you are using your body and mind to experience this feeling of anxiety. Ask yourself:

How am I currently experiencing anxiety?

Is it something I’m doing or saying?

What patterns are evident here?

Step Two

Your second step is to begin gaining some form of control over your emotions and the situation you are dealing with. To do this, look first to your strengths and then to the potential resources you have at your disposal. Ask yourself:

What are my strongest qualities?

How could they assist me here?

What resources do I have at my disposal?

How could these resources be of value?

While experiencing anxiety, you will often be in a state of vulnerability where you will feel powerless to take charge of your circumstances. For this very reason it’s absolutely paramount that you tap into your strengths and have a think about the positive qualities that could help you get through this personal challenge successfully. If you find this difficult to do, then reflect back on your past and think about the qualities and strengths that have served you before to help you overcome emotional setbacks. This is where you will find your strength.

Your resources are another source of strength. They could include tools, knowledge, beliefs, support systems and other things that you could use to help find a better way moving forward. However, don’t worry if you don’t have the necessary resources, because the next step will show you how to become more resourceful.

Step Three

It’s now time to take charge of the situation, and it doesn’t even matter what resources or strengths you identified during the previous step. Your objective here is to become more resourceful and find the strength within to take control of your anxiety.

To begin with, take charge of your self-talk and your thought process. When you’re anxious your thoughts are probably running rampant focusing on all the things you can’t control and all the negative consequences that may result. This isn’t an effective way to think about the situation, and it will only makes you feel absolutely miserable.

Take charge of these thoughts by focusing on opportunities and potential solutions for your anxiety. In fact, see your anxiety and the situation you are working through as a problem. Even better, see it as a challenge and look for potential solutions. Ask yourself:

What’s the problem that I am currently experiencing?

What can I do about this situation?

What can I do to alleviate my feelings about this situation?

What opportunities might exist that could transform how I’m thinking about this?

Where can I find the answers I am looking for?

If you are finding it difficult to work through these questions, then it’s very possible that you have a set of irrational beliefs that are holding you back. In such instances you must challenge these irrational beliefs. Ask yourself:

What do I believe about this situation?

What do I believe about myself in this situation?

What do I believe will happen?

How does all this make me feel?

What assumptions am I making about this situation?

Do these feelings and/or beliefs make any logical sense?

How are they flawed?

You might also find it helpful to gain someone else’s opinion about the situation. In fact, ask them to challenge all your assumptions and beliefs about the situation and about how you feel about the situation. Having someone poke holes in your assumptions can be the perfect catalyst that will help you to shift your perspective about your circumstances. In fact, take time to consciously reframe your experience in a different way. Actually take the time to look for alternate perspectives of the situation that will potentially help empower you moving forward. Ask yourself:

What’s another way to look at this situation?

What if I’m not actually feeling anxious, but rather feeling excited about this situation?

In the greater scheme of things, do I really have anything to be anxious about?

Will all this really matter in ten year time? If not, then is there any point in feeling anxious about it in the moment?

The moment you begin thinking about things in a different way, is the moment you will begin transforming how you feel about the situation. Maybe it is excitement you’re feeling and not anxiety. And if you’re not feeling excitement, then maybe you should shift how you think about things in order to create the feeling of excitement within.

When you’re excited you come from a state of empowerment. When you’re anxious you come from a state of vulnerability. One of these emotions will help you move forward, while the other will just make you feel miserable and powerless.

Step Four

The final step of this process is more of a long-term strategy you can use to help alleviate the impact of your anxiety attacks.

In order to strengthen yourself emotionally and mentally, it’s important that you expose yourself to circumstances that trigger anxiety gradually over time in small doses. These small doses of anxiety are much like a vaccination. When you get vaccinated a small dose of the germ is injected into your body. This is a controllable amount that your body can deal with and fight-off successfully. And as a result of this experience, your body is now better prepared to handle exposure to this germ in the physical world.

To use another analogy, anxiety is like a muscle. The more you work it out, the stronger it will get. What makes you anxious now will not make you anxious in the future if you expose yourself to these situations or circumstances in small doses over time. Your anxiety muscle gets stronger and this helps you handle these moments much more effectively.

If however you are finding this entire process rather overwhelming, then begin fighting your anxiety within your imagination. Work through the things that make you anxious in your imagination first, then only once you feel comfortable with this process should you proceed and begin exposing yourself to your anxieties in the physical world. And as always, remember to do this in small doses.

Using small doses of exposure over time, is probably the best method for gaining control over your anxiety. Yes of course you can try hypnosis and other similar forms of therapy. However, the steps outlined within this process are completely in your hands. You have full control and you don’t need a professional therapist to help you get through this. It will of course take time and will require a little courage on your part. However, with persistent effort, you will make progress, and with progress will come the confidence you need to manage this emotion successfully.

Anxiety Elimination Tips

There are certain things you can do on a daily basis that will help you eliminate, or at the very least control your anxiety attacks. Here are some suggestions:

Get Adequate Rest

Getting adequate rest and sleep is absolutely paramount. You will always be more susceptible to overreact emotionally to situations when you’re feeling tired and fatigued. The more energy you have, the more clarity you have, and the better decisions you will tend to make throughout the day.

Set Realistic Expectations

It’s important that you don’t overburden yourself with unrealistic expectations. Often anxiety can arise because you are simply aiming too high and expecting too much of yourself and your abilities.

If you’re experiencing high levels of anxiety, then consider toning down your expectations. Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself that you HAVE TO get things done. You don’t have to do anything. You can choose to do this, or you can choose to do something else. The choice is yours to make. Putting unnecessary pressure on yourself will only cause you more stress and will result in lower levels of productivity.

Simplify Your Life

Anxiety can often result from having too much on your mind. This is often the case when you’re over-complicating things. Over-complicating things can quickly overwhelm you and this can consequently lead to anxiety.

Instead of complicating things, think about how you could potentially simplify your life, your schedule, your routine, and the activities you partake in on a daily basis. Simplification will bring more peace and serenity to your life, and it will help you eliminate those things that often make you feel a little anxious.

Avoid Addictions

Avoid addictions such as caffeine, alcohol and sugars. Yes, of course these are things that can temporarily boost your levels of energy or help you forget about your problems. However, they provide you with no long-term solutions. And without these solutions you will continue to go through the same repetitive cycle that puts your emotions into a tailspin.

Express Yourself

When feeling anxious, it’s often helpful to express yourself in some way. You might choose to express yourself by talking about your feelings, concerns and problems with another person. Or you might decide to just get your thoughts down on paper in a journal or in pictures. It doesn’t really matter how you express yourself, as long as you do it in a helpful and productive manner.

The simple act of expressing yourself could provide you with the insights and perspectives you need to move forward beyond your anxieties.

Accept You Can’t Control Everything

At times you might be feeling anxious about things that you have very little control over. This is concerning for you, which is why you are feeling anxious about the situation.

In order to eliminate anxiety, you must come to accept the fact that you won’t always be able to control the outcome. Sometimes you’ll just have to accept that things are out of your control, and that you will need to adapt to whatever changes come your way. Uncertainly can be beneficial if approached in the right manner, however you have to be open to the possibilities.

Accept Failure and Mistakes

Are you anxious because you’re afraid of failing or making mistakes? Failure is a part of life, a part of change, and a necessary component of growth. Failure will help you to learn the lessons you must master to get to the next stage along your journey. Don’t resist failure by becoming anxious about it. Instead embrace failure as a vital part of life that you must go through in order to take the next step along your journey.

In the same way as failure, mistakes are also important. When you make a mistake you learn valuable lessons that can help you to do things differently, and even better the next time around. Without mistakes there is no real growth. Mistakes will force you to reflect upon what you’re doing, upon the decisions you’re making, and help you figure out a better way moving forward. For this very reason, there is no need to be anxious about the possibility of making mistakes. Like failure, mistakes are an important part of life that you can’t avoid.

Take Risks

It’s okay to feel a little anxious about things that you are uncertain about. This is natural. However, don’t allow this anxiety to prevent you from taking the necessary risks you need to make to overcome your problems or attain your goals.

When it comes to risk-taking, a little anxiety and concern is good, because it will keep you wary of the downside of each risk. However, if anxiety is getting overwhelming and actually preventing you from seeing things in an emotionally unbiased and detached manner, then you’re simply not seeing the full picture — you’re not seeing reality as it actually is. This is likely to hurt you and prevent you from obtaining your desired outcomes.

Focus on the Present Moment

The moment you’re feeling anxious, realize that you are focusing on an uncertain future. This creates doubt in your mind, which can lead to fear and inaction. By focusing on the future you’re already creating all these worst-case scenarios in your mind, and this is causing you to feel rather anxious. STOP! Don’t do this to yourself. Instead, focus on the present moment. Just be mindful of the present moment by focusing on what’s going on around you right now. If that doesn’t work, then try focusing on your breathing.

Once you’re there, in the present moment, that is when you can try to figure things. It is in the present moment where you will lay down a better path moving forward without anxiety influencing your choices and decisions. However, to get there, you must focus on what’s working and how you can potentially use this to your advantage in that moment to help you move forward.

Alternatively, to distract your mind from the future, just keep yourself busy with something in the present moment. The act of “keeping busy” will help you to stay focused on the present while also distracting yourself from an uncertain future. This is of course only a band-aid solution. However, if what you’re feeling anxious about is out of your control anyways, then staying busy in the present moment instead of obsessing about the future could be exactly what you need to help you control your anxiety levels.

Smile More Often

When you’re feeling anxious, you’re probably not smiling. And when you’re smiling, you’re probably never feeling anxious.

Smiling will help you relax a little. Maybe it might even help you find something humorous about the situation that you previously hadn’t noticed. Or maybe it might just remind you that you’re taking life too seriously. Maybe what you’re anxious about isn’t worth the emotional energy and effort. Just maybe a more light-hearted approach is required moving forward.

Take a Time-Out

When you’re feeling anxious, it’s often helpful to distract yourself in some way. The distraction will help you to refocus on what’s most important. Just maybe you’re focusing-on and feeling anxious about all the wrong things. These things might not be important at all when you take into account the bigger picture, however you might need to take a time-out to remind yourself of this fact.

You can take a time-out in the following ways:

Volunteer your time to help other people.
Partake in exercise, sports, dance classes, yoga, or any other group activity.
Get a massage to help you relax and replenish your energy.
Take time to visualize or meditate.
Go for a relaxing walk, or simply lie down in the warm and calming rays of the sun.
Do some stretching.
Read a book that inspires and challenges you.
Listen to relaxing music.
Just take time to breathe deeply.
Take a hot bath or shower.
There are many more possibilities here. You need to find what works best for you. The most important thing is that this activity helps you to separate yourself from the things you are feeling anxious about for a set period of time. Hopefully within these moments you will find the clarity you need to get a better understanding of your circumstances, and maybe even figure out a better path moving forward.

Show Gratitude

Even during moments of uncertainty when your anxiety levels are at their highest, there are probably things you can still be grateful for.

Gratitude will remind you of all the good things in your life. It will remind you of all the things that you love — that make you happy. Who knows, it might even remind you that feeling anxious about some things is just not worth your time and effort.

Gratitude is also beneficial in other ways. For instance, it will immediately make you smile and make you feel more optimistic about your life. Who knows, it could even help put your circumstances into their proper perspective?

How to stop Guilt feelings and do for yourself?

Are you feeling guilty about something? Maybe you’re feeling guilty because you failed to live up to your personal expectations.

Maybe it’s because you failed to live up to other people’s expectations of you.

Maybe you did something hurtful to someone else, or maybe you embarrassed someone or wronged others in some way.

Or maybe it’s all about you.

You are feeling guilty because you didn’t keep a promise you made to yourself.

Feeling guilty often stems from an underlying sense of responsibility you have to other people. It could also stem from a set of unresolved problems, emotions and/or personal feelings of unworthiness. Likewise, the feelings of guilt can arise from your refusal to accept your mistakes.

No matter what the reason is for your guilt, it’s important to remember that you’re feeling guilty for a reason, and this guilt is telling you that you are heading in the wrong direction. It’s time to reconsider your choices and decisions and take a different path moving forward. In fact, see guilt as an opportunity for you to re-examine or correct your behavior, or even a chance to repair a broken relationship. It’s an opportunity for you to “right the wrongs” and move forward with your life in a more positive way.

If you fail to make the necessary adjustments to your behavior, and maybe choose instead to ignore your guilt, then guilt could easily turn into regret or shame. It might even lead to higher levels of stress and anxiety as you continuously attempt to fight-off your guilt from within. Guilt could also lead to a state of emotional paralysis or confusion. It will decrease your self-confidence and will also wiggle itself into other areas of your life and make you feel absolutely miserable.

No matter how you look at it, guilt is never a pleasant emotion and often has some dire consequences. However, it is an emotion you can work through successfully and even progressively eradicate from your life over time.

A Process for Eliminating Guilt

If guilt is getting the better of you, then here’s a six step process you can use to help eliminate the feelings of guilt from your life:

Step One

Your first step is to explore your feelings of guilt and the corresponding events that took place.

It’s important to gain immediate clarification about your feelings of guilt and the meaning and significance this has in your life. This is critical because at times your guilt might not be as clear as you might think. You might in fact need to do a little digging in order to decipher the primary reasons for your guilt. Ask yourself:

What am I feeling guilty about?

Why am I feeling guilty?

What is the underlying reason for my guilt?

What do I gain by feeling guilty?

Does this make any sense?

How does this guilt hold me back?

How does this guilt effect those around me?

Is it reasonable to feel guilty about this?

Be open to the possibility that what you’re feeling guilty about might not really make any logical sense. Yes, of course it makes emotional sense. However, if you remove your emotions from the situation, maybe there is nothing there to feel guilty about. Maybe it’s just all in your head?

At other times, you are indulging in the feelings of guilt because it gives you something of value. This might sound strange on the surface. Why in the world would you feel guilty on purpose? You’re indulging in guilt because you are gaining something from this experience. What you’re gaining will depend entirely on your circumstances, however it’s often something that gives you a sense of comfort and security. For instance, it’s more painful to do the thing that you know you should be doing, than it is to do nothing at all. Feeling guilty is the easy way out of the situation. It might not feel great, but it’s less painful than the alternative. At least it’s somewhat comfortable, and you feel better because you’re taking responsibility for not taking action. So at least all is not lost. There is still hope for the future. But for now, you’re just happy to enjoy this moment of comfort.

Let’s now look at the events that triggered your guilt in a little detail. Ask yourself:

What happened?

How did I respond to these events?

What do I believe about this situation?

Get clear about everything that transpired that led to your feelings of guilt. The more information you have about these events and circumstances, the more understanding you will have about what it is you need to do to move through your guilt successfully.

Step Two

It’s important to remember during this step that the past cannot be changed. No matter how much you indulge in the feelings of guilt, it will not help you to time travel into the past and do things differently. Instead you must take responsibility for your mistakes.

This is how I’m feeling, and I accept that…

You must fully accept the fact that you’re feeling guilty. Don’t deny or resist the feeling. In order to get through this moment in your life you have to be honest and open with yourself about your true feelings. That is the only way you will be able to correct things and move forward with your life.

Step Three

It’s now time to imagine new possibilities. It’s time to step away from your feelings of guilt and expand your horizons. Ask yourself:

What if I didn’t feel guilty about this?

How different would my life be?

What are the possibilities?

You’re not denying or ignoring your feelings of guilt or the events that took place. What you’re actually doing is putting yourself into a solution-focused frame-of-mind that will open your mind to the possibilities that may exist. To help with this process, you can also reframe your perspective of the situation. Ask yourself:

What’s positive about this?

How else could I view this situation?

It’s important at this stage that you eliminate and successfully reframe all the toxic thoughts you are having about these circumstances. Your toxic thoughts will only get in the way. Reframing presents you with an opportunity to get into a positive frame-of-mind moving into the next step of this process.

Step Four

Of course what has happened has already happened, and you can’t go back into the past and change things. However, there might be certain things you can still do that can help you improve your circumstances and therefore potentially eliminate your feelings of guilt.

Your first step is to identify what specifically you can control. Ask yourself:

Looking at this situation, what’s within my control?

What is somewhat within my control?

What could I potentially influence in some way?

Some things will be under your direct control. Other things you will partially be able to control, while still other things you might only be able to influence in some way. Identify each of these areas and prepare yourself to draw up a plan of action moving forward that will help you improve the situation. Ask yourself:

What will I do to make things better?

What will I do to potentially improve the situation?

What’s the most important step of this process?

How, where and when will I begin?

The answers to these questions will provide you with a step-by-step plan of action you can work through to improve your situation and thusly potentially eliminate your feelings of guilt.

The most important thing here is to take at least one positive step forward to help make things better. Yes, you cannot change the past, however this doesn’t mean that you cannot make things better in the present moment. The choice is yours to make.

Step Five

This step is all about learning from your experience and laying a better path moving forward so that you don’t make the same mistakes again.

Take time to learn from your behavior and from the mistakes you made. Ask yourself:

What can I learn from my current experience of guilt?

How must I do things differently the next time I’m confronted with this situation?

How will this help me to avoid feeling guilty?

Guilt doesn’t only result from your actions and mistakes, it also results from the habitual guilt-infested thoughts you tend to indulge in. At times the only reason you’re feeling guilty is because of how you are thinking about the situation, and this of course isn’t helpful because it influences the choices and decisions you make. You must therefore target and eliminate the thoughts and self-talk you are indulging in. Examples of some of these thoughts might be:

Why am I so stupid…?

I can’t believe I messed that up…

I don’t understand how unreliable I am…

I’m a really bad person and I deserve bad things to happen to me…

I always let myself down…

The thoughts and self-talk you generate will be unique to you and your circumstances. It doesn’t really matter what it is. If it’s feeding your guilt, then you must eliminate this type of thinking immediately from your life. However, there is no magical potion that will help you do this. It simply takes conscious awareness and then the discipline to control and shift your thoughts in ways that will help you move forward.

Step Six

Coming to the final step, you fully understand your guilt and the situation that triggered this guilt. You have taken responsibility for your feelings and searched through solutions that might help you to somewhat rectify the situation. On top of this, you have laid down a plan of action that will ensure you do not fall into this guilt trap again. Now you are ready to finally let things go.

Take time to sit down in a quiet place. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. With every breath you exhale, envision yourself releasing your guilt out of your body and into outer-space. Alternatively, you might prefer writing about your guilt on paper, and then burning the page. What you do is up to you. The most important thing is that you let go of this guilt, and then take full responsibility for your life and move forward in a positive way.

Avoiding Guilt

When it comes to guilt, there are certain things that people often do that make them very susceptible to guilt. You must avoid these traps like a plague. If you don’t heed these warnings, then don’t be surprised if you end up living with more guilt than you can handle.

Here are a list of ways to avoid feeling guilty:

Don’t over-commit or over-promise. You’ll end up feeling guilty because you won’t be able to deliver on your promises or keep your commitments.
Don’t indulge in procrastination or perfectionism. You’ll end up feeling guilty because you won’t have enough time to get the most important things accomplished.
Don’t indulge in self-blame. You’ll end up feeling guilty because everything you do, or others do, becomes your problem and your fault. This is no way to live.
Don’t associate with people who blame, shame, judge, and unjustly criticize you. These people will always find more than one way to make you feel guilty about something.
Don’t use guilt as a way to motivate or punish yourself. It’s never healthy to harbor your feelings of guilt. Instead work through the Guilt Elimination Process to remove guilt from your life.
Don’t live with unrealistic expectations or standards. You’ll end up feeling guilty because you simply cannot live up to the standards and expectations you have of yourself. It’s just impossible.
Don’t live in accordance with other people’s standards and expectations of you. You’ll end up feeling guilty because you’re never in control and you’ll probably end up disappointing people.
Don’t make people feel guilty about doing or not doing something. You’ll end up feeling guilty because you’re trying to dictate and control other people’s lives.
Don’t make life altering decisions while feeling guilty. This can lead to even more problems and significantly more guilt in the future when you look back on the decision you made from a neutral perspective.
These are the key ways that guilt can sneak into your life. However, they aren’t the only ways. You must keep an eye-out on how guilt has a tendency to manifest in your life, and then lay down a plan of action that will help you to avoid making the choices and decisions that will lead you down the path of guilt.

Overcoming Your Guilt

Guilt, just like any other emotion isn’t something you can escape from. At one point or another you will experience that guilty feeling inside the pit of your stomach. And it’s during these moments that you will need to find a quick way-out of your emotional situation.

There are in fact certain things you can do on a daily basis that will help you to overcome your sudden feelings of guilt. Let’s look at them in a little detail:

Forgive Yourself for Mistakes

It’s important to understand that people make mistakes. You’re a person, and you will therefore make mistakes. You won’t always make the right decisions, you won’t always say the right things, and you certainly won’t always do the right thing. Mistakes are a part of life, they are a part of growth, and an important component of our development process as human beings.

Don’t feel guilty about the mistakes you just made. Embrace these mistakes, learn from these mistakes, and most importantly forgive yourself for your mistakes. You will do better next time, as long as you take the time to learn from your experience.

Apologize to Others

If you’re feeling guilty because of something you did or failed do that has affected another person, then it’s important to take the time to apologize. Of course this person might not be very receptive, and may not fully accept your apology right this very moment. However, that shouldn’t prevent you from reaching-out to them. Your apology will lift a burden from upon your shoulders and will immediately ease your feelings of guilt. Yes, the other person may say a few words that might make you feel even worse. Expect that this might happen. However, at the very least you reached-out and made your point. That in itself should make you feel better.

When you make an apology, do so only once and with sincerity. Offer the other person your help or assistance, and then move on. The worst thing you can do is to keep apologizing over and over again. One good sincere apology is enough. You don’t need to keep apologizing for what happened. Apologize once, offer your help to fix things and then leave it at that. If the other person takes-up your offer, then great. If not, then at least you will have the peace of mind knowing that you reached out sincerely and tried to make things right.

Discuss Your Feelings

When suddenly struck with guilt, it’s often helpful to talk with other people about your feelings. Have a chat to close friends or family members about what happened and how that is making you feel. Who knows, they may even provide you with an alternate view of the situation that you never even considered. Maybe all you need is another opinion or perspective of the situation. Maybe you’re simply not seeing things in the right context.

Help People Overcome Guilt

One of the best ways to help you manage your own guilt is to help other people overcome their feelings of guilt.

Reach out to another person when you recognize that they are feeling guilty about something. Ask them to share their experience with you, and then see if you can provide them with a different point-of-view or perspective of the situation. Maybe you could even brainstorm some solutions that might help them to partially rectify things.

The act of helping another person overcome their guilt will provide you with the experience and knowledge you need to work through your own feelings of guilt.

Find Strength Within

You must often find the strength within yourself to overcome moments of guilt. It won’t always be easy, however an optimistic approach and a curious nature can get you through just about anything.

Optimism will help you to see the positives of every situation, and curiosity will allow you to work through your circumstances in a proactive and solution-focused manner. All this will help you to build the confidence you need to make better decisions moving forward.

Building an Ongoing Battleplan

If you tend to be prone to experiencing guilt, then it might be helpful to build an ongoing battleplan that will help you fight guilt on a daily basis. Here is a three step process that you might like to use:

Step One

Create a guilt list. This is a list of things you tend to feel guilty about. Ask yourself:

What things do I tend to feel guilty about?

What can I do about these things to minimize my feelings of guilt?

Being specific about what it is that is making you feel guilty will allow you to lay down the groundwork that will help you to overcome your feelings of guilt.

Finally, next to each of the items on your list, jot down what you can do today that might help you eliminate or alleviate your feelings of guilt.

Step Two

Create another list of your core values. These are the things that are most important to you. Ask yourself:

What do I value most in life?

What is most important to me?

How can I begin living these values starting today?

Your values are your life’s priorities. They are the core foundations that you should build your decisions and actions upon.

Gaining clarity about your values is important because often when you are feeling guilty about something, it usually means that you have gone against one or more of your core values. Something is in conflict, and as a result you are experiencing guilt. Therefore to eliminate guilt from your life, begin by consciously choosing to live true to your highest values every single day.

Step Three

Create a system or action plan that brings all these elements together to help minimize guilt. This action plan must help you live your core values on a consistent basis. It must also allow you to live-up to your personal expectations and the standards you set for yourself. This plan of action must be “priority-driven”, meaning that it must be aligned with your life’s highest priorities (which are built upon your core values). All this will help improve your decisions-making moving forward, and hopefully at the same time help you to successfully minimize your feelings of guilt.

Gain More Knowledge…

How the Need to be Right Can Lead to Guilt and Regret @ Tiny Buddha
How to Let Go of Guilt @ Deliberate Receiving Blog
Overcoming Guilt in Depression @ Psych Central
The Short and Simple Guide to Minimizing Guilt @ The Positivity Blog
Stop Using Guilt as a Motivation Tactic @ Scott H. Youn

الجمال في العيادة النفسية .. هل ترى نفسك قبيحا؟

..!! .أنا قبيح ..عيادة التجميل .. حولتني للعيادة النفسية !! انا مش مجنون

؟؟لماذا فعل ذلك طبيب التجميل؟

هل حالتي ميئوس منها؟

ان الالم الذي اشعر به بسبب قبحي لا يمكن ان يتخيله احد

انني اتجنب لقاءات الناس و المقابلات و الحفلات و الدعوات

لا اطيق النظر الى نفسي في المرآه

 .. او مشاهدة صوري أو حتى انعاكاسات من حولي .. كيف أبتسم وانا اراهم كيف يروني بشكلي القبيح

أرى نظرات الشفقة في وجوه بعضهم ووجوه  أخرى أرى فيها نظرات السخرية و الشماتة و الرثاء


هل يا ترى ما يقوله صحيح أم انه يبالغ أو انه يتوهم ؟ ولكن كيف يمكن أن نعرف ذلك و كيف يمكن مساعدته في العيادة النفسية

…كيف يمكنك أن تتجمل الجمال في القرآن

 فَاصْفَحِ الصَّفْحَ الْجَمِيلَ [الحجر : 85]

بلا من و لا اضرار

 وَسَرِّحُوهُنَّ سَرَاحاً جَمِيلاً [الأحزاب : 49]

 خلوا سبيلهن من غير إضرار

فَاصْبِرْ صَبْراً جَمِيلاً [المعارج : 5]

أي لا جزع فيه ولا تأفف و تململ

تخيل زوجة صبورة مع زوجها و أبناء مع أبيهم أي جمال هذا ,اي جمال يمكن أن يحيوا فيه

وَاصْبِرْ عَلَى مَا يَقُولُونَ وَاهْجُرْهُمْ هَجْراً جَمِيلاً [المزّمِّل : 10]

  بلا إضرار فيمن هجرته

طالع المرآة




قد تسعد بجمالك في المرآة ولكن هذا ليس كل شئ انه يعطي تأثير في الآخرين  ولكن هذا التأثير هو الانطباع الاول ثم بعد ذلك ومع بدء حديثك يتغير اما ان يزيد رصيد جمالك واما ان يتضاءل أو يقل حتى ينفذ و ينفر منك من يحدثك ويتركك وحيدا

وأمام المرآة اسأل نفسك؟ هل اتعامل بجمال أم بقبح ؟ هل أتصرف بطبيعة و تلقائية و دون تكلف ؟ هل كلامي جميل أم قبيح ؟

تظن انه ليس مهما تقصد جمال و قسمات الوجه و الجسم

أظن العصر الحديث لم يعد فيه مثل هذه المشكلات فعلوم المكياج و التجميل تقدمت بسرعة رهيبة و أصبح البوتوكس و الصنفرة و التقشير و غيرها في متناول اليد حتى نحت الجسم واذا كنت جادا في نحت الجسم فنظم غذائك بحيث يكون الداخل أقل من الخارج و اذا لم تستطع فاختر جراحة حزام المعدة أو تدبيس المعدة أو تكميم المعدة أو تحويل مجرى المعدة اختر ما يناسبك و مارس الرياضة التي تحافظ على صحتك و تحفظ لك ثبات قامتك

تقبل نفسك كما هي و لا تزايد عليها و لكن طور من ذاتك و حسن من نفسك

مهما كنت ترى نفسك يجب ان تراها من منظور ايجابي فانت جئت للحياة وستغادرها فما هي بصمتك التي ستمكث في الأرض

ابتسم في كل مرة تنظر للمرآة و أدعو دعاء الرسول(ص) ” اللهم حسنت خلقي فحسن خلقي وأعني على ذكرك يا رب العالمين”

وابتهج بدعاك و استشعر الفخر بحب الله فهذا يزيد من جمالك

شاهد الحياة بعيون مختلفة

هل سنقسم العلم و الناس بعيون الجمال فنقول جميل و قبيح حسنا ستحكم على نفسك بنفس العين و ستظن ان الآخرين ينظرون اليك كذلك

استعمل كلمات الشكر والاطراء و المديح للآخرين حينما يقوم أحدهم بعمل جيد وجميل فالجمال هنا جمال العمل و المكان و ليس جمال الوجه

استعمل في حوارك

كلامك جميل – خطوتك جميلة – لبسك أنيق ومرتب و جميل – ومناسب لك – عملك رائع ….هذه هي موازين و معايير الجمال بأيدي البشر

تعامل مع الرزلاء بادراك نقط ضعفهم:

ان الناس الذين يتعاملون بخشونة ووقاحة ويتعمدون ايذاء مشاعر الآخرين و التجريح فيهم و التهوين من أعمالهم هم في الحقيقة ضعفائ جدا و ليس كما يبدون

ان تصرفاتهم بهذه الطريقة تصرف عنهم احساسهم بعدم الأمان و تشتتهم عن هذا الضعف في الثقة و الثبات و اليقين

انهم يروون كيف سيكون رد فعلك انهم لا يرون الا عيوب الخرين .. هل ستكسرك كلماتهم

لا تدع هذا يثنيك و تذكر  ان كلا منا لديه ما يكفيه من النواقص و العيوب بعضهم حقيقي و البعض الآخر تخيلي

وادراكك يمكن ان يتهيأ و يتنظم و يتعدل في حين ان هذا المستأسد امامك فيه شئ لم يتعدل و ربما لم يتعدل أبدا

ماذا يكره هؤلاء الرزلاء

اذا خاطبك أحدهم بسخرية من قبحك أو بدانتك و عيب في و جهك فطالعه في عينه ( نظرة العين تعكس ثقتك)

وقل : ومن أنت حتى تراني كذلك؟؟ جميلا قبيحا أو غير ذلك.. أو انا لم أسألك الرأي ولم أهمتم برأيك .. أنت لا تعرف عني شيئا” أنت لا تعرف ماذا يمكني أن أفعل” لو عندك اقتراح لتحسين العمل ممكن أسمع لك..؟

سيسكت المتنمرد بعد ذلك لانه سيدرك انه لم يؤثر فيك و ليس له أثرا  سلبيا عليك  و لن يستمر في ايذاء مشاعرك مرة أخرى


تابع  البقية

Dr.Deborah Hales

Dr.Deborah Hales

Deborah Hales, M.D., director of the Division of Education at the American Psychiatric Association, explains how APA is helpng members with maintenance of certification requirements and attain recertification.

john newcomer

John W. Newcomer, M.D. is Leonard M. Miller Professor of Psychiatry and
Behavioral Sciences at the Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine at the
University of Miami. Dr. Newcomer has been a Principal Investigator on
research grants funded through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for
past 20 years. He has held leadership positions regarding clinical research
and regulatory compliance at both Washington University in St. Louis
and the University of Miami.

Update of somatic treatment of depression


  • Alan F. Schatzberg


  • Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (1991 – present)
  • Director, Stanford Mood Disorders Center (2009 – present)
  • Chair, Stanford University School of Medicine – Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (1991 – 2010)





Charles Nemeroff , M.D.

Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D.


  • Fax: 305-355-9201


  • Psychiatry – Psychiatry & Neurology




  • American Board of Psych & Neuro-Geriatric Psychiatry
  • American Board of Psych & Neuro-Neurology


  • Leonard M. Miller Professor & Chairman, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Director, Center on Aging


هكذا تعلموا .. أفكار للتعلم

المثابرة كنز لا يقدر بثمن
يقول اينشتاين: ” ليست الفكرة في أني فائق الذكاء، بل كل ما في الأمر أني أقضي وقتاً أطول في حل المشاكل! ”
فيعتبر اينشتاين أن العبقرية عبارة عن 1٪ موهبة و99٪ عمل واجتهاد. فلا يوجد عباقرة بالفطرة بل يوجد مجتهدون يسعون لتحقيق ما يؤمنون به لأنفسهم ولمن حولهم، ولا يفشل حقاً إلا أولئك الذين يكفون عن المحاولة!

وتذكر أنك إن أردت أن تبحث عن الفرص فابحث عنها وسط الصعوبات!


اتبع فضولك
يقول اينشتاين: ” ليس لدي أي موهبة خاصة. لدي فقط حبي للاستطلاع! ”
فلا تمنع نفسك من السؤال ولا تتوقف عنه،

 المعرفة تأتي من الخبرة
يقول اينشتاين: ” المعرفة ليست المعلومات، فمصدر المعرفة الوحيد هو التجربة والخبرة “.
فالمعرفة ليست مجرد مجموعة من المعلومات التي يمكن لأي منا الحصول عليها دون أي جهد يذكر، بل المعرفة الحقيقية هي العمل باجتهاد لاكتساب الخبرات.
وبنفس المعنى له كلمة معبرة جداً يقول فيها أن الثقافة هي كل ما يتبقى في عقولنا بعد أن ننسى كل ما أخذناه في المدرسة!

 تعلم قواعد اللعبة أولاً
يقول اينشتاين: “عليك أن تتعلم قواعد اللعبة أولاً، ثم عليك أن تتعلم كيف تلعب أفضل من الآخرين
وله مقولة أخرى بنفس المعنى يقول فيها أننا بمجرد أن ندرك حدود إمكانياتنا تكون الخطوة التالية هي السعي لتخطي هذه الحدود. فلا يستطيع تحقيق المستحيل إلا أولئك الذين يؤمنون بما يراه الآخرون غير معقول!

ابحث عن البساطة
يقول اينشتاين: “إذا لم تستطع شرح فكرتك لطفل عمره 6 أعوام فأنت نفسك لم تفهمها بعد!”

فأي أحمق يستطيع أن يجعل الأمور تبدو أكبر وأكثر تعقيداً، لكنها تحتاج للمسة من عبقري لتبدو أبسط!

 الخيال أكثر أهمية
يقول اينشتاين: “الخيال أهم من المعرفة. بالخيال نستطيع رؤية المستقبل

كما أن الخيال هو الدافع الذي يحفزنا لنطور أنفسنا بالابتكار والتجديد.


ارتكب الأخطاء
يقول اينشتاين: “الشخص الذي لا يرتكب أي أخطاء لم يجرب أي شيء جديد“!
وله كلمة أخرى يقول فيها أن الطريقة الوحيدة لعدم ارتكاب الأخطاء هي عدم القيام بأي أشياء جديدة!

 عِش اللحظة
يقول اينشتاين: ” لا أفكر أبداً في المستقبل، لأنه سيأتي قريباً في كل الأحوال “!

ابحث عن القمة
يقول اينشتاين: ” لا تكافح من أجل النجاح، بل كافح من أجل القمة ”

لا تتوقع نتائج مختلفة
يقول اينشتاين: “الجنون هو أن تفعل نفس الشيء مرة بعد أخرى وتتوقع نتائج مختلفة!”
فلا يمكننا حل المشاكل المستعصية إذا ظللنا نفكر بنفس العقلية التي أوجدت تلك المشاكل. ولاينشتاين وجهة نظر غريبة بعض الشيء في حل المشاكل فيقول: “إذا كان لدي ساعة لحل مشكلة سأقضي 55 دقيقة للتفكير في المشكلة، و5 دقائق للتفكير في حلها!”
