More Maturity is More Emotional Mastering, How to Master your Emotions?

Did you know that your daily emotional experience shapes the decisions you make and the actions you take? It has been said that it’s not what happens to us, but rather how we respond to what happens that determines the results you will experience in your life. And how you respond is directly influenced by how you […]

No More Procrastination..

Reasons for Our Procrastination Habits For every action there is a cause — a trigger of sorts that instantly brings forth decisions and behaviors that lead to daily and lifelong consequences that many of us accept without question. For those of us who are not aware of these triggers, life can be very difficult to manage. […]

Silly question is silly Answer, How to ask better questions?

Benefits and Purpose of Inspired Questions Our questions could very well be the most powerful, motivating and equally de-motivating factors influencing our daily decisions and actions. In fact their influence over our lives is so profound that our entire thought process is completely and consistently absorbed and overwhelmed with the habit of asking and answering […]

Say it as Obama! Develop your Charisma

The Benefits of Charisma Charisma is a magnetic energy — a quality that expresses confidence and strength, arousing loyalty and admiration from others. Some people are born with a natural charisma and an outgoing personality that magnetically attracts others to them. However, charisma isn’t something that you necessarily have to be born with. It is […]

Time management.. the easy ways

The Time Management Process Learning a new skill and a set of strategies involves a process that must be diligently followed and acted upon. At first undertaking this process might feel uncomfortable and somewhat tedious. That is understandable, as anything new takes time and effort to practice and eventually absorb into our daily routine. When […]

How to Overcome Frustration?

Are You Feeling Frustrated? Are you feeling frustrated? If you are then it probably means that your circumstances are not panning out as you had expected. You are being held back from what you want, and the solutions you are after seem just out of reach. You’re so close, yet still so far, and still […]

حوار مع الطبيب …طفلي بطئ التعلم

طفلي بطئ التعلم و ليس مثل إخوته نصحوني ببداية علاج سلوكي له    حيث أن مقياس ذكاؤه يشير انه ذكي ويستطيع التعلم بشكل أفضل وقالوا لي الرياضة…. فهل الرياضة تساعد وأي نوع؟ أهمهم التوازن والثبات والسيطرة علي كافة العضلات والجهاز الحركي مهم جدا تكملي ليه كل العاب التوازن وطرقه مثلا الحجل عل قدم واحده والقفز […]

Improve Your Memory and Recall

Chunking One way to make it easier to remember several pieces of information is to put it into chunks. For example, instead of trying to remember these numbers: 2,7,5,3,8,7,9,3,2,6,5,8,9, & 5, try to remember this instead: 2753, 8793, 2658 and 95. Your brain can retain more information if you group it in this way than […]


SPEED LEARNING The goals of this course: Fast learning + increased ability to comprehend + increased remembering + minimizing the consumed time. Skills: 1) Survey 2) Skim reading 3) Purpose questions What? Who? When? Where? Why and how? this is to focus your concentration while you are surveying the subject. 3) Speculating to set up […]

فن حل المشكلات

¨ يعد الغرض الرئيسي من هذا المدخل هو مساعدة الناس على حل المشاكل التي يواجهونها في حياتهم اليومية وذلك بتمكينهم من القضاء و السيطرة على هذه المشاكل من خلال إدراك الذات و الآخرين . ¨ الهدف هو اكتشاف و تطبيق طرق واستراتيجيات للتكيف من شأنها إزالة وتخفيف الاضطرابات الإنسانية و الحفاظ على كل ما هو […]