mood dys-regulation disorder: Diagnosis and Management

Professor Dr. Heba El Shehawi,Professor of Child Psychiatry,,Institute of Psychiatry,Ain Shams University,Egypt. She is giving a full lecture about mood dysregulation disorders among children, diagnosis and management. Professor Heba has a full clinical experience in the field and she is running a daily child psychiatry clinic managing different disorder.

O Psychiatrists Screen for abnormal blood glucose, diabetes!

USPSTF update: Screen all adults, ages 40 to 70 years, who are overweight or obese. Consider screening younger patients who have specific personal or family risk factors. J Fam Pract. 2016 July;65(7):481-483. Doug Campos-Outcalt, MD, MPA Medical Director, Mercy Care Plan, Phoenix, Ariz [email protected] In December 2015, the United States Preventive Services Task Force updated […]

هل نقص فيتامين ب12 هو السبب؟

كل ما تقدم بك العمر تقل قدرة جسمك  على امتصاص فيتامين ب 12  أو تبطأ أو تتناقص – و لكنه ليس تقدم العمر وحده أيضا عدم تناول اللحوم الصحية تناول بعض الأدوية مثل عقار الجلوكوفاج  و عقاقير الحموضة و مختلف حبوب المعدة جراحات المعدة بكل أشكالها الريجيم كل هذه سيدخلك في مشاعر مختلفة و أعراض مرضية […]


‘Positive’ and ‘negative’ symptoms Who develops schizophrenia? When people first become unwell Diagnosis Treatment and support Peer support and self management Physical health problems A new name for schizophrenia? ‘Positive’ and ‘negative’ symptoms People who have a diagnosis of schizophrenia at times experience the symptoms of psychosis – delusions, hallucinations and muddled thinking. Mental health […]

Psychotic depression

What is psychotic depression? Some people who have severe clinical depression (sometimes called major depressive disorder) experience hallucinations and delusions. They are said to have psychotic depression. People who have severe clinical depression are in a depressed mood most of the day, practically every day, and can lose interest in almost everything. Mental health professionals […]

Improve your study skills

Nobody said that raising an adolescent was easy, and schooling one is even more of a challenge! Parents are taking on a lot of school responsibility, and let’s face it — things are different than they used to be. How are parents supposed to know how to handle the homework load without some guidance? Take […]

آلام الظهر و غضروف الفقرات القطنية

  تعالى نكتب العلاج     اتعود تشد القامة و تكون وقفتك مشدودة   والمشي كمان صح .. مفرود     اتعود تشيل صح     اتعود تجلس صح         في الجلسات الطويلة ارجع للوراء ..كالطائرة و العمل احترس من السقوط   ممكن تنام كده الألم هيقل جدا اعمل تمارين للضهر   […]

Maslow Hierarchy for self actualization –هرمية ماسلو لتحقيق الذات –

 وضع ابراهام ماسلو نظرية ارتقاء و نمو النفس الى تحقيق الذات و لم يضع تعريفا دقيقا لتحقيق الذات و لكنه للتبسيط و على وجه العموم هو ان  تصل لمرحلة تبسط فيها رأيك و فكرتك في الوقت الذي تراه بالشكل الذي تراه أمام من تراه  و و تدافع عن فكرتك وتضحى من أجلها و و تبذل الغالي […]

Is it Psychiatric illness or an overactive thyroid?

Millions of people have an overactive thyroid gland. Many don’t know it. This condition, known as hyperthyroidism, occurs more often in women than in men. Since the thyroid gland controls the body’s metabolism, an overactive thyroid puts the body into overdrive. Some of the signs and symptoms of an overactive thyroid include: Heat intolerance. A […]

sub-typing of depression in clinical settings

Dr. Adel Serag is a senior consultant psychiatrist in Fakeeh hospital and Senior Consultant and fellow of psychiatry , Institute of psychiatry, Ain Shams University. A review lecture about the sub-typing of depression and how this will affect positively in clinical description and hence probably the medication. The lecture was given April 2015 during 11th […]

How can you help your Bipolar friend?

1. Never give up hopeLooking back, the first 10 years of my more than two decades of dealing with bipolar disorder were a seemingly insurmountable struggle, but my loved ones never gave up hope. Despite a situation that often created frustration and hopelessness, they never doubted my recovery. Today, they continue to instill that same […]

الاتيكيت .. طريقك الي الثقة و حب الآخرين

الاتيكيت           etiquet   هي كلمة مشتقة من الفرنسية تيكيت و هي بطاقة الدعوة و التي يكتب عليها بروتوكول أو نظام أو سلوك الحفل المتبع مثلا الحضور بالملابس الرسمية و يرجى عد اصطحاب الأطفال و هكذا و جرى العرف ان هناك قواعد وآداب عامة يجب ألا نحيد عنها في حياتنا  ويجب التصرف بدماثة و تهذيب خلق […]

عقار البريستيك

اسم الدواء ديسفينلافاكسين desvenlafaxine الأسماء التجارية بريستيك وصف الدواء ديسفينلافاكسين من مثبطات السيروتونين والابينفرين serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor دواعي الإستعمال يستخدم ديسفينلافاكسين فى علاج الاكتئاب الجسيم واعراض الاكتئاب العام الجرعات الجرعة الموصى بها هى 50 مجم يوميا طريقة الإستعمال – اتبع التعليمات الموجودة في الوصفة الطبية. – ينصح بتناول ديسفينلافاكسين مع الوجبات لتجنب آثاره الجانبية على […]

subtyping of schizophrenia & concept of Psychosis

Professor Ahmed Okasha, gives a hint , about subtyping of schizophrenia, and why undifferniated schizophrenia is a weak diagnosis! Ahmed Okasha M.D., PhD, FRCP, FRCPsych, FACP(Hon.) is an Egyptian psychiatrist. He is a professor of psychiatry at Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. He wrote many books and articles about psychiatry and mental disorders. He is […]

Possible Sedating effect & weight gain of quetiapine

Professor Tarek assad, explains the paradox sedating effect of quetiapine , Dec. 2012 professor of psychiatry & director of psycho-physiology & sleep lab unit in Ain Shams University, Cairo,Egypt. Explanation of the calming and sedating effect of quetiapine The possibilty of weight gain is less with quetiapine XR